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Everything posted by PoopMeat
True MMD. LOL VTV suggests Stefan is scared of the light bulb movie. What's so scarey about a light bulb? At that I didn't think Stefan used slimy tactics. VTV suggests Stefan was panic but the only trembling I heard was within VTV's voice. At that I find the irony that VTV is upset because someone secretly recorded him because he's used secretly recorded material against other people within TZM to justify his actions within TZM and to a outside audience. I'm glad he's got a dose of his own medicine. I have dealt with VTV for a few years and they mainly have not been pleasant experiences. From him starting a topic on TZM forum that he stickied of people he deemed worthy of blacklisting from facebook, website etc, to the inability for him to admit he has in fact lied even in the most smallest of lies he to me is the very definition of a narcissists maybe even a psychopath. Something is very mentally wrong with the guy and normally I would never attempt to tell anyone to go seek professional help but sometimes I make an exception. VTV's not terribly bad I've dealt with worst but he certainly has a lot of character flaws to the extent that I think something is mentally wrong with the guy. A good read for anybody who wants to identify a manipulative person. Dealing With Manipulative People http://www.culteducation.com/reference/brainwashing/brainwashing11.html
Anyways I was informed of some poo flinging from a individual by the name of Victor Pross. Victor I believe is a ancap who has debated TZM'ers a few times in the past. Anyways Victor is currently making a youtube video series blog which seems to be based around some correspondence and concerns with TZM mainly with Neil Kiernan aka VTV. VTV heared about the video and responded back to Victor's video with a blog. While I was reading through VTV's responce to Victor Pross youtube series, VTV hit upon the Stefan and stormcloudgathering debate in a screen grab he took. In the screen grab Neil makes a claim that he knows Stefan is lying about not watching the light bulb documentary before debating with SCG and has "squirmed" out of responding about the documentary. Which is weird because in the SCG debate video with Stefan, after the discussion between Stefan had with VTV, I thought VTV concluded that Stefan never watched the light bulb documentary. VTV even said in the discussion that he does not beleive Stefan is lying yet the screen grab would suggest otherwise. So why would VTV simply make up a claim that Stefan has watched the light bulb documentary? Is he intentionally lying? What made VTV come back to the conclusion that Stefan had seen the blub documentary before debating SCG and that now Stefan is lying? It's possible I'm misunderstanding something, maybe VTV could elaborate on this... I've heard of the light bulb documentary only after I started a topic on skepticproject.com at which SP.om members debunked the notion that planned obsolescence is not a good way to run a business. To elaborate any business that has a business strategy with planned obsolescence in mind would soon fail do to outside competition. Soon after I posted about that topic, I got hate mail which directed me to the 100 year light bulb documentary but still to this day have not watched it. As far as the Victor Pross youtube series I thought the guy just wanted to make a video blog and get things that concerned him off his mind. Although VTV is allowed to respond to the videos, I thought it was immature of VTV to start to attack and even shame Victor. Though I'm not surprized with what VTV did as this is a pattern of behavior that VTV has done time and time again in the past. From what I saw I thought Victors youtube series was a attempt to get his concerns out there than an attack. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Freedom is Tyranny? Stefan Molyneux Debates StormCloudsGathering (go to 1:38:15 into video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBH9K6hKEmM#t=98m15s The "Victor Pross" saga. A curious and bizarre tale. v-radioblog.blogspot.com/2013/12/the-victor-pross-saga-curious-and.html . Picture of VTV still saying that Stefan lied and infact did watch the light bulb documentary. Plagiarism, Sexual Manipulation, Neil Kiernan and Scandal (Part One) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo0m-4TVf9w Intellectual bullying, Intellectual Snobbery, Zeitgeist and Neil Kiernan (Part Two) The Neil Kiernan Saga - a Curious and Bizarre tale. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iQkqyc1x0Q Announcement: 2014 videos series "Deconstructing Zeitgeist" Thoughts on Planned Obsolescence? http://politics.skepticproject.com/forum/5517/thoughts-on-planned-obsolescence/#0
Judge William Adams beats daughter for using the internet
PoopMeat replied to PoopMeat's topic in General Messages
I agree with Stefan here however I think most people are shocked because it was captured on video and because the guy is a prominent member within his community which is important because William Adam's is a family court judge. -
Fair enough, I think I understand your side though I compeltly disagree with it. This is up for interpretation. Though I could say your being passive aggressive when you called me a "dick", though I think that was more of a emotional response to what you perceived as a injustice and not really based on civil discourse at which you may be capable of doing. I don't think he's wrong if he feels insulted because he has a right to feel the way he does however and I've said this from the start that my intent was an opinion that he interpreted as an attack. I don't believe it to be wrong if I suggest he's being a bit overly sensitive and playing the victim card because that's honestly what I believe. I stand by what I said and this is my thoughts on the matter. I honestly do not think June is wrong nor am I wrong in feeling in this way, I can't control the way June feels nor can June control the way I feel, nor can I control the way you feel. Your allowed to feel that way and I'm allowed to disagree, if you don't like it then my apologies if it hurts your feelings before hand but I will still disagree. In general if someone does not like what someone says on FDR I highly recommend people start using the blacklist option on FDR.
