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Everything posted by Ashton

  1. Ok so far i can't find the study that Stef often quotes, but i have found a lot of conflicted studies: Study: Effects of early daycare on children's attachment security and social-emotional development KINDHEIT UND ENTWICKLUNG Volume: 22 Issue: 1 Pages: 5-13 DOI: 10.1026/0942-5403/a000093 Published: 2013 NONMATERNAL CARE IN THE 1ST YEAR OF LIFE AND THE SECURITY OF INFANT-PARENT ATTACHMENT CHILD DEVELOPMENT Volume: 59 Issue: 1 Pages: 157-167 Published: FEB 1988 Most important study Early child care and children's development prior to school entry: Results from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL Volume: 39 Issue: 1 Pages: 133-164 Published: SPR 2002 INFANT DAY-CARE, ATTACHMENT, AND THE FILE DRAWER PROBLEM CHILD DEVELOPMENT Volume: 65 Issue: 5 Pages: 1429-1443 DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8624.1994.tb00827.x Published: OCT 1994 NONMATERNAL CARE AND THE SECURITY OF INFANT MOTHER ATTACHMENT - A REANALYSIS OF THE DATA INFANT BEHAVIOR & DEVELOPMENT Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Pages: 71-83 DOI: 10.1016/0163-6383(92)90007-S Published: JAN-MAR 1992 Here are some to get your started. Like in my thread i have posted, daycare seems to be in a difficult spot right now. There are studies that show negative and positive effects, but there is no concesus of opinion within the science literature. From my reading (Many studies) <20 hours a week of high quality childcare and parental interaction benefits the child more then just high quality parental interaction. But the lowering either aspects (Childcare and parental) increases negative effects.
  2. I don't agree with the above video at all and my follow up opinion would possibly derail this thread. So take care.
  3. Awesome. I'm away tonight, but tomorrow i'll post a few for you. I should be able to liberate the pay wall blocked studies to.
  4. Maybe you can help then?
  5. Hmm, that above video is a bit silly. You can't compare an adults comprehension to a Childs. They are not as developed as adults, which is why we make that distinction.I agree with progressing age of the child you need to treat them with more respect, but in the same breath they are children and shouldn't be forced to grow up to fast.
  6. Ahh sorry about that reply.OK, I'm going to assume breast fed, if that's the case the longer she feeds from you the better. You get emotional contact, which is just as important as the milk. If your enjoying the feeding and she is, then in my opinion, follow her lead. She will tell you when she is ready, my son stopped around 18 months, my wife wasn't ready as she loves breastfeeding but you can't force a child.If people are pressuring you, tell them you are doing what is best for my baby and if they are unwilling to support you, then you might want to consider if they are the type of people you want in your life.Can you get your husband to bottle feed the expressed milk at night to help you? What dream feeding? My wife does this and swears by it.Longer on the breast, the better for baby.
  7. Is she trying to grab food? Showing an active interest in food? If she is, she's probably ready to try. So maybe try a mush meal (Blizted homemade food) or some carrot sticks/cucumber sticks, just to see how she gets on. When our son hit the age for weaning, he let us know by grabbing for food and showing a keen interest in it. We started by offering blitzed food and then progressed from there. We got to the point where he would have Blitzed food for breakfast (7-8am) and dinner (5-7pm) and in between he always had what we called play food, so carrot sticks, humous, chopped grapes etc, stuff that he can play with and throw around and really explore the food. Our idea was as long as he got enough for breakfast, tea and carried on with the booby milk, his lunch isn't so important. In my opinion, blitzed food allows your child to experience a wide variety of foods. He used to love Salmon, Asparogus, Carrot and Sweet Potato, just throw anything and everything in, blitz and feed. They'll rarely turn away.
  8. To me Unschooling is an educational method and philosophy that rejects compulsory school as a primary means for learning. And to me, all i am seeing is a reason for people not to parent their children. From the caller posted above, to multiple instances on my wifes facebook feed from parents who are doing 'Unschooling' and having the callers exact problem. I just see it as a 'I want to be different' scream for help. There is always exceptions to this rule and i'm sure the people who are posting here are doing amazing jobs, but from my experience, this is the case.
