The comparison to the Nazi war trials after WW II doesn't really apply to the USSR. There was no war that brought down the USSR. Complete and total state domination brought down the USSR. China almost went the same way. The Chinese communist Government saved their bacon with rapid, sweeping economic reforms.
Stefan described it better than I ever could; "Communism is Socialism with a gun, these are just 2 different ways of achieving the same goal. Communism forces socialism, Socialism is a long bureaucratic process perpetrated (in the west) by puppets/stage actors posing as supposed political leaders. These stage actors tell people their virtues and morality and pass laws imposing the complete opposite". In the end the goal is the same complete and total control of everything for less than .0001% of the population(s).
Communism/socialism is a newer way for Kings and Queens to rein over their kingdoms. The goal hasn't changed in 1000's of years. Humanity has grown up in many ways with education and technology. The ones that want to rule everything need a more grown up way to implement their rein. Socialism (and its more violent implementation method Communism) are statist ideals compared to the monarchies that ruled Europe for a few millennia.
Nothing has changed and its a notable mention; The European monarchs of Ancient Europe are still there, still stinking rich, still major property owners, major share holders of huge corporations and yes they still influence policy. The states have grown as has the world population. In turn statist rulers have grown in numbers. The ancient monarchs aren't the only rulers anymore but they're still rulers.
Zeitgeist is bullshit statist propaganda even if its creators are unaware of this fact. Trying to generate support for utopia they lost sight and/or were completely unaware. What they're proposing is exactly what's destroying cultures and countries around the they themselves have made a point of in every single propaganda movie they've released.
Same shit different pile, same message different media outlet, selling same ideas with a different salesman.