Hello! My name is Chaz Ralls. I am 20 years old, so I am probably one of the younger members on this forum, but I am very excited to see what I may be able to add or take away from the conversations that go on here.
I'll give everyone a little bit of an idea of my background, and if anyone is interested to delve a little deeper Id be happy to discuss my life in more detail. Anyways, I currently live in Virginia. I was brought up in a Christian environment. My parents are Baptists, while others in my family are more Pentecostal. Not only that but I was put through christian schools that had a large part to do with my indoctrination as a child.. In early high school, my mind was so overwhelmed with the implications of a Christian reality.. I knew what my teachers and family was saying about the Bible didn't really match up. This started me on a journey to become a true biblicist and theologian. That only led to my "spiritual demise." It didn't take long for me to discover that the Bible was in no way divine. The only proof and the only authority that the book and the faith had given me was the very objects that I was questioning (i.e. the Bible, faith). So here we are two years after high school. Two years of no longer being a Christian. And my thirst for truth and wisdom could not be any greater. I love that I have the internet to go to for new ideas and good ideas; otherwise, I would probably be a very confused and miserable christian. Currently, I'm not an anything. I guess one could say I'm Atheist; in that, I don't believe in any gods. But I'm still trying to learn more about the world and about people; so, I wouldn't say that I'm anything more than a truth-seeker. I just recently stumbled upon FDR and Stefan, and I've quite enjoyed all that I've seen and heard. I joined the forum because I want to be a part of the discussion, and I definitely look forward to getting to know some of you and contributing to this movement of ideas and truth. Be Well!