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Everything posted by WasatchMan

  1. I would recommend providing evidence and context instead of nearly incoherent ramblings.
  2. Who needs to win elections when you can cuck your opposition? Then you can always hold the position of the rebel while all of society is carrying out your wishes because if they don't you will throw a temper tantrum and make them look like immoral. I agree with this, because we do have Trump.
  3. I couldn't disagree more with this sentiment. This is what people have been doing for the last century as tyranny has crept in and taken your freedom. I thought the rise and success of Trump would have killed this mentality of hiding in your bunker and waiting for Armageddon to come where you will then come out and fight over scraps of meat. As has been explained thoroughly, the purpose of the left's violence is to make people scared of coming out in the future to discuss ideas they don't like - because then those ideas die. They win by silencing us through fear of violence and social ostracization - by making us barricade ourselves from society. Waiting for them to bring the fight to your bunker will just mean they win because they don't want your bunker, they want complete control of the zeitgeist and philosophy. Now I am not saying we should abandon the NAP, however we may need to put ourselves in positions where the left forces us to defend ourselves. We may also have to realize someone has declared war on us which means we don't have to wait for them to surround us before we move on them. If we just let this play out on their terms we lose and freedom loses.
  4. The left is telling the world that they are no longer willing to use words and arguments to win political debates, and will attempt to achieve victory using "any means necessary". When someone tells you THEY are at war with you does that mean you are at war with them? You tell me - what is the rational response? Please Share.
  5. Its more like the WWII alliance of the USA and Britain with the USSR, they hold a truce for now to take out their bigger enemy, with both thinking they will be able to deal with the other later. The left arrogantly thinks it will be able to shame Islam to be subservient to them after they destroy capitalism and the rest of western values, however they are likely wrong, Islam doesn't get shamed - it chops off heads.
  6. hmmmm... this really isn't the place for non-aggression principle 1.0. This is NAP level 1000 only.
  7. Yeah, its has been proven now that John Lewis also didn't attend W's first inauguration because he didn't think he was the "legitimate president". As the Meme Queen says, "some people are just sore losers, and we just gotta keep going."
  8. Given the vagueness of her dislike and escalation my guess is she dislikes Stefan, and in particular you listening to Stefan, because if you internalized and lived the principles he promotes, your relationship would end. Given the principles that Stefan promotes, this means she benefits in some way by you not living your values.
  9. What justice is there in creating a make believe system that applies justice only after you are dead and nobody can ever know if it truly is applied?
  10. Which arguments do you disagree with you and why? Also, I would recommend you read the whole thing, which you obviously didn't. (Hint: I am making fun of Democratic Socialist who hide behind the word "democratic")
  11. Democratic fascists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs of its tax-paying citizens, not to take profits from a few and redistribute to non-citizens. To achieve a more just society, many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed through greater economic and social interest of the citizen so that ordinary Americans can participate in the many decisions that affect the lives of the productive citizen. Democracy and fascism go hand in hand. All over the world, wherever the idea of democracy has taken root, the vision of nationalism has taken root as well—everywhere but in the United States. Because of this, many false ideas about fascism have developed in the US. Doesn’t fascism mean that the government will own and run everything? Democratic fascists do not want to create an all-powerful authoritarian government. But we do not want big corporate bureaucracies, foreign interest groups, immigrants, and non-tax paying citizens to control our society either. Rather, we believe that social and economic decisions should be made by those whom they most affect – the tax paying citizen of the country. Today, corporate executives, foreign interest groups, immigrants, and non-tax paying citizens who answer only to themselves and a few anti-nationalistic politicians make basic economic decisions affecting millions of people – like offshoring millions of jobs, entangling us in foreign disputes that do not benefit national interests, and voting for more money taken from the pocket of the productive citizen and put into the hands of the inferior. Resources are used to make money for globalists, immigrants, and moochers rather than to meet the needs of the productive working class…. …. [/satire] I basically took the basis for this from the “Democratic Socialist of America” website and changed some words and concepts. While I do not think that fascist ideas really hold any merit, I do think that the concept as satire and a meme could be the ridicule nuke needed to send the “Democratic Socialist” sophists running for cover if it gained prevalence. Thoughts?
  12. Well, I do have incontrovertible evidence from the CIA and 1,420.69 other intelligence agencies (they only whispered it into my ear, but trust me) that Russian hackers (directed directly by Putin while he was simultaneously riding three bears around a giant pit surrounded by spikes and filled with transsexual-black-Mexican-muslim-feminist-non cis-gender binary-body positive-journalist) was behind the release of the video and if we don't immediately wave our finger at Russia, and say "bad Russia! NO! Don't do that!", it will lead to the destruction of the free flow of information, democracy, and internet cat videos as we know it....
  13. I think it would be good for business to do a response video. A lot of people take potholer's analysis on global warming as the gold standard.
  14. Yup, heard of them all. The million dollar challenge was never claimed.
  15. Math isn't hard. Maybe applied math like engineering which takes the ability to abstract and hold multiple competing concepts to integrate into an answer that will mean something in reality.
  16. Your distinction isn't meaningful. The end is the same, the means are only different. Also, the computer age already automatized a lot of thought.
  17. DAMNNN... I didn't know that rapists were allowed to steal candy bars. Sounds like incentivizing bad behavior if you ask me. SMH.
  18. Dude you are so wrong, everyone knows that Russia hacked Obama's birth.
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