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Everything posted by Cosmin

  1. I think there is avoidability - policemen and soldiers can (in general) quit if they want to, right? I haven't heard of a politician threatening a soldier with physical violence.
  2. Cool video, but I think you made a mistake at the end. At minute 12:23 you say "a politician represents somebody who has control over state force". But state force means police men, who are also moral agents. They are initiating force, not the politicians.
  3. Of course, you need to spit your fair share!
  4. I find the sketching distracting while I listen to the audio, but maybe that's just me
  5. "But without the State, who will pollute our water?!"
  6. Or coerced into claiming that they were raped.
  7. You probably are on to something. The simple truth is that you are not perfect, nobody is. Also, if somebody criticizes you, nothing bad actually happens, it is only a problem if you think it is. So you could start by repeating these things to yourself several times a day, and gradually putting yourself in situations where you are criticized, so you can see that you are OK. I highly recommend cognitive behavioral therapy, it has helped me a lot with similar issues in just a few months. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvgtwMCaIcU
  8. I may be wrong, but I think all of the videos have their podcast counterpart. The podcasts are even made public earlier and are not cut into smaller pieces, like some of the videos.
  9. Also, even if these people want to be ruled, that doesn't give them the right to extend that rule to someone else. See Stefan's "against me" argument:
  10. Just tell him that we already have warlords. They are called politicians, they will imprison you if you don't do what they say. So if he does not like warlords he should be against the current system.
  11. The libertarian view on immigration is that you can only deport someone off your own property. Also you can only use violence against them in self defense (that is, if they initiated violence)
  12. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/08/world/europe/charlie-hebdo-paris-shooting.html?_r=0
  13. Another good rant by Bill Maher about Islam. "The rule of law is not just different than theocracy. It's better" Amen, brother! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4byxib6Pfg
  14. 2009: after a huge real-estate boom in my country, prices were really plummeting. When they were about half of the peak level, the government announced they would introduce a loan-guaranteeing scheme "in order to help young people buy a home". Of course the prices fell much slower after that, and I knew the state was not interested in helping the people, they just wanted to help the banks. I also noticed that almost nobody saw that truth. I began researching, I eventually found Peter Schiff and then Stefan.
  15. Hi, It would be a nice touch to have cover art (e.g. Stef's picture) embedded in the mp3s. I have used Mp3tag for this and it works great. Thanks.
  16. It's not heart trouble, just camera trouble He mentioned that in one of his shows.
  17. The audio recordings of his last 5 shows were always free on his website, and without commercials. Also, he said he would do a 2 hour podcast every week, so he's not quitting completely.
  18. No strategy, it's just demagoguery and fear mongering, also known as politics.
  19. Cosmin


    The left-right paradigm in politics:
  20. Definitely. People who are shy / have low self-esteem have trouble keeping eye contact.
  21. I think it would be useful to have a link from a YouTube video to the podcast page (or even better - a link to download the mp3 directly from the YouTube page)
  22. Hi, If I go to fdrpodcasts.com and try to download an mp3, a 404 page is shown. For example: http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/index/download?url=http://cdn.media.freedomainradio.com/feed/FDR_2704_Wednesday_Show_21_May_2014.mp3 Can you fix this please?
  23. Hi guys, I think we've all been there: talking with people online, explaining to them how government is force, how taxes are theft because you can't not pay them, etc. Some people get it, others don't, and others are just plain jerks about it. They get dismissive, sarcastic or outright insulting. On an intellectual level I know that I should not engage with the abusive people and that their opinions should not affect me, but on an emotional level I get a bit hurt and insecure - "maybe I do talk too much about anarchy, maybe I am annoying". I guess the easiest approach would be to just hang around "safe" places, like the FDR forum, but I would like to spread the truth to new people as well. How do you deal with online jerks? Do they get to you?
  24. Enjoy
  25. I would LOVE to see Stef's "Intro to Philosophy" on khanacademy.org. Ideally remade in glorious HD and without the sunglasses I really think it would reach a whole new audience this way, and of course it would match Khan's vision of providing free education for everyone.
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