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  • Interests
    Yoga, golf, badminton, traveling, food, biking, skiing, cooking...
  • Occupation
    self employed

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hey David and Phil! I am feeling the hands of the government around my neck more now as I am trying to open up a little bistro. I am still waiting for the renovation permit, about half a year now, before I can start any sort of renovation. There is so many health, safety, fire, environmental and energy efficiency rules to work out. So frustrating at the same time I did enjoy the whole summer in Vancouver not doing anything. Hey Phil! Is Libertymingle RSVP only or can we just drop in? I might drop by, it is walking distance from where I live. Thx
  2. Aka Vancouver, Canada for the American folks. I have been a long time youtube subscriber and just became a monthly FDR subscriber. My interests are in business and applying the principals of anchism to business. I have been a atheis all my life and never cared for politics. I am happy to be part of this community of like-minded people. Thank you Stef for your hard work, courage and the endless pursuit for the truth, and opening up my mind.
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