  9. I think this applys to every form of parenting style. Its also the fudimental reason why i dislike unschooling. Its far to dangerous in my opinion.
  10. Erm i can provide with you some studies that back this up if you'd like.
  11. trout007, on 08 Sept 2013 - 6:36 PM, said: Has anyone made a change to peaceful parenting? At what age were your children? Can you give some insight on how things changed and how long it took for your children to change?I'm 30 with a wife and 2 kids. (Lewis who is 3 and Alice who is 9 weeks).We started 'Peaceful parenting' (PP for short) after watching Bomb in the Brain series by Stef. We are not perfect at it, but we are trying. I was all ready and set for spanking and yelling until that series taught me otherwise.A lot of people here i suspect wont tell you how difficult it actually is emotionally at times, i guess its seen as a weakness to talk about them. But for me and my wife sometimes we struggle when we have a lot of external life issues that pile ontop of looking after the children. For a short example, driving in the car at the moment is a nightmare, our son is pretty well behaved but our daughter just screams in the car for the entire journey, then our son decides to try and talk but louder, my wife is trying to deal with the children while i drive and at times it can get extremely testing.People think PP and assume it'll be 'Peaceful', while it is 60-70% of the time, the rest its just the same as if you were not PP'ingMy kids have grown up with it, so i can't provide you any insight onto how they have changed, but i can tell you its not all glamorous as portrayed by some.
  12. http://www.neweconomics.org/publications/entry/a-bit-richInteresting perspective, anyone care to rebut?Also within this report it's quite interesting recycle workers provide more social value then say bankers. Common sense I suppose.
  13. So some people in the chat and Stef as well, portray day care as a negative enviroment, yet the scientific community after decades of research conclude that it is highly day care facility dependant. So because you might have one bad day care, does that mean all are bad? Summary of research: The effects of daycare: Persistent questions, elusive answers By:Shpancer, N (Shpancer, N) EARLY CHILDHOOD RESEARCH QUARTERLY Volume: 21 Issue: 2 Pages: 227-237 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecresq.2006.04.006 Published: 2006 Effects of early daycare on children's attachment security and social-emotional development By:Linkert, C (Linkert, Christine)[ 1 ] ; Bauerlein, K (Baeuerlein, Kerstin)[ 1 ] ; Und, ES (Und, Eva Stumpf)[ 1 ] ; Schneider, W (Schneider, Wolfgang)[ 1 ] KINDHEIT UND ENTWICKLUNG Volume: 22 Issue: 1 Pages: 5-13 DOI: 10.1026/0942-5403/a000093 Published: 2013 The home-daycare link: mapping children's new world order By:Shpancer, N (Shpancer, N) EARLY CHILDHOOD RESEARCH QUARTERLY Volume: 17 Issue: 3 Pages: 374-392 Article Number: PII S0885-2006(02)00170-9 DOI: 10.1016/S0885-2006(02)00170-9 Published: 2002 The effect of same-age and mixed-age grouping in day care on parent-child attachment security By:Pool, MM (Pool, MM); Bijleveld, CCJH (Bijleveld, CCJH); Tavecchio, LWC (Tavecchio, LWC) SOCIAL BEHAVIOR AND PERSONALITY Volume: 28 Issue: 6 Pages: 595-602 DOI: 10.2224/sbp.2000.28.6.595 Published: 2000
  14. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/feb/22/obamacare-reform-doctors-lost-sense-of-purpose So its from a repsectable newspaper in the UK, so not your usual fluff from the red tops. I personally have to agree with him, i feel the human aspect has been completely removed. But I hope to get Stef's perspective on this as he is the free market man.
  15. I might be able to help in this regards, if there is any specific studies you are after, i can check my wifes university access and liberate them for you.
