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Trust vs Distrust & which is appropriate.

A calloused person may tell you it isn't worth trusting anyone because they might hurt you. Problem being as you may never really live if you can't trust other people. Perhaps it is also a reflection of the lack of trust one has for himself/herself.

A green virgin might tell you that you should trust everyone because everyone deserves your trust @ least the first go-round. Problem being that with no defenses at all he/she will be made ,just as the calloused person is, unhealthily-skeptical at the first sign of betrayal. Just as Mr. Calloused, as well, he will begin to think that all things, good and bad alike, are mere prestidigitation.

Now if we were all saints then Mr.Green Virgil would have no problem at all. The problem is the fact that we all have expectations for others that sometimes, dare I say most of the time, differ from expectations for ourselves. A Mr.Calloused in a situation where he finds himself being subject to sarcasm by a fellow employee may also find himself being sarcastic to an additional employee: even though he disapproved of someone else doing it to him.

This case of persons who enjoy their abuse of expectations of other people ( who don't like others to disappoint their own expectations ). We will call them Mr.Repair as they treat everyone else like a tool. A common tool of choice is Mr.Green Virgil. Another trait I associated with Mr.Repair is the need to justify his own infringements. For Example: Mr. Repair makes plans with Mr. Green Virgil later that day Mr.Repair makes plans with another friend: Mr.Superficial-Priority (forgetting about his initial plans). Later when Mr.Green Virgil calls: Mr. Repair tells Mr. Green Virgil he can't go out on grounds that he hasn't hung out with Mr.Superficial-Priority in quite a long while, & that really it is a priority over the precedence set by making the initial plans.
Mr.Repair knows that he has Mr.Green Virgil around his finger so it really isn't a concern. If Mr. Calloused was a friend of Mr.Repair, then Mr.Repair would know that Mr.Calloused is not wrapped around his finger and therefore Mr.Calloused will not be another tool of Mr.Repair's.

1 Mr. Repair asks Mr.Green Virgil if he could buy him a pack of cigarettes: knowing that Mr.Green Virgil will say yes. To no surprise Mr.Green Virgil accepts and goes out to buy a pack of cigarettes. What Mr Green Virgil doesn't know is that Mr. Repair is laughing at how much of a sucker the guy who is buying him cigarettes is.
2 Another Occasion Mr. Repair asks Mr. Green if he would like to hang out so they can smoke only he needs help procuring Mary-Jane so Mr.Green Virgil ( again to no surprise ) supplies the monetary funds. Though Mr.Green has already funded the nights activities Mr.Repair insists on convincing him that Mr.Green really owed him the money on grounds that it is his birthday. This justification ,that Mr.Repair employs, degrades Mr.Green's good intentions till they are just unimportant actions in the sense that they are not appreciated.

Now you may get the feeling that I sympathize for Mr.Green Virgil, I do. "Fool me once shame on you." When Mr.Green continuously accepts the same abuse I no longer sympathize for him."Fool me twice shame on me." Even if I did feel bad for him consoling his hurt feelings will only baby him up for the next incident that occurs "fool me three times?" Mr Green Just needs some balance. He does not want to be overly calloused to the point of narrow-mindedness, nor does he want to be so carpe-diem for today that he is in debt to tomorrow, or be so "nice" ( we can substitute "stupid") that he lets Mr.Repair walk over him.

Conclusion? None.


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