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Everything posted by abcqwerty123
Goodjob to the both of you! =) There are many ways you can do it and both of you did it in your own unique ways. For me, I will usually stick with something like this... Either way though, did either of you find it difficult, or that you spent a little time thinking about it? I really only did this because I am trying to understand how people feel with problem solving. I would consider this a very simplistic problem to solve, but people I know personally can't seem to understand it and only get upset when they can't solve it so I don't get any information. Since both of you did it, I am curious as to what you thought about it. Anyways, great job! I am thinking about creating a problem solving quiz, something that requires more logic rather then book smarts, in order to see at what level people can problem solve. Then I want to take it to the streets and turn it into a video.
Nope. They can be as wide as you want them to be as long as the lines are at least 2 pixels wide.
DON'T LOOK AT THE ANSWERS BELOW UNTIL YOU HAVE SOLVED IT OR GIVEN UP!!! Hey everyone. One of the many things I enjoy to do is graphic design. I taught myself graphic design and was making graphics for large companies when I was 14 years old. Through teaching myself, I had a bunch of problem solving to do which is something I love as well. So, I decided to share a very basic problem with everyone to see how many people could get it. I have given this problem to many friends and I kid you not, nobody could get it. I had many people resort to the "I don't understand what you are asking" excuse simply because they couldn't figure out a solution. I would consider this very very basic problem solving but it goes to show you have our school system has "educated" the population to be unable to problem solve even basic problems like this. PROBLEM: In photoshop (the graphic design software I use), if you zoom in all the way, you can see every pixel that makes up an image. A pixel is a 1 by 1 square with a color in it and pixels make up your computer screen resolution. So, a 1280x720 resolution means that you are looking at 1280 pixels width and 720 pixels height. Using a 10x10 pixel box (10 pixels by 10 pixels), I want to fill in the pixel squares so when I copy and paste the design directly to the right, left, top and below of it and then into each of the corners where each box is touching perfectly, corner to corner, we end up with this design. If that was a little complicated, here is a graphic showing the 10x10 pixel squares that I place next to eachother in order to create a design. Hopefully you understand the problem so far. Now, using the design below, tell me which boxes to fill in in order to create the finished design. Lastly, I do NOT want the lines to only be 1 pixels thick but rather at least 2-5 pixels thick. If you made a line 1 pixel thick, you would go from one corner diagonally to the next, but when you have 2-5 pixels thick, you will end up with a design with gaps in the lines. Goodluck! REMEMBER! DON'T LOOK BELOW TO THE ANSWERS UNTIL YOU HAVE SOLVED IT YOURSELF OR GIVEN UP!
Not once did I say that it was easier to eat only foods from the earth rather then meat included. I only said that it is possible so why kill what we don't need, just to be a little bit lazier? So, your argument of you have to eat more vegies to get the same nutrients from it as you would from meat doesn't make eating meat necessary. As for where to get vitamin A: http://www.veganhealth.org/articles/vitamina Vitamin D: From the sun, 5-30 minutes a day, 2 days a week (pretty sure most people get that and more), but in case you don't see sun ever, mushrooms exposed to ultraviolet lights have a TON of vitamin D http://www.vrg.org/journal/vj2009issue2/2009_issue2_vitamin_d.php Anyways, you posted an article about 5 nutrients you can only get from meat and fish. 1 of them even in the article says isn't an essential nutrient and how the body handles it itself, and the other 4 were easily searched on how to gain those nutrients through other sources. So, again, my question has NOT been answered. You CAN live without eating meat and you CAN live with eating meat, just one requires you to slaughter living creatures and one does not. There is a HUGE difference from having a large piece of land that animals live on, are treated properly and basically can roam large distances and such while dying naturally then there is of the exact same thing and then being slaughtered when they reach a certain size/age. I have 2 dogs and they are locked away in a house on a small piece of land, BUT I feed them the best food I can find/afford, and I do regret that I can't feed them the best food possible but I and most people can't afford it, neither would they be eating it if they lived free, I take them out to play at parks, on random walks, around many people and so forth. They seem very happy all of the time and they sleep very well with the only health problem either have ever had was allergic reactions to something outside, which I have never been able to figure out what it was but it has only happened to each dog once in 4 years and they were both treated with correct creams as soon as I learned about it. On top of which, I will not slaughter them for food or every treat them any worse then they are treated now. So, do we need animals to raise crops, yah probably, haven't done too much research on that topic myself, but you can raise animals properly and