Hello fellow listeners and Liberty lovers!
I am elated to be joining the community. Words can't convey the joy I felt when I discovered the dazzling oasis that is FDR. I'd wager it's common as a newbie to be somewhat lacking in the social life department (I mostly just float enough friends through to appear normal). The cape is home to a predominantly Kennedy worshipping culture. I mean a sort of christian/mysticism/pseudoscience/family idolization. This seems to have taken hold of a majority of the middle-class and up. Republicans are a rare sight, usually thought good for a laugh. Statists, statists everywhere. A number of Christian denominations are represented, my family belonging to Roman Catholicism. They all seem to get along just fine because they proudly boast of their "tolerance." Aything the Kennedy family ever touched or did is popular so going to a competative university is a must. This may have contributed to the aspects of socialism these democrats believe in.
Some time in my youth I caught an incurable case of rationality. It's made my life rather difficult in my inability to ignore all of the malarky mixed with garbage surrounding me. Not one particularly fond of conflict, I learned awfully quickly how to avoid stirring up trouble. I got through with my head down and my armor named Work Ethic. College did me a lot of good to get away from my family and high school friends. I took the opportunity to do a lot of self realization and improvement. That arduous project was squeezed in between all of my classwork and job/"internship" as an actor in a rep company. Self-therapy is a terrible task to take on when you work 16 hours a day. The timing of it all wasn't ideal because my personal growth would occasionally surprise me with shocking truths and troublesome virtues. Changes is my thoughts would invariably cause changes in my behavior. This would prove inconvenient as those in power (or on a trip) dislike unpredictability, rationality, or virtue. God forbid all three!
I'm currently two weeks away from moving across the country after saving money whilst living with my family, FINALLY. I discovered Stef's podcasts shortly after I graduated from college. I've been burning through them like a fat kid at the end of a twinkie conveyor belt. That little voice of truth that's been sitting oh so patiently on my shoulder finally had someone to talk to. Pardon me while I gush but the range of topics along with the stream-of-consciousness-of-reason style that the podcast gives us is like thought porn to this lonely philosopher.
I laugh sometimes at how crazy Stef's ideas sound to most people because I'm typically listening, going "uh huh, right! yes yes, ooh goody another epiphany!" I've always been a secret atheist but I was so blind to the virtue of anarchy until I found FDR. The False Self/True Self stuff was profoundly enlightening for me. I've been who I've needed to be to survive my environment as I think too many make a habit of. I haven't deemed my FOO as DeFOO worthy yet. Whether the seeds of rationality lay in them is too early to tell but after I've moved out I'll at least be out of the forest to get a better look at the trees.
My true self is beyond psyched to meet you all!