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Everything posted by PoopMeat

  1. The first TZmer has emerged. First your right about what a RBE is but you left out some key things. The idea is we go through a transitional period to reach a RBE where TVP constructs a enviroment where they can build there test city. At that a RBE needs to be globally based it can't be locally based. When TVP finally gets towards there RBE, social values will need to be changed in the transitional period. In the end a RBE is classless, stateless, moneyless society or basically communism. In a RBE a computer will share the resources equally to it's inhabitants of earth. This is basically communism, communism has never worked on a massive scale. To add their is no science behind a RBE or RBEM or any academic evidence. Do testing see what happens get it evaluated by credible academics, prove us wrong. You've got nothing. Why RBE will never work. (a must see for zeitgeist supporters)
  2. Agreed, though because of his discussion with Stefan, Peter claimes to have developed a way to calculate prices within his RBEM aka communism. In Peter's own words, " "Friends, In mid Nov., I will be participating in a TZM Townhall in Berlin, Germany. I will be giving a critical and long overdue talk entitled "Economic Calculation in a Natural Law/Resource Based Economy." This will explain the long confused issue of how interaction & management in such a model works and how it is not a "centrally planned" social system, as per our endless critics. More info soon for those in Europe who would like to attend." https://www.facebook.com/peterjosephofficial Why RBE will never work. (a must see for zeitgeist supporters)
  3. Peter made out TZM 1 which the religion side of it was based on Acharya S/D. Murdock and Jordan Maxwell. Soon After Peter made TZM.com at which he advocated people to vote for Ron paul. He then made TZM movie 2 and based the work off Fresco's work, he then tried to ditch Acharya S, Ron Paul and Jordan Maxwell (Jordan had rejected Peter) and make his flock beleive in Fresco and Jordan Maxwell. Peter then got his flock to beleive in TVP until the TVP and TZM split occured now he rejects TVP but still teaches TVP's RBE (resource based economy) But calls it a RBEM (resource based economic model) as to not infringe on a possible trademark of TVP's RBE. If you look into Acharya S/D. Murdock she's not credible once so ever matter in fact the things in TZM 1 are way off base and have been debunked on skeptic project.com. Jordan Maxwell is a huge consrpiacy theriost I'd argue he's what makes up modern day consrpiacy theories as far as marketing CT's. He's not credible one bit and does a lot of word associations in a attempt to associate the meaning or sound in one word to mean something else in a whole other context.From there Jordan contruct very intricate and complex conspiracy theories. Peter has been challenged on his ideas a lot of times, he chooses to label those people trolls and or mentally ill. It's not the fact that Peter does any real good research before he starts promoting it just looks like he gets soemthing that he beleives without any real research and gets his flock to buy into it as well. When he decides it's not good for his image ti beleive in that he just simply ditches it and finds soemthing else. He doesn't really do any research at well his RBEM idea isn't even his own concept but was ripped from TVP by a guy called Jaqcue fresco. TVP has been working on preaching about RBE for a few decades but have nothing to show for themsevles. I don't think Peter Joseph is very smart at all, the exact opposite. I think he's more interested in being a profiteer then he is in having any sound ideas. Refence: Venus Project and The Zeitgeist Movement split http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ef8VzYXMgj0 Why did The Venus Project part ways with The Zeitgeist Movement? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJbRM46tltI Jordan Maxwell Mentions Peter Joseph Merola's Name In 2008 Curious phenomenon. (Re: Acharya S.) http://conspiracies.skepticproject.com/forum/1365/curious-phenomenon-re-acharya-s/#post-20211 Zeitgeist - Introduction http://conspiracies.skepticproject.com/articles/zeitgeist/ Zeitgeist: Addendum - Introduction http://conspiracies.skepticproject.com/articles/zeitgeist-addendum/ Zeitgeist III: Moving Forwardhttp://conspiracies.skepticproject.com/forum/2378/zeitgeist-iii-moving-forward/#post-28945 ~ Ten reasons why we have to reject The Venus Project ~ Venus Fly Trap http://other.skepticproject.com/articles/the-venus-flytrap/
  4. Thanks I'll take a look. TZM/TVP did have a quiz before one could join there website and be considered a movement member. TVP holds seminars on their youtube channel which is called TVPeducation. I'd say just for the fact I followed them and probably have a better grasp on their ideology than the majority of their own member base that I feel confident enough to not only talk about their ideology but also refute it hence I gave myself the self-proclaimed unofficial PHD title for TVP/TZM. The title is more of a joke but I do feel I know a bit more than the average person when in comes to those subjects.
  5. I reside from skepticproject.com and pretty much have observed TVP and TZM through the years. I have never subscribed to their particular ideology but unofficially I have a PHD in TVP and TZM. Will be posting in the TVP and TZM topics mostly. I have a strong interest in economics, and a interest skepticism. I am a free market supporter though I do not subscribe to Stefan's train of thought.
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