even though you are basically enslaving the animal, you can still treat them great as if they were your child, and not end up killing them in the end. You cannot say you love a life that you kill, unless you do not understand what love is. Sorry, but that is a contradiction. And saying that people will always eat animals is a fact of life, is ignorance. People use to argue that owning a slave would always be a fact of life, and that is quickly being proven wrong. Again, you say something with NO proof. You cannot say we are designed to do something just because we have always done it. From what I have seen in this entire debate is that our bodies are more suited towards a plant system rather then a meat system but with meat being possible. And yes, you are contradicting yourself as I pointed out up above, but you cannot kill/slaughter with compassion. Just imagine: Cop - "What happened here!?" You - "I killed this baby with compassion." Cop - "What do you mean?" You - "I killed this baby, but I treated it with compassion so that makes it okay, right?"*Handcuffs click* You can wish all you want but you are the one choosing to do something you don't have to do. I wish I was a millionaire, but sitting in my room all day doing nothing won't make that happen. Please stop repeating what has already been proven wrong multiple times and please don't tell people that they have emotional blocks because they feel emotional about killing something that doesn't need to be killed. "You must have an emotional block because I slaughtered your baby boy for no reason and you just refuse to understand my reasonless reason." Saying that eating meat is destroying peoples health and destroying the environment isn't even needed. All you have to do is prove we don't have to eat meat to live healthy and why killing unnecessarily is wrong. Adding in it is bad for their health is closing them up instantly because the propaganda is already too strong. Just like when trying to teach people how evil government is, you don't want to jump into conspiracies because they have been taught that conspiracy theorists are insane/crazy, so you just point out the millions of evil committed against them every single day by government so they can understand it through basic logic. Oh, and that is all folks. I wanted to get my last few words in, but I am not coming back to this article. Reading 2 people constantly say the same stuff no matter how many times it is proven false gets a bit boring. So yup, see you around the forums, just not here! =)
I know soy is very bad for you... I even said it... "Does that make me right in eating fish and soy? Absolutely not!" There you go again, with yet another contradiction. "I said I've seen both sides of the arguments. Did you not read what I wrote?" as you didn't read what I wrote. And lastly, please tell me how well my argument stands up: -I have also seen all sides of the argument and I myself have only seen that being a vegan is 100% healthy and eating meat will kill you in the matter of a few days. It is poison. YOU WILL DIE! And so, since I am the master of all and cannot learn another thing, I absolutely refuse to acknowledge anything you say and link to and will continue to tell you that my answer is the logical one with all of the evidence, but I refuse to show any proof of the most basic question! So, please tell me, do you believe I am right, that I am telling the truth? Oh, and that question I referred to is something I have asked twice and have yet to receive an answer to counteract it, just a bunch of run around similar to what Peter Joseph loves to do to Stefan. How can eating meat be healthier or needed compared to eating food from the ground when every single nutrient needed from meat can be consumed by a not meat source?
So, you are now attacking someone about not looking at the evidence as you admit to not looking at their evidence? Hmmm... Sorry man, but saying you are healthier now from eating "real food" isn't much of a debate. Sure, I am healthier now as well then I was a few weeks ago. I went from 4,000+ calories a day of every unhealthy food known to man to a 1,500 calorie plan that consists of mostly veggies, some fish, and some soy products. Does that make me right in eating fish and soy? Absolutely not! But they are definitely healthier then what I have been eating for most of my life.
I can't believe this argument is still going... And yet, I STILL see the same thing over and over again. The people in support of not eating meat are either giving "moral" reasons and/or showing links to every vegan/vegetarian that says it is healthier. Every person in support of eating meat is giving links showing that it is healthier to eat meat and/or that it is possibly to eat meat. The simple answer is, it is possible to live off of both ways, eating animals is not immoral BUT it doesn't make it right, and that just because we can do something doesn't mean we should. Just because you have the power to murder your children in a trillion different ways doesn't mean you should try a few ways out. We CAN live only off of food from the ground and be just as healthy as we would while eating meat since all the nutrients we need from meat can be consumed through other sources so we do NOT need to be cruel to animals in the process. So please explain why this argument is continuing? Neither side is going to change their minds and all onlookers like myself have already received the answer back from the first page and most probably haven't even read past the first page.
