I've thought about talking about this for a long time, and I'm still thinking. I feel a lot of anger towards my biological father. So much that I despise the fact I even use the would father to describe him. There was a lot of domestic violence, verbal abuse, and mental insanity in our household growing up. He wasn't completely to blame for all of it, but that doesn't mean he isn't responsible for the evil he did. He used to hit my brother a lot, he sexually assaulted me when I was 11, and mutilated my beloved pet. Combine that with abandoning me when I was deathly ill, maybe now you have an idea as to why I'm angry. I was in therapy for this from age 11 to 13. It helped me at the time but didn't resolve my feelings of hostility. I haven't spoken or seen him in 9 years. I recently moved back to my hometown where he resides somewhere. My brother and him are close. My brother recently told me his side of the story. He says he sexually assaulted me because he didn't know how to cope with me growing up. He has expressed over and over again how terribly sorry he is for what he did. So much so that my brother says it eats him alive inside.
I've been trying to get to the root of all of this for some time but time and time again I hit a brick wall. Is it possible to forgive him? Could this be the reason why I have never felt emotional intimacy in relationships? Is this the reason why I don't trust men (in relationships)?
I would like your complete and honest opinion. Thank you for your time.