  16. From page 110 and 111 of Understanding Childrens Development (Forth Edition) by Peter K Smith, Helen Cowie and Mark Blades (ISBN - 0-631-22823-3 in case anyone thinks I'm making it up)I quote: Belsky 1988 (INFANT DAY-CARE AND SOCIOEMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT - THE UNITED-STATES) Baydar and Brooks-Gunn 1991 (EFFECTS OF MATERNAL EMPLOYMENT AND CHILD-CARE ARRANGEMENTS ON PRESCHOOLERS COGNITIVE AND BEHAVIORAL OUTCOMES - EVIDENCE FROM THE CHILDREN OF THE NATIONAL LONGITUDINAL SURVEY OF YOUTH) From The Developing Child (Tenth Edition) by Helen Bee and Denise Boyd (ISBN - 0-205-35797-0)Latchkey Children (The popular term for children who spend their after-school hours without adult supervision is Latchkey Children.)I quote (Page: 384): End of Latchkey Children.I quote (Page: 386): I quote (Page: 387) I quote (Page: 387) From The Development of Children (Fifth Edition) by Michael Cole, Sheila R Cole, Cynthia Lightfoot (ISBN - 0-7167-5555-6)I quote (Page: 426): I quote (Page: 427): My wife is a Child Language Psychologist and she asked me to post this after she was doing some research for one of her projects. Hope this helps!
  17. Appreciate the reply. It was a spur of the moment type discussion, so sadly we didn't have time for ground rules The pull method is interesting, i'm assuming you mean by using leading questions?
  18. If no one will confront their errors, then who will? Is it wrong to want to help people either by push or by nudge? I know self enlightenment is fantastic, but some people can't get their without help.I'm not implying they dislike me, I'm saying they got upset and angry.The relationships that are not fulfilling I generally move on from, my mother and wife's family I can't leave behind because of the upset it would cause to not only them but my family and that is not something I'm willing to force upon them.
  19. What is wrong with people?Am i wrong, or are people broken?I was having a discussion with some people about weather or not subscription based TV services are a necessity or a luxury and if you where in a financially difficult situation would you cancel it. It basically ended with them getting really upset with me and calling me judgemental and argumentative. Yet i wasn't arguing or being judgemental.I experience this all the time, people do not like hearing truths and it confounds me as to why, should i not tell people the errors in their judgements? Should i just keep the truths to my self and instead conform to the lie?I get so frustrated when a clearly obvious error in a discussion, like a contradiction, is being completely ignored to justify their attitudes.I have yet to meet anyone in person who is on the same level as my self, (Not implying any kind of moral superiority) with their dedication to logic and truth.My mum smokes, she knows its bad for you, she knows it might kill her, yet she refuses to engage in a conversation about it.My monster in law pays to go on holidays they can't afford, i bring it up with them and they get quite offended and justify it because its the only break they have.It just seems the world is filled with people and their contradictions, never willing to change their habits. I'm sorry for the rant.
  20. My son is nearly 2.5years old and for Christmas he received a box-set of traditional fairy tale books. My wife and I have been reading them with him before bed, but are becoming more and more concerned about the messages that they're giving. For instance: - 3 Billy Goats: If you meet a murderer, you'll be fine. Just tell them to get your sibling. - 3 Little Pigs: When your mother has 'had enough of you', she'll turn you out to fend for yourself. You'll get threatened in your home, but it's OK because you can set a trap and kill the attacker. - Jack and the beanstalk: It's OK to steal from someone as long as they're ugly and un-naturally tall. - General messages throughout: All women are Princess-beautiful with perfect skin and size zero figures. You will have an ugly stepmother who will hate you because you're beautiful. You are helpless in life and spend your days waiting for a handsome man to come and rescue you. All bad people are ugly. All good people are beautiful. You will be punnished for being 'naughty', usually by means of death. Am I being too sensitive/unreasonable to not want my son to experience these stories?
  21. This link here: www.bit.ly/1hwvYdh The more technology increases, the higher life expectancy you have and that decreases populations. So essentially disproving my post. So people get out there and have babies!
  22. The video is an explination of the overpopulation problem. The question is as i've wrote: "How would you in a free market world stop or curb population growth without force?"
  23. At the moment we are ignoring the overpopulation issue but without change we'll grow beyond sustainability. Explained here: As such how would you in a free market world stop or curb population growth without force?
  24. Quick video explination: Dictionary explination (For you non video watchers) Sonder - n. the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own. So my question is, Do you need sonder to feel emapthy? I want to express my opinion, but i'll hold fire to that for the time being, to allow people to express theirs without the taint of my own.
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