I think it's up to the consumers confidence to put some coin in bitcoin or not. I will always for the most part support anything that wants to implement proof of concept such as bitcoin. Not only has bitcoin proved its concept but it's working within a real world enviroment as well which is mind blowing. I think there are some problems with bitcoins, the main problem being that bitcoins is NEW and there is not really a historical precedent for it. Yes bitcoins prices go up and down that's perfectly normal for a starting venture but the long term problems such as how deflation will be handled in bitcoin still need to be played out. I think this is Peter Schiff main problem with bitcoins is that there is a lack of historical precedent with bitcoin, therefore bitcoins to him is a risk he rather not take versus an already well established currency. Schiff is perfectly rational for having doubt in bitcoins. In my eyes bitcoin needs to establish more consumer confidence in it's currency by simply staying the course. The longer bitcoins stays around the more we can interpret the trends, the more legit/validity it gets, the more potential consumer confidence bitcoin can gets aka purchasing a bitcoins. Another problem with bitcoins that I have which may affect consumer confidence is how complicated it can be. Not complicated in the sense of buying bitcoins or exchanging bitcoins but the understanding as to what goes on behind the scene of bitcoin. People want to know why bitcoins are so different, how bittcoins can benefit them, how does bitcoins get there value, how it can be stored, why there is no federal reserve, etc... Being able to break these things down in layman terms is very important in establishing more consumer confidence. Our current currency can be pretty complicated but nothing has really challenged the concept of our currency in proof of concept recently up until bitcoins came around. The question of understanding what goes on behind bitcoin currency is one of the big questions that needs to be addressed to establish more consumer confidence.
First I want to thank you for calling me out on this I really do appreciate your/others thoughts and in general people should call out others or have dialogue with persons/groups that they disagree with to gain a better understanding. If a person has a problem with me I want them to call me out on it on the site or PM or any other method to contact me directly. So with that I disagree,I do not think I was being as you say a "dick" but rather was being straight forward. I'm not sure what your getting at but I had suggested to this individual that in my opinion they may look for more RBE info on TVP and TZM. This individual then said I attacked them which was never my intent. After he called me out for attacking him I responded that he may be a bit "overly sensitive" and "painting themselves as a victim", then I'm guilty as charged; though I do not interpret that as an attack but my thoughts on his interpretation of me attacking me. Do not get me wrong I'm sympathetic towards anyone who perceives things I write as an attack but more times than not that's not what I intended to do. I'm very straight forward in my line of thinking and how I communicate. Therefore it goes against who I am to lie or sugar coat something and it can be perceived as me being a "dick" or a jerk but I'd rather be straight forward than to lie to someone. I think I would be doing a person a disservice if I lied or sugar coated what I really thought rather than being straight forward about it. I'm not perfect I can be and have been wrong many of times but in this particular communication I do not believe so though I am empathtic towards this situation. So you and others can give me all the negative points you want, to your hearts content I'll keep doing what I think is right. Though I wont' give you or others negative points though. TheRobin I feel you have jumped the gun a bit though. June perceived me as attacking him and hoped other FDR members would go with him to defend him (I even noted this in my post that, that this is what he was trying to do aka play the victim card). At which I explained to June that it was an opinion and not an intent to attack in that he would learn more about a RBE if he want on TVP and TZM communication mediums. This doesn't mean I told him that he should stop posting here. To add you jumped onboard with June defending their perception of being attacked when I already explained my intent was not an attack at all. I almost feel you got duped by June to defend him because he played the victim card and you ran in to save him. Which is fine I agree on exchanging thoughts and calling out people when a disagreement arises. June is allowed to feel like he's been attacked, I'm allowed to say to him that my intent was never to attack and that he's overly sensitive and playing the victim card. Just because I say those things that certainly doesn't mean June should not change the perception that he's attacked and he's the victim, but in the same sense that does not change my opinion that I think he's overly sensitive and playing the victim. He's allowed the feel the way he does and I'm allowed to feel the way I do. I'm not going to tell someone how they should feel, however in this case I will explain that my intent wasn't to attack but an opinion take it or leave.
