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Everything posted by MMX2010

  1. This describes me, as well. However, I am still living with my parents (both of whom I disrespect), so I figure this lack-of-empathy will end when I move out (in a month) and begin seeking therapy. Did you hear the most recent call in show (Wed JUN 11th "You Can't Fix Stupid"), regarding IQ? Is your IQ sufficiently high that you could relate to the first caller, who was constantly trying to manage the emotions of dumb people? I was struck by how much he was trying to manage the emotions of dumb people and, unknowingly, short-changing himself and his importance.
  2. "People have children for the same reason that someone about to vomit reaches for a garbage can: they need something to vomit into."
  3. "One of my major goals as a philosopher is to deny people what they haven't earned."
  4. Because I don't have a strong bond with either of my parents, I feel like you're asking me about rocket engines, even though I haven't studied rocket engines. So the best I can offer is: (1) No, it's not too soon to get excited, and I'm happy that you're excited. (2) Just remember how long and arduous it was for you to acquire your current level of self-knowledge, and be sure to hold your mother up to that same standard. No excuses. Keep us posted.
  5. What were the three factors that you think most strongly produced your change-of-mind?
  6. People don't change their minds because they perceive "credibility" to exist in someone else. They change their minds either: (1, in rare cases) because the counter-arguments are more rational or (2, in much more frequent cases) because they know they'll be made fun of / suffer status loss for retaining their current positions.
  7. I think JamesP's assumption of benevolent intentions is warranted, because spanking is always justified using moral terms. No spanking parent says, "I spank my kid to shut him up, and it works." They instead say, "I spank my kid to turn him into a disciplined, responsible adult."
  8. I don't want to speak for Shirgall, but I think he meant that "being a horrible parent (planned or not)" is not in the same ethical category as "planning the deaths of random strangers".
  9. This youtube video was excellent, and it made me think of Stef's earlier review of the movie American Psycho. (FDR 1759). In it, Stef points out how the man who created the movie American Psycho explicitly told everyone what the movie means, and who inspired it. But no one hears this.
  10. It would be interesting, frustrating, and probably impossible to track down those people who laughed when the man was getting abused to: (1) casually ask whether they condone domestic violence, (2) show them video of themselves laughing, and (3) challenge their statement that they don't condone domestic violence.
  11. I get the impression that he never even tried. (But I didn't read his manifesto or anything.)
  12. I wouldn't support this if it were law, but I think a free society would enact such a policy.
  13. I liked that video a lot, Omega 3 Snake Oil. Thanks for posting it.
  14. Completely random story coming. In the Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode, Laser Blast, the following exchange happens. Buff Hero: Now you listen here, lady. Woman: Doctor! Sarcastic Background Commenter: Doctor Lady! (Whenever I hear someone referred to as "lady", I think of that exchange.)
  15. My childhood experiences of affection were very similar to Rainbow Jamz's. And I also find those images to be creepy. So all three of our reactions are easily traced to early childhood.
  16. I don't find it exciting, and have never found it exciting. I've always interpreted it as a party that I'm not invited to, and I neither get jealous nor happy that such parties exist.
  17. I also think that the only requisite for being heterosexual is not engaging in any homosexual sex. There's no need to feel sick when thinking about homosexual sex.
  18. I am assuming, based on my own mother, that your email would be interpreted as "He's sad, he's angry, he needs me." I know that isn't much of an argument, so I'm sorry if that doesn't apply to your situation. As far as the podcast went, Stef did introduce the idea of "Leave your inbox open, so they can send you emails, instead of knocking on your door." So I suggested it hoping it would help. Edited to add: Do you think "Happy Independence" would be better? Something like, "I'm so glad to be here; love the people I'm with, and don't think I need anyone else in my life right now."
  19. I'm not sure how, "Please leave me alone and do not play on my conscience, and more. You say you want me all that well, words are very cheap, show it by respecting my choice and my freedom; leave me alone!" is going to "make" your mother trust you enough to not show up on your doorstep. Have you heard the two gold podcasts entitled "Bad Family Voodoo"?
  20. ferristar, I hope you're not mad that I'm talking to you while addressing Kristi's post. I agree with her that you're assuming: "A healthy heterosexual male must want to vomit if he sees gay porn." What if all of our cultures been so lacking in empathy for gay men that they created the myth (assumption) that "Only vomiting is the proper reaction that heterosexual males should have towards gay porn?" And what if you internalized that myth, and then discovered that non-vomiting is the healthy response? What would that feel like?
  21. What does "throwing up while watching gay porn" have to do with being heterosexual, or homosexual?
  22. I hope this doesn't sound callous or dismissive, but the last few podcasts on female evil have made me much less more attracted to hot girls. But I've never used this reduction of attraction to assume, let alone consider, that I'm "becoming homosexual", nor "feeling half-homosexual".
  23. Giancoli, have you read the last 15% of Real-Time Relationships, specifically the part about "parents only want you to respond to their conclusions, so they can drag you into a long-winded debate about the validity / invalidity of your conclusions"?
  24. It takes such a long time for a person to have all of his/her posts hidden by default. And anyone who reaches this status can make a comeback.
  25. Hopefully you and your buddy have perfected the whole "Jerk!", "Bitch!" exchange.
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