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Everything posted by Longshot

  1. When the gov comes in to solve a problem it does what it does best & prolongs it. Oldie but a goodie, "If the government took over the Sahara desert, they'd be running out of sand in four years."
  2. Bad parenting caught up with those two prematurely...
  3. Magenta That photo is absolutely hilarious! Well played.
  4. Thanks for the detailed info gentlemen. I'm happy with the low BTC price right now, it makes me very optimistic. I can't wait till it goes back up so I can buy some silver with BTC on http://www.amagimetals.com/silver/1-ounce.
  5. True Mt. Gox BTC price shouldn't be considered market price, but regardless it still has had an effect. My BTC tickets put Mt. Gox @ $273.90 USD & BTC-e @ $598.20 USD. Market price has been around high $700's to low $800's for awhile until now. Is there another factor affecting the market besides Mt. Gox's selling spree?
  6. Why can't a free market fix this, if someone is willing to shovel snow for $$$ I'm sure an elderly person would gladly pay them if the price is right. Oh Ya we don't have a free market...
  7. What in the holy (insert profanity here) is going on with Mt. Gox? Is anybody on FDR caught up in this Everest size pile? Side topic, I read the US confiscated $5 mil from Mt. Gox for failure to comply with $$$ laundering laws last year. Is that true or not? At least nows a good time to buy Bitcoins while their low. & yes...I did use a hash tag in the title
  8. For a second there I thought I was watching stand-up comedy,but sadly I realized it was just a series of unfathomable lies. I still can't believe he had the balls to feed the public all that bullshit!
  9. I think his physical appearance speaks volumes in regards to his ability to govern himself or his ability to give a fuck as to whether or not someone wanted the last cream-filled donut.
  10. WTF!?! http://www.truthrevolt.org/news/nyc-schools-chancellor-push-progressive-agenda So not only is our youth subjected to the propaganda of the state, but now they can levy heavy fees on Charter Schools that would be an obvious refuge from their overreaching tentacles. Shouldn't there logically be some sort of legislature protecting alternative schools from the public bureaucratic bullshit? Or is homeschooling the only viable alternative these days?
  11. I think the theme of the movie is to be prepared for anything, hence the Doomsday Prepper, like sweet old ladies being psychopaths & never losing your faith. Not necessarily faith in the divine but too never give up faith looking for your kids. And if you are a parent then you can relate to the plot. Also the movie suggests rigorous study in solving mazes. Good movie.
  12. I wish I could tell you not to sweat the small stuff, but a complete lack of respect like this really gets to me too. It's obvious these people don't have any sign of empathy in regards to you or the rest of the neighbors, so you will never be able to engage them in a reasonable discussion. I see no reason why should be sympathetic to their needs if they disregard yours so I'd notify management without the slightest bit of regret & maybe even ask the Humane Society how this dog can safely eat in such a close proximity to where it goes dukey.
  13. I was wondering why I couldn't locate it on YouTube...I'm sure it's what she would liked to have said
  14. I didn't think taking stickers from strangers sounded creepy until I saw your vehicle. Just kidding 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. Washington 20500 Thanks
  15. I go to all sources of info, from Fox on the right to MSNBC on the left & everything inbetween to give me a broader scope of the truth mixed in with the B.S. that both sides claim to be against. My interpretation of their propaganda can't be generalized & compared to other people's interpretation because we all my go to the bar for a drink, but each person's depth of understanding is what seperates them from the drunk sitting next to them & from the other person next to them watching MSNBC in blissful ignorance.
  16. Sure, maybe others have tried to make the same case but the manner in which Stefan presents his case coupled with his incredible logic and reason is what seperates him from the rest. Obviously... otherwise we wouldn't all be here on his forum.
  17. I understand why Stefan hasn't done it, but I'd love to see him fo onto Fox or CNN and just completely blow everyone's mind. We've all had a mental ejaculation thanks to Stefan, but I'd love to see the ripple effects left behind when the public gets a load of him.
  18. Nostalgia is a motherfucker. We always long for what once was, but sadly we can never recreate it no matter how much we thing it's ideal. I too & many other's have suffered from this desire, however hindsight tells me that we should learn from the past & instead concern ourselves with the future. Obviously, easier typed than done.
  19. When you are the only one that's real & your surrounded by fake people all the time there can never be a satisfying interaction. You don't like their bullshit & they despise the truth. In my humble opinion.
  20. How many of you have friends or acquaintances that constantly flake out at the last minute or don't even have the courtesy to say they can't make it? Is this the new generation of flakes & selfish people or is it just me? So frustrating & annoying, especially when my kids get let down as well. Please let me know I'm not the only one...
  21. Welcome to FDR, congrats on your Bachelors in Psych & on not letting college fill you with all the propaganda academia has to offer.
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