Hello welcome to the internet, I think your being a bit overly sensitive and your playing the victim card. To respond I said and I quote, "Well I'd say in my opinion this may not be a site" therefore this is not of a opinion or representation of anyone on FDR besides myself. Therefore I'm fine if you are intellectually offended by my opinion because I don't have a problem with what I said your the one with the problem. I stand by what I say. Again playing the victim card here and inventing that I'm picking on you, I'm not picknig on you again your being overly sensitive, this is your problem not mine. If you don't like criticism or suggestion then you'll have a problem on the internet. I agree you haven't been offensive though you playing the victim card and are overly sensitive but at that I do not beleive I have been offensive either if your suggesting I was. In my opinion you have join FDR to promote TVP and or TZM which I do not mind that you have but here's the example, "i know. it's a rebuttal to stefan's truncated arguments, which is what we're talking about.". Truncated is a word PEter Joseph used and you parrot that as your own word because Peter did. You probably wouldn't of chosen that word if it was never uttered out of his mouth therefore this is a bit of a hint where you lean as far as a RBE. Another example, "RBE is more about specific design (TVP), whereas i am more interested in the logic which allowed that design to be, ie. sustainability, technology, focus on public health etc (TZM)", which again shows you align yourself with TZM's RBE then TVP's RBEM. Another example "peter joseph explained this quite well in the debate: "in pure vacuum and in the void of space these theories hold true, in other words you can have perfect circles when there is nothing else drawing influence. the fact of the matter is we live in a constant continuum of pressures.", again we can see this same theme of Stefan wrong PEter is right type of hero worship. You claim to want to learn about ancap but the majority of your psots are on TZM related threads, therefore it would suggest you may be here to learn about ancap but your more here to defend your leader as well. These are my thoughts and I stand by it. Again playing the victim card and wanting FDR memebrs to back ou up. You invented a fact that I represent FDR board, what I said is of my opinion and no one elses, I too am also a new comer on FDR and I'm not a ancap believer though I believe in a free market with the government out of the market place. I joined FDR mainly to share my information on TVP and TZM and to discuss these things and guess what this thread is to do exactly that genius. I think your being a bit overly sensitive, and it's not my problem that you are upset with a opinion I said, your the one with the problem not me I can't help if your upset your allowed to be but I will in fatc tell you straight up that I think your inventing things because you are emotional rather than looking at the situation for a logical and rational standpoint. How about this I will just continue to do what I do. It wasn't a personal attack it's of my opinion that you do not know much about a RBE and you should seek knowledge in about a RBE in TVP or TZM. If you get over my opinion that's not my problem and again that's your problem. Again inventing things up and being overly sensitive for no reason. Your playing the victim card and you need to stop that your not a victim your intentionally making yourself the victim and me the bad person. I didn't do anything to you and if you can't take criticism and you revert to being the victim and painting me as a attacker then that shows how weak your arguments really are and that you don't have a leg to stand on.
