Ive dealt with the same things. You are not alone. Especially about the cable tv debate. We havent had cable in a few years. We could afford it, but we are saving 1300 a year not having the traditional cable. We use amazon prime (something we would have bought reguardeless of the prime tv shows), we have netflix and hulu. ANything we cant find there we just buy per episode. which is sitll cheaper then the 1300 a year for cable. When i have brought this up to numerous people, they think im crazy. "i couldnt live with out my tv!" its like well okay waste your money then! Usually with close friends and family they see wow! She has about 120 more in her pocket a month and some have them have cancelled their tv.
So no you are not alone. And remember people are selfish. Who cares if we dont have the cash, lets take a vaca cause i deserve it!!! Well you might deserve it but if you dont have the means to pay for it then wth are you doing?
Not everybody can be as smart as us ; ) lol