Refreshing this thread because I want to see if anyone else has more thoughts on Santa. I like what I've seen shared here. My daughter is 2 and I know I can't out-and-out lie to her about it. I kind of like the idea of just telling her some people believe and some people don't and letting her decide if she wants to believe.
I didn't think I'd have to worry so early, but her verbal skills are really taking off. A friend's child, not even 3, asked her mom why she put a toy in the "Toys for Tots" bin. She asked, "Mom, why do we need to donate toys when Santa brings toys for all children?" Her mom proceeded to make up something about how sometimes Santa loses addresses. Then she asks, "How do we know Santa won't lose my address?" What a smart girl! I simply don't have it in me to lie to my child like she did hers (no judgement).