Bitcoin Blockchain Increasing Size
PoopMeat replied to robzrob's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
No offense but stormcloudgathering is not a person I'd want to get accurate information from. At that I thought bitcoins capped the amount of information that can be contained in a blockchain though I'm not sure how big that cap is. -
I see cognitive dissonance at work here. First Peter never spoke about robot armies within the context of military being a good concept. Second even if PEter did suggest a military robot Army is a good one, militaries are out to control and commit violence to acheive control, not machines doing work to help humans. To delve into RBE utopia fantasy land ideology, Peter does talk about automating everything but never suggests during the transitional period that everything would be automated. Matter in fact he would probably suggest a military concept be implemented in the transitional period to a RBE which is very similar to many other socialistic countries but they never made that jump over to communism aka RBE. I wouldn't want a machine army, that would suggest violence would be invovled and I simply cannot support any form of violence. So basically my understanding of a RBE now is a utopia fantasy land where Peter will rule and a army of robots will keep and enforce Peter's rule through violence.
@Armitage I got a say for a guy who said they would no longer respond to me and have blacklisted me you sure do follow through with that... Though I'm confused why you would defend TZM Peter Joseph as that's not even apart of your RBE ideology, as you believe in a TVP RBE not a TZM RBEM. I can say and you have admitted that you in fact do not even know your own RBE ideology, as well as I can say that you have not dealt with or observed TVP and TZM as much as I have. Well for a guy who says the military is a good concept he certainly doesn't follow the chain of command. I'll give you one good example. When Fresco/TVP criticized Peter/TZM in a youtube video for not having solution to fix the world and for not referencing TVP in Peter's work [1]. Peter got upset at Fresco's criticisms and decided to split from TVP, no member in TZM had a choice it was entirely Peter's choice to split from TZM. Peter could of resolved the situation and listen to TVP and make good on their social agreement with TVP but he did not. The original agreement between TVP and TZM was that TZM would be the long arm of the Venus project, Peter did not want to listen TVP, Peter wanted to command TZM in his own way, Peter did not want a boss he wanted to be the boss the dictator if you will, the person who called the shots and that's exactly what he does in TZM (which is fine because it's just internet based). Not only did Peter not make good with TVP but he made a decision without any other TZM members input. It makes sense to me why Peter would love the concept of a military in his fantasy RBE because this is good for him as long as he is on top and not taking any orders from anybody else. TVP did the right thing when they officially dissociated with TZM as Peter broke out of the original agreement TVP had with TZM [2]. To add my initial interest in monitoring TZM came about due to the drastic differences in the groups philosophy vs. the way the organization was lead. I found it rather interesting that members of the organization wanted a form of direct democracy but decisions regarding the direction, messaging and imagery of the organization were entirely controlled from the top down. Sometimes even to the chagrin of those at the bottom doing the actual legwork to promote the organization. I found myself wondering how they could overlook such a glaring contradiction. The only explanation I could think of is that the members on the bottom of the pyramid had so much emotional investment in the goals of the organization that they were willing to overlook the glaring contradictions. I've always been interested in how people can rationalize their way through cognitive dissonance, and monitoring TZM's forums were a constant source of watching people do exactly that. I will not attempt to assume the motives of those at the top of the pyramid. It is pointless to speculate as to whether they are con artists or true believers. The only thing one can look at is the results, and the results have so far been more and more central control as interest in the organization wanes. References: [1]The End of The Zeitgeist Movement http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfDcnDZFias [2]Venus Project and The Zeitgeist Movement split http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ef8VzYXMgj0 [2]Why did The Venus Project part ways with The Zeitgeist Movement? