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  1. Hi, do you have any recommended FDR-shows, or info / links, anything, that discusses how to solve Child Protective Services in a stateless / free society?
  2. Haha, thats the one! *smiling* Thank you very much, I really appreciate that!
  3. Hi, I'm searching for a interesting call-in show from .. uhmn ..maybe 2013, where a woman calls in about a specific topic, but then the chat ends up with her telling a long story about her dysfunctional S/M relationship with her boyfriend, and where she also tells she was to a certain degree forced into having a threesome with this boyfriend and another girl. That is a few things I remember from what I recall as a very interesting call-in show, especially how the chat develops into revealing more and more from her past. It was the last called that evening. Can someone remember which episode it is?
  4. Hi, Stefan have presented so much good info about peaceful parenting during the years, that sometimes I get lost in all the material. Which podcast would be the best on info/facts about yelling at kids and the effect on brain development? Any advices? Or other links to studies? I have this Facebook-discussion currently with people claiming that yelling to kids is important when they "do not behave" and stupid arguments like that, and I will present only the best facts and direct them to best possible material/studies. Although, some of the people discussing with me, say "what if the studies are wrong" .. haha oh my, please help me guys, please help me :)
  5. Today I have had a long and shocking chat with some Facebook-contacts. In short, these people will save an animal instead of a human baby. They are very clear on this. They think there are too many people on earth, all people are evil, they hate the human race. The chat included many irrational and emotional arguments. My first thought is that, without knowing these people from childhood, they must have had their trust in people / human race destroyed in early childhood... I have not asked, but it is the only reason I can imagine for such hatred against all humanity. They actually hope the human race extinct itself.. sad but true. I want to know more about this, how to best way meet their irrationality with ideas for them to think of, maybe even change?? Listening to Stefans philosophy show for some years, he have had some good thoughts about such people and their arguments. Can someone on this forum help me finding the "best of" , about this topic? I dont know hoe to start searching, really.. best searchterms, etc.
  6. Ok, I seriously need your thoughts on this one. In my country, Norway, the papers write about a situation in a small local football-club, for young children. Here is translated info from paper: ------- "A six year old boy is banned from football training and matches in their local sports team. The parents of the boy, have been told that he must wait six months before he gets to play football again. The basis for this ban to be that 6-year-old was difficult to deal with in training. The parents were told after they had sent a written complaint at the team's training for sports and requested a meeting. The coach should have acted threatening towards his son on a training and straightened index finger at him while he lay on the ground. The week after the meeting, the outcome was clear: The six-year-old boy was banned from sports for the New Year. - We were first told that our son was difficult exercise, after we notified of an inappropriate behavior from a coach. Challenging or not, there will be room for everyone. He is an active 6 year old, as most children. He can be silly and sometimes uneasy as any other 6-year-olds, but we have not received any notice of this. And we have followed the training and matches and have not noticed anything that he has been hard, says father. The leader in sports club would not comment on the case, but say they have spent a lot of time on this and do not have the expertise to take care of this child. This will affect his upbringing. Sports are an important arena for children in the community. To be excluded from the opportunity to participate in such community, may have consequences for the child when he starts school, the father said, adding that his son did not come back to the club" -------- My observation is that many people think that banning this very young child from the team, for 6 months, is perfectly OK. I am troubled by this. This is a very young child... They are actually OK with what I will call a punishment of this kid, because of his behaviour, and for being "unruly". I mean, we don't know any facts on what the kid have been doing on the soccer field and why the coach can't handle him...but come'on ... it is a 6-year old. He is "difficult to deal with", is the argument for banning him. This might be very traumatic for this kid. Maybe he have troubles back home that we dont know of, or "different" in other ways, and maybe this football game could be his arena for change - if he got the chance. But now, banned for 6 months. Please let me know your thoughts on this. There are so many people in Norway, including friends of mine, that think this punishment is OK. "There are always 2 sides of a story", they say. My claim is that the 6-year old do not represent any side. He is a child, and a very young one. Can someone guide me into understanding if I am wrong or, is this punishment ok? Another argument some people put out, is that it is better to ban this kid and not ruin the development of all the other kids. I can see that argument, but still not comfortable with this ban.
  7. Herd immunity as a result of vaccination get much focus in media these days. Almost every day I find various media-articles posted on Facebook about this, and especially the dangers of not using vaccines. The rethoric is very often "Those anti-vaccines-people, they should be forced to take these vaccines as it put all of us in danger.." I clearly see the importance of vaccines, and there are clear risks/dangers in not being vaccinated. Still,today there is also a "danger" in being named "anti-vaccine-idiot", conspiracy-theorist In my mind it is absolutely horrible to force people to get vaccinated. Though, I'm having trouble discussing this with people. Thoughts about this? I think Stefan should do a show about this. Call-in show, maybe ask to get some doctors online. This is a very hot topic right now, if i understand media correct.
  8. Thank you so much for taking your time to comment on this, guys! I will think of this. I will certainly let you know what I will do.
  9. Hi friends, Approx 12-13 years ago, before I got introduced to philosophy and logic (which was not part of my country's school-system), I started a website/forum about paranormal phenomenas, ghosts, ufos, and the like. I thought it was interesting and wanted to learn more. As you may know, in this kind of pseudo-science milieu, everyone can have "their own truth". Horrible. Today I see this as an incredible dangerous way of thinking, and I'm glad to say it is "something of my past". I got introduced to philosophy 6-7 years ago via a podcast about trivium, quadrivium and logical fallacies. After that, I totally left the paranormal stuff. Meanwhile, the site was still running. Here is the big deal; During all these years, my website have grown to hold near 20000 registered members (registration has always been free). Now I am about to close down the website, because I cannot defend hosting a discussion forum where people every day grows "their own reality", in galaxies far away from the objective truth. What do you think I should do with the website? Should I remove all pages, posting a link to freedomainradio maybe? Could I use it to help others in the best direction for discovering that there is something called objective truth? Or would that be rude for those who actually signed up because of their interest in paranormal-stuff? There is this saying, "when the student is ready the teacher will appear", so I'm in doubt if I can help at all.. but then again, a podcast-show helped me and introduced me to logical fallacies. It saved me, sort of.. What you think? 20000 brains.. last time I watched Iron Maiden live, 20000 was hell of a lot of people (Note: I wrote this question to Stefan earlier, but I guess I should post it here instead and not bother him with this. At the time I sent the message to Stefan, I thought there was 18k users on my form. Actually, it is closer to 20k, so .. Maybe, if I somehow could introduce even 1, 2 or 3 of them to philosophy, I would be so happy, and the website wouldn't be the waste-of-time I think it is)
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