What other Philosophers do you listen/watch/read?
abcqwerty123 replied to chrispy's topic in General Messages
I know people might get angry that I am saying this and that I am like this but... I don't really enjoy watching most other philosophers. I follow Stefan and I do watch a few others as well, but the problem is that aside from Stefan, I always find problems with other philosophers. The philosophers I do follow are: Adam Kokesh Larken Rose Josie Outlaw BraveTheWorld But each one of them has their flaws and none of them will admit to being wrong when they are proven wrong (from what I have seen). What they are wrong on is never usually big stuff and nothing that I can think of off the top of my head, but when I catch one, it gets a little frustrating. So for the most part, I follow Stefan and follow Larken and Josie when they actually post new content, and then with Brave/Adam, I sometimes watch their new stuff if it seems interesting at the time. Aside from that, I really do enjoy figuring things out for myself. I love problem solving and I love being presented with topics by people that I cannot just answer off the top of my head but rather have to think about. I will then go through to find Stefan talk about that topic after I came up with my answer to see if his is similar, and so far they always have been so I feel I am doing something right. Oh, and my other problem with other philosophers is that once you have discovered fact/truth, learning about all these other philosophers just doesn't do it for me because they can't go against the truth Stefan speaks without contradicting themselves and if I want to hear that, I'll walk downstairs and talk to my dad or something. Until I can hear some arguments to what Stefan says that actually make for contradictions and have Stefan not acknowledge it, then I just don't see the point of spending so much time learning about "random" people. And this isn't just about philosophers. This goes for everyone and everything. I don't enjoy wasting time on contradictions. -
Yes, morals can not be involved when under coercion. If a man breaks into your house and starts swinging a sword at you and you shoot him in the head and kill him. You cannot be immoral for defending yourself. See, I didn't go to college. I mean, I went to like 5 different community colleges, took a couple of courses at each, and I discovered that college is worthless. One class I took was for webdesign/photoshop. My professor also taught at CSUN (cal state univ northridge) where he was the professor for the highest webdevelopment and computer graphics courses offered at the school. After my 3rd day in his class, I was extremely bored and asked if we could sit down after class when he had a chance to talk. We scheduled a little lunch meeting on campus, and I brought my laptop in. I showed him some of the work I had done when I was 14-15 years old and asked what level class he felt I should be in. He told me that I would be in the top class at CSUN and some of the stuff I had shown was beyond what he even teaches in that class. I mean, I taught myself both webdesign and graphics using only the internet, when I was 14 years old and 5 years later, that work was still beyond what they teach in the highest class offered at a university? At that point, I said screw it and quit college. I realized that everything these teachers were teaching were things I could learn on the internet at a much quicker/cheaper pace and I don't have to take classes in 20 topics that I will never use or has anything to do with my degree. Now, I will say that I am sure there are some excellent professors/teachers out there who teach the correct way and there are subjects that you may not find on the internet to the degree you may find in college, such as becoming a brain surgeon, but discovering those professors/teachers is extremely difficult and most of the time, it still wouldn't be worth the 150,000+$ debt you will be in after a 4 year degree. So for me, I will never attend college nor will I suggest anyone does attend college UNLESS... The only reason I would tell someone to go into debt from hell is if they have a career choice that they cannot be hired for without a college degree and that they would be able to pay off their debt within 10 years of being hired, and even 10 years of debt is absolutely ridiculous but that is the shitty society we currently are forced to live in.
Practical Philosophical Question, Tipping
abcqwerty123 replied to Triumph's topic in General Messages
Thankyou! =) -
If I would have received an argument making meat worth eating, I would have continued to eat meat. The problem is, I have yet to hear an argument that had something to do with eating meat and that wasn't countered. I admit, I was leaning towards being vegan anyways, but I wanted to be informed before I made my decision final and this huge debate made it pretty simple. When I said before how I feel better physical after my first week, it wasn't a lie to you guys or myself. I really did feel better and still do, but I also won't blame that purely on what I am eating. I can throw in there that it has to do with my weight loss so I can already start to move around easier, my hard work with my career in which I have been progressing it much faster and cleaner then I have yet to do, and more.... But the fact is, I DO feel better after my first week and eating vegan was one of the things that changed in the week. I have actually been losing my cravings. When I am hungry, I think about how great a super large unhealthy chipotle burrito or pepperoni pizza sounds, but then I force myself to eat something else and those craving disappear. However, I do not trust myself to eat a small piece of meat when I have cravings and even if I did, it doesn't change the fact that I don't have to eat the meat because eventually cravings will subside, especially after I just simply eat. I agree that people don't like to hear about their own bad habits/wrong doings. Eating meat isn't against the non-aggression principle though because animals cannot understand the non-aggression principle, therefore it cannot apply to them. That does NOT make it right though. Eating