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJbRM46tltI Peter Joseph on The Zeitgeist Movement, Venus Project split - Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bhLmsgdwhs Peter Joseph on The Zeitgeist Movement, Venus Project split - Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLgSaVdSwEI Australian TZM Member David Zwolski upsets the leaders of TZM and TVP by writing Article called "Debunking The Venus Project" http://conspiracies.skepticproject.com/forum/5519/australian-tzm-member-david-zwolski-upsets-the-leaders-of-tz/#0 Outside of FDR I came across two TZMers that said they had joined the military because it's like a RBE and for some reason they rationalized it as to why they would join up. I was a bit blown back by that... I'm a bit shocked now that you would actually say the military is efficient, I'm at a loss of words. Me being very familiar with the military nothing about it is efficient matter in fact it's pretty redundant and inefficient. From JAG which is a military court which is a redundant form of the civilian court, to the amount of money spent to train, feed, and house individuals as well in the military. Spending money in the government such as in the military which has no real meaning to anything, means a loss in meaningful jobs within the market. Unlike what Peter said the Military diesn't create anything. The military is the opposite of efficiency in every aspect of the word. Peter Joseph time and time again does not know what he's talking about and for you to protect him for saying such a ignorant thing, to parrot what he says and believe it shows how dogmatic you are as well as how much you really don't know. The Military benefits from money, without money there is no military. By Peter's logic Peter is more in favor for the draft than the voluntary military because there is less money for a draft participant than a voluntary military which pays substantially more. [1] It's ironic because Stefan just posted a video on youtube about this very matter and I completely agree with it. Maybe he saw the post I made about Peter supporting the concept of a military and felt compelled to post none the less I suggest you watch this [2] Refernces: [1] Milton Friedman - The Draft - From Compulsory to Voluntary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mCV29j9_nY [2] The True Costs of War: Stefan Molyneux of Freedomain Radio speaks at the University of Toronto http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edtWe759KIw [2] How to stay out of the Army... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=othPVuzMngw I didn't invent anything and I stand by what I said. That is what Peter wants, you heard it out of his mouth, he agrees with the concept of a military. Thank goodness Peter will never get into any sort of power as he and TZM will forever be apart of the weird fringe side of the internet. Here's some videos I found. Adolf Hitler and Peter Joseph Merola, twin tyrants Part: 1 of 13 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxdJIDQg5vc Adolf Hitler and Peter Joseph Merola, twin tyrants part: 2 of 13 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIuis6wh6EA Adolf Hitler and Peter Joseph Merola, twin tyrants part: 3 of 13 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKcubNyEojY Adolf Hitler and Peter Joseph Merola, twin tyrants part: 4 of 13 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VSdVcERACM Adolf Hitler and Peter Joseph Merola, twin tyrants part: 5 of 13 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iys3mN75tNU Adolf Hitler and Peter Joseph Merola, twin tyrants part: 6 of 13 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vR4IYf03jc Adolf Hitler and Peter Joseph Merola, twin tyrants part: 7 of 13 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olmzG0jWm3s Adolf Hitler and Peter Joseph Merola, twin tyrants part: 7 of 13 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCPU4OViTcg Adolf Hitler and Peter Joseph Merola, twin tyrants part: 9 of 13 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDQ3BO_ZvY4 Adolf Hitler and Peter Joseph Merola, twin tyrants part: 10 of 13 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ4KzrKHho0 Adolf Hitler and Peter Joseph Merola, twin tyrants part: 11 of 13 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sw5niOPyzx4 Adolf Hitler and Peter Joseph Merola, twin tyrants part: 12 of 13 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tyj594aoi_c Adolf Hitler and Peter Joseph Merola, twin tyrants part: 13 of 13 (had to reupload video has Stefan Molyneux in it) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqZxm5rSZUY alternate link https://archive.org/details/AdolfHitlerAndPeterJosephMerolaTwinTyrantsPart13Of13 I know english is not your main language but I think you need better reading comprehension skills. To add when you talked with Stefan you lack very basic critical thinking skills as well. I suggest researching before buying into anythings so easily. [1] I'm good at this at least this dance with TVPers, TZMers, RBEer's among other groups, I've been doing it for years. I'm not trying to convert you or anybody else over to anything however I will put my thoughts out there using logic and reason and backing up my claims. I will show you how incoherent your groups logic is but you'll ignore it but sometime down the line you'll give it another look for one reason or another and see how right I among others were and when that time comes there is no shame in admitting you may have been wrong. I Can't guarantee you will snap out of it but there is that possibility and I'm awful good and presenting a opposing skeptical side. I've gotten numerous e-mails from people who have read the things on Skepticproject.com thanking SP/com members for what we do, not just in TVP./TZM but Alex Jones, David Ike, destinian etc... [2] skepticproject.com is like a Motel Six for rational thought as people come and people go, but as they say at Motel Six we'll keep the light on for anybody. [1] How to Determine If A Controversial Statement Is Scientifically True http://lifehacker.com/5919830/how-to-determine-if-a-controversial-statement-is-scientifically-true [2] Denver airport conspiracy theory de bunked http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ii8IEU3G4K4
