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Joshua Whitworth

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  1. Perfectly said. I remember that same shit happening when I was a kid, but back then, they didn't have youtube. It was just the nature of my father's employment. He wasn't killing people, he worked for Airbus and had to go to France a lot. I never though I should hold it against him though. Should I have?
  2. I still remember watching this for the first time. It was like reliving my childhood... not a fun thing to go through. I like him was just as strong and stood my ground; got knuckles for it though. It would be nice to have a full update. My guess is, he will go back, live with her as required, and the second he turns 18, that relationship ends for good. Mom is shooting herself in the foot. The damage is done though really. Hopefully dad takes the time to explain his mistakes and make right for the years he put him through by choosing a mate with such obvious character flaws. smh
  3. I finally joined! Like most people here, Stef has changed my life. I appreciate his work and look forward to making my way through all of his podcasts. I jumped right into his relationship series and have already seperated from FoO. I did it awhile ago, but I couldn't verbalize how or why I did it, thanks to Stef putting my thoughts in order for me, I was better able to explain the situation to my mom recently. Next is my Stepdad. Hope to be an active member of the boards here and learn as much as I can.
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