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Everything posted by WasatchMan

  1. Always believe in women = female supremacy. It must be mocked, ridiculed, and opposed where-ever and whenever it raisers its authoritarian blade to the soul of Western Civilization. We are a culture who developed a legal system under the principle that it is better 10 guilty people walk free then 1 innocent person suffer, that people are innocent as a matter of course and high bar of evidence is needed in order to change that. We are watching it circle the drain over men's fear of a women's scorn.
  2. I agree with this on principle, but I also ask myself - is it worth gritting my teeth and dealing with the spoiled brats who LARP as women in today's society in order to help advance my genetics and heritage into the future. I am a man in his early 30s, decent shape/attractiveness, and a six figure salary, but this is a legitimate question for me. I have been through it, I have seen how women try to cuck you as their eyes wonder to the low class alphas who have replaced real men and it has made me step aside from it all for the time. But the drive for a family is still there - my instincts gnawing at my despair.
  3. I know, not an argument, but some tasty red meat for the lulz. Please share if you find this entertaining. I am not trying to become a big YouTuber, but this takes some time to put together so it would be nice if people could see it! Thanks in advance! Cheers!
  4. We all knew Trump is not a principled person, he is the living embodiment of a pragmatist with a businessman's sensibilities and goals. If you run down the pros vs cons you could see why a pragmatist would make a move like this. Pros: - Destroys media Russia narrative (a narrative that the opposition party has put a lot of stock into and are going to be scrambling after loosing this last piece of credibility) - Shows China that America is no longer a paper tiger - Shows the world what the POTUS can do and who is POTUS - Rallies Neo-con support - Damage is minimal and could be maintained and minimized Cons: - Could start WWIII (Lets say this possibility is around 10%) - Is a hypocritical move, not supported by a huge portion of his base who could be forever disenfranchised Looking at this from a principled point of view I am disgusted and it will take watching how this plays out to know if I can ever put support behind Trump again.
  5. Be the change you want. Do not apologetically stand up for your opinions, stand up strongly and assert your position as a free person. You only live once. What are you waiting for? Permission?
  6. Hey! They aren't that hypocritical, once they decided to invest in Coca-Cola, god came down to them (they still believe in their leaders receiving revelations from god, btw) and let them know that it actually was never a bad thing to drink Coca-Cola. Still good people though. They are not liberal, anti-welfare state, anti-federal government, and a huge private charity. They even know how to do charity right and tie it to people bettering themselves and not just a hand-out.
  7. At the risk of sounding like a white supremacists, I wanted to let people know that the dream of white ethno-state already exists, and it is thriving in the state of Utah. Now I have nothing against other races - usually judge people as individuals, and by their actions. However, I do know that in this day and age, I feel safe living in the state of Utah - I trust the peoples values and know they will in general protect western values. When I see general social decay across the US, I know, that is not happening in Utah. When I see employee unions destroying the rights of workers across the US, I thank my atheist god I live in a right-to-work state like Utah. When I see Black Lives Matter protests in Ferguson, I know, that won't happen in Utah. When I see leftists rioting conservative speakers, I know, that won't happen in Utah. When I see Democrat state governments ever increasing the taxing and regulating of their citizens - I thank Cthulu I am in Utah. Etc. Etc. We are also replacing ourselves. Utah has the highest total fertility rate in the United States at 2.29 per women. ....and the Economy is great: Number 1 score for America’s Top States for Business 2016 (http://www.cnbc.com/2016/07/12/americas-top-states-for-business-2016-the-list-and-ranking.html) Number 1 score for 2016’s States with Best Economy (https://wallethub.com/edu/states-with-the-best-economies/21697/) 6th Fastest Growing Economy (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/states-fastest-growing-economies_us_576449abe4b0853f8bf0ce6e) >2015 GDP growth: 3.3% > 2015 GDP: $131.2 billion (19th smallest) > 1-yr. population change: 1.7% (6th largest increase) > 2015 unemployment: 3.5% (5th lowest)v 8th in overall economic performance of 50 states (http://www.governing.com/topics/politics/gov-state-economic-rankings-governor-ratings.html) For a cherry on top, if you like the great outdoors Utah offers 1.2 million acres of wilderness. From great mountains to endless deserts, Utah has it all. I have spent my life here, been to most of it, but there is still a lifetime of places to explore. Soooo.... If you are a US citizen and want to live by your work, want to live up and be JUDGED to western values, need not apply, you are WELCOME TO COME.
  8. I don't think there is the option to only help one group and not the other. Some small start up would just turn around and sell it to google, or google may also just start buying these companies. The world isn't that easy.
  9. I agree that President Trump saying he is going to enforce federal drug law is not too surprising given him promoting himself as the "law and order" canidate. However, he has also claimed he is a big proponent of "States Rights". I was personally hoping he would take the "State Rights" perpspective on the drug war because this would at least show he wasn't actively going to be pursuing policies that increase the initiation of force perpetrated by the state on the people. Anyway the jury is still probably out on what he will actually do.
  10. So your standard is that the scum in the left wing media have attacked Kelly Ann Conway, and therefore???? You are on a message board complaining about posts getting attention, take a jab insinuating people asked you questions just because we have a need to defend Stefan, and then act like this is just a social experiment? Maybe you aren't cut out for this.
  11. The war just got hot. This was a blatant establishment hit job on an opposition voice. The ripples from this event will either chill or inflame - the choice is ours, are we cucks or are we men?d Dylan - the full remarks are from Milo's latest appearances on the Joe Rogan Experience and the Drunken Peasants podcasts. One thing that should be illuminating is looking through the comment sections on those videos - no outrage or claims of Milo being a supporter of pedophilia. The sheep had to be told to be enraged in order to get there.
  12. trig·gered ˈtriɡərd/ Adjective 1. An emotional/psychological reaction caused by something that somehow relates to an activity in someones life that they are not particularly proud of and are unwilling to defend in a fact based manner, causing them to attack the object causing the mental reaction with broad, meaningless words such as "moralizing" 2. An individual's unwillingness to accept that people have different opinions. 3. Getting filled with hate after seeing, hearing or experiencing something you can't stand.
  13. When I hear the accusation of "moralizing" I hear - this information Stefan presents make me self attack, and I don't like self attack so I will attack the messenger.
  14. Is this your answer to the original question or is smugly nitpicking others your thing?
  15. I would recommend others follow suit. There must be consequences for this.
  16. All I have heard him say about premarital sex is that statistics show that the more partners a female has before marriage the more likely it is that her marriage won't last. I would hardly call statistics "moralizing".
  17. So what? It's the story's underlying message - not every single detail. Of course we know how they aren't comparable to Islamic migration, but a lot of people don't, or don't want to admit it, or are looking for any excuse possible to continue to hold their emotional position. Propaganda sets a tone, it doesn't make arguments.
  18. I think the beef is pretty obviously about immigration. Given the current climate there is pretty strong pro-immigrant emotional propaganda embedded in this while trying to smear anti-immigration people as anti-progress assholes. To me the moral reads "Immigrants are great, attractive, fearless people. If you aren't for immigration you are evil and you will lose out on their greatness and innovation."
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