Peter in this lecture and in other lectures talks about how great the military structure is. I do not think this guy really know what he talking about and why he would ever suggest the military is a great thing and that it is efficient and also isn't concerned with money is beyond me. As much praise Peter Joseph gives towards the concept of a military, I think he would like to carry on the military concept in his imaginary RBE utopia where in fact Peter Joseph is the military dictator inside his RBE fantasy land and all criticism is abolished. I youtube time stamped this lecture as well as two others where he talks about the military being a good thing. Economic Calculation in a Natural Law / RBE, Peter Joseph, The Zeitgeist Movement, Berlin 1:28:35 Military is the most efficient systems on the planet. It's absent the market economy. Industrial efficiency is born in the military first. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9FDIne7M9o#t=88m00s TZM London TownHall with Peter Joseph, November 15th 2013 [ The Zeitgeist Movement ] 51:55-53:00 Peter Joseph says the military is the best example of selfsustainability as well as global awareness and efficiency. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZYS0vKBZac#t=51m55s Peter Joseph on Singularity 1 on 1: We Are All Subjected To The Same Natural Law SystemPeter Joseph on Singularity 1 on 1: We Are All Subjected To The Same Natural Law System 1:06:14 - 1:07:25 Says the military system which utililizes more money than most countires on the planet are socialists and do not have demcoracy. The military is what society should be without the intention of killing other people. The military is the soruce of the internet, microwaves stoves, the navy figured out how to make things smaller. The military represents what true focus can actually do. The military orgnization is brilliant, but it's intention is aweful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcyDxNic1ao#t=66m14s
You don't have to make such a claim I already know it. Just because you self admit your not educated on a concept you actively promote doesn't add any substance to what you say or any legitimacy towards a RBE but in fact makes you look a bit foolish for believing and promoting something you don't even understand as you have said. Well I'd say in my opinion this may not be a site to be on if you want to learn about a RBE, you need to join up on TVP and or TZM and ask them. When it comes to TVP's RBE or TZM's RBEM I do not see the logic behind it their promoting socialism. To use an analogy it's like if you were to walk into a gun club and say that you are against guns because you believe in something else that's against guns yet you do not really understand that particular ideology and therefore expect gun rights owners to get you to understand the logic in the ideology that you clearly do not understand yourself. Why would a gun club see logic in something they clearly do not agree with? Why would you expect a gun club to help you in your quest to find out why it's logicalyl not to own guns?
It's not about logic. It's the language. (show feedback)
PoopMeat replied to Armitage's topic in Philosophy
@Armitage It's funny that you blacklisted me to not answer me yet still respond to me in this topic, therefore to me it kind of proves my point. You make a public statement that you blacklisted me not because I was wrong or right but because I was able to back up my claims and references and correct you multiple times on your own RBE ideology. It was making you upset how incoherent your RBE ideology is in many many many ways. You made the public statement of blacklisting me because I suspect it wasn't because I was committing logically fallacies but because I was making sense and backing up my claims through references on RBE, claims you did not want to address. Hence why you probably still read through the stuff I write about TVP even when you have blacklisted me because I'm right and didn't want to deal with me. Well until you broke your silence with me when I hit another nerve with you using logic and reason. Hey it's ok to be upset at such incoherent RBE logic, I know way more about a RBE than the majority of TVP and TZMers member base. I'm probably one of the few that actually know the ideology inside (I still keep up to date on it) and are able to argue why it's flawed while staying in line with TVP RBEM or TZM RBEM ideology. You clearly do not understand TVP's RBE so I do not understand why you think you can promote something you clearly do not understand.- 24 replies
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@June a RBE has nothing to do with the zeitgeist movement. I did not know TZm was writing a book about their RBEM but just so you understand TZM has nothing to do with TVP's term called RBE. Therefore you sound like you align yourself with TZM's resource based economic model, than TVP's resource based economy ideology. Than again you can clarify if I'm wrong about that.
