Hello FDR community.
I have a 3 1/2 year-old son for whom I've been working hard lately to design a homeschool curriculum which is rational and sustainable.
I appreciate the concept of unschooling but I have reservation about it - I don't want him to be unprepared for college (should he chose to go) due to a non-coarsive unschooling curriculum which would may leave him without a grounding in non-academic-type stuff like math, grammar, science, etc.
My solution - and it seems very resonable to me - is to pay him (as if he were my employ) for doing the typical state-based curriculum. The payment scheme would be based on performance - so more for A's than B's and so on. I also look foward to his learning to negotiate higher wages with me since I want to train him for the real world, after all.
This would also be for non-state-based stuff such as certain area's of philosophy (especially basic epistomology and logic), computer usage, debating skills, critital thinking, which may or may not interest him much.
So the long and short of it is: Is paying for a child to do curriculum rational and moral?