animal is also not immoral. Again, they cannot understand morality so it cannot apply to them. People do not need to be responsible for the world, they need to be responsible for themselves. See, that is a HUGE problem in the world. Everyone pushes this responsibility for everything except the one and only thing people actually need to be responsible for, themselves (and their own children). I constantly hear, we need to be responsible for all the children in the countries education, for the environment, for your neighborhood, and so much more, but I never hear that people need to be responsible for themselves. THIS IS A QUESTION FOR ALL PEOPLE WHO STILL EAT MEAT!!! -First, I am not accusing you of being evil or anything like that, just proposing a different thinking on this. If you have any pets, let's say a dog for example. Would you eat your dog? For me, I have 2 dogs, love them to death and I would absolutely never eat them. If you say yes, then I can only assume that your value on life in general is a little shaky. If you said you wouldn't eat them, then why does that change with any other animal? It is only because you don't raise those pigs, cows, lamb, etc... You don't form an attachment to them and you aren't the one killing/chopping the animal up, but because you won't eat your own pet, you know the value of animals. Sooo you are literally under the mindset of, out of site out of mind. But hey, maybe I am wrong. Don't know how I can be wrong, but maybe you have some crazy way of wording that justifies it. However, this debate is pretty much over because everyone arguing for eating meat has either said something along the lines of "We have always eaten meat for tons of evolutions, therefore it is a must" or "we need to eat meat to get these specific nutrients". For the first one, WHO CARES!! We also used to own slaves. It doesn't make it right, especially when talking about evolution. WE EVOLVE!!! WE ADAPT!!! That isn't an argument to the current. You are basically stating that dinosaurs ate meat so we have to eat meat. NO! If we have to eat meat, then prove it through science with the hear and the now, through our current evolution. As for the need for specific nutrients. All the vegan supporting argument have proven exactly how to get all the nutrients the meat eaters said we need, through other sources aside from meat, so that argument, no matter how many times you type it out in different words, has already been countered. So, if you have an actual argument to defend eating meat, that pertains to the here and now, that hasn't been countered 10 times over again, then I would love to hear it, but please stop repeating yourself! If you can't come up with an argument, then that is fine, you can simply say that you enjoy eating meat because it tastes good no matter what animal has to suffer. But stop acting like a mistreated child or an adult in current society by arguing something while being constantly proven wrong. Thank you!
Yah. I asked a few questions, got some good answers and somehow started an epic debate hahaha. Since I was so "stoopid" with this topic, I couldn't really jump into the debate. Overall though from the debate and sources everyone provided, as an onlooker, I came to the conclusion that we can and have to eat stuff grown from the ground and that we can but at least now, don't have to eat animals. People can argue what is healthiest, not healthiest, and all that but from my understanding, there just isn't a definitive answer to that and there doesn't really seem to be even a close answer. So the answer I came up with is since I don't understand how if we can get the nutrients we would normal get from meat, in other sources, then how can a diet with meat be healthier then a diet without meat, therefore, a vegan diet when done correctly will be either as healthy a diet as it would be with meat or healthier. Keep in mind, I am 25 years old and have been eating meat my entire life and way to much of it and even though I feel I am bettering my life and acting on my own believes, I don't feel I have the "right" to push veganism (not sure if that is even a word) onto anyone else until I have been doing it for a good stretch of time and am completely comfortable with it myself. Lastly, thanks for the great debate everyone. A lot of great things were said and points made, as well as some very silly/pointless thing said. Overall though, I came out with what I see as a good choice based as an onlooker to the debate and I couldn't ask for anything more then that aside from getting a 100% agreement on a sound science/philosophy of diet. Thanks again! =)
Practical Philosophical Question, Tipping
abcqwerty123 replied to Triumph's topic in General Messages
I live in California and have always worked in California where servers have to be paid min wage. They have been changing a bunch of laws lately but as far as I know, California is one of the few states where servers must be paid minimum wage even when receiving tips. Most states can pay like 2.50$ an hour if they receive tips. However, even with my minimum wage pay being the full amount, I couldn't tell you a single full shift day that I came home with under 15% my sales in tips. It averaged probably closer to 25-30%. So yah, this idea that servers make crap money is absolutely ridiculous. It is just bad workers that make bad money. See, we had a restaurant open up about an hour from my house that advertised how they raised food prices by like 30 cents an item or something like that and that they don't accept tips and servers make $12 an hour. My dad and I went there when we were in the area and I kid you not, the place was empty and our server was TERRIBLE! There wasn't a single person in the place (it was between lunch and dinner), yet they messed up both of our orders, told us that we would have to pay the 30 cents fee on the meals they messed up but they would take the meal charge out of the bill, but we still had to pay for our order that we eventually got about an hour and a half afterwords, all cold. The food, even though it was cold, was actually very good but the server was freaking terrible. When we had got the bill, our food had an extra 5$ charge