It's not about logic. It's the language. (show feedback)
PoopMeat replied to Armitage's topic in Philosophy
@Armitage I know you have me on the blacklist because I was able to point out how much you do not even know your own RBE ideology that you got upset at me for pointing out you were wrong but still I'll respond to you even if you don't see it as it's more so FDR and outside audience than for yourself. I thought your call in to FDR was not good rather than discussing you were talking at someone than too them. When you suggest Stefans mentality has shrunk because of his particular belief he subscribes to and that in fact because of your ideology you have a better intellect is not just a logically fallacy that is completely unfounded but insulting and baseless. Often RBE's will deflect when talking about their own ideology and talk about the current system and how bad it is yet shouldn't you be describing what your RBE is? The reason RBE people don't talk about RBE and would rather attack others ideologies and the current system is because it's easier to do and draws focus away from their unrealistic veiwpoint this is a common tactic in politics where one politicians draws attention away from their faults and instead builds up a wall of negativity towards their opponent. For people who preach against politics and government you certainly do use such tactics at a drop of a hat. ok go start your RBE no one is stopping you. Just amazed how you have over 100 posts already and continue to say the same thing over and over and over again. I suspect you blacklisted me because i was making sense how incoherent rbe ideology is that in fact because of cognitive dissonance you couldn't allow me to continue to use logic and reason towards a ideologue that you in fact believe not because it's based on science but entirely based on faith.- 24 replies
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Hop into FDR chatroom and I can try and help you setup your TS3 if you need help still. I'll try to be in FDR chat on and off for a few days, however you can guarantee my presence in thet chat around 5pm est. Also Outbound said he's there in TZM TS3 at 4 pm est therefore you can go into TZM TS3 around 4pm est to talk to outbound, and again he's wlling to chat with you in a rpivate channel and even willing to lock the TS3 channel so no one can join and so you and him can have a private debate. FDR chatroom http://board.freedomainradio.com/chat/
@chrisvaughn @chrisvaughn Hey just wanted to give you and others a reminder invite on TZM open dicussion meeting on TS3 which starts today Monday at 10PM est. Just a last reminder in case you want to stop in have that debate with outbound. Outbound is willing to debate you in a private channel 1on1 on TZM TS3 as well if that is more comfortable for you so you do not feel as intimidated with a group of TZMer's in there.
TVP to my understanding is a project which is a transitional period aka socliaitic transitional which it's ulitimatle goal is a RBE aka communism. a RBE is a moneyless [1], stateless [2], and classless society [3]. TVP wants more technology in everybodies life to raise the standard of living. Fresco was apart of the communistic party as a kid during the great depression [4] which eventualyl he moved on to to join a Technocracy group [5] at which he left that. From there Fresco started Project Americana [6] in the 1950's which it supported the market to help social problems which I guess did not work out so then he started a group called Sociocyberneering [7] at which He bought land down in florida and gave lectures that did not work out so eventually he changed the name in the 1970's to The Venus Project [8] which he gives lectures and makes models. The Venus Project has 3 or 4 phases to acheive it's RBE which are [9] Refernces: [1] FAQ 1, http://www.thevenusproject.com/extras/faq [2] FAQ 11 http://www.thevenusproject.com/extras/faq [3] FAQ 94 http://www.thevenusproject.com/extras/faq [3] FAQ 11 http://www.thevenusproject.com/extras/faq [4] Communism - Communist Party - Karl Marx - Marxist - Marxism - Jacque Fresco - The Venus Project http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHiy4EuUD2U [5] Technocracy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technocracy [5] Jacque Fresco - Technocracy, City Strategies, Sourcing Information [Feb. 9, 2011] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exJdWFb92bQ [6] Project Americana http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacque_Fresco#Project_Americana [7] Sociocyberneering, Inc. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacque_Fresco#Sociocyberneering.2C_Inc. [8] Venus Project http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacque_Fresco#Venus_Project [9] FAQ12 http://www.thevenusproject.com/extras/faq [9] The Venus Project/An Obsolete Monetary System/Resource Based Economy/The Choice Is Ours To Make http://www.thevenusproject.com/about/the-venus-project [9] What is a Resource Based Economy? http://www.thevenusproject.com/about/resource-based-economy [9] Research Center http://www.thevenusproject.com/about/research-center [9] The Venus Projects $100,000 Big Budget Movie Scam Prediction. http://conspiracies.skepticproject.com/forum/5349/the-venus-projects-100000-big-budget-movie-scam-prediction/#0