called the "tip" charge on top of the 30 cent addons we had. Then when we finally got out of that place, we saw the 1 server out on the side smoking and our server walks out and picks up an already lit cig and starts smoking, as if she was smoking instead of helping us. I mean, this was a pure nightmare. So, that place is proud to say they raised the prices of food a slight bit (with additional charges they don't tell you about) in order to better their servers. The servers were making $12 an hour. With my pay and tips, I was making about 24-27$ an hour. It varied slightly each year. On top of that solid wage with no tips, their service is complete crap. Some of the worst service I have ever had. I mean, there is almost no motivation to work hard for the customer when you get the same pay either way. And I know you will say, if they get complaints and all that, they will get fired. I can promise you that most managers do NOT care about the customer at all. They hired the servers so they will do their best to calm the customer down and as soon as the customer walks out, the manager will go back to talking shit about that customer with the server. The few places I ended up managing, I was fortunate enough to have hard working servers and the few complaints I ever received were things like "the steak was too pink", and I would ask, how did you order it, "medium rare", and yah, I couldn't punish hard working servers for customer stupidity, but again, that was very very rare. Anyways, my rant is officially over haha. In the end, tips are great and no tips aren't. Don't trust me? Go to your local mcdonalds, taco bell, or other fast food chain where they get paid min wage and no tips and then go to a high end steak house where servers are more likely hard working badasses and let me know which you would prefer. -
Practical Philosophical Question, Tipping
abcqwerty123 replied to Triumph's topic in General Messages
It is alright not to leave a tip whenever you don't want to leave a tip. I always worked in the food and beverage industry and I lived on tips for a long time. I always hear people complaining, "I got shit tips", "I had such a terrible customer", and all that, and every single person I hear say stuff like that are extremely terrible workers. They are rude, no ability to converse, can't handle more then 2 tables without being completely overwhelmed and stressed, and to be honest, I wouldn't tip any of them either. For me though, I worked at 3 different places, each where I lived off of tips, and I can tell you that I very very very rarely ever had bad tippers. I won't say never because unfortunately you will get them from time to time, but I did have many many more extremely great tippers then I did bad ones. I was always complimented saying I was one of the best waiters people ever had and all that, and to be honest, I am not a social person at all. It is just, I went into work knowing it was a job. I worked my ass off and instead of going out to smoke or talking to people in the kitchen, I hungout with my customers and talked with them, unless they looked as though they wanted to not be bothered. So yah, sorry for the rant. I just get very annoyed with this topic because I have soooo many "friends" on facebook that claim they are great servers who just never seem to have any good tippers. When I go out, if I have a good server, I give up to 50% of the check as a tip. If they aren't, I will leave a dollar. Most people I go out to eat with are very generous tippers as well and people like my sister will leave a decent tip even if the server is terrible because she feels bad. And none of us are well off at all. We all live pay check to pay check. So this idea that all servers suffer is ridiculous and just keeps promoting bad working habits. The problem isn't tippers, the problem is servers. -
The way I see it is, people are sometimes forced to accept things from the government because that is how the system is set up. Taking financial aid money is no different then taking anything else, such as driving on public roads or using the restroom in a court building. In a free society, stuff would be better/cheaper and people would have more opportunity for careers and such, but we aren't in a free society. We have this monster constantly pushing us down while throwing out some money that they have stolen to keep society quiet and working, and sometimes you have to take that money to survive the beating. It does suck, no doubt about it, but that is currently how the world is.
Oh gotcha, that sucks! =(
That's great! Good job! Yah, just started and been about a week now and I admit that I am feeling healthier for sure. I still have my cravings but I am sure they will go away eventually. I have however been eating the fake meat which I have to remove from my diet as soon as I can so I can officially be full vegan. Can I make a recommendation to you though. Instead of using milk, try out Almond Milk. I don't know if all brands are similar or not, but the one I use has no soy, no dairy, none of that stuff. You can get it with or without sugar and I get mine with sugar because it really makes things taste amazing, like tea and cereal. The only thing I would say not do with almond milk compared to regular milk is straight drink it. I mean, it too tastes great, just it is completely different taste then milk. But ya, I only use almond milk and I love it, especially with sugarless whole grain cereals and tea.
Has anyone considered the choice to move to another country
abcqwerty123 replied to labmath2's topic in General Messages
I currently live in the US and I always think about moving but every country I think of has so many problems as well that it makes it difficult to choose which slave masters I want to live under. So, currently, I am just building up my bank account so I can move to the north mid-west states like Idaho, Wyoming, or Montana. This way, I can remove myself as much as possible from the constant sirens, speedtraps, all of that. I would also love to move people like myself close by and basically have our own "kinda free" society. But ya, if I were to move out of the country which I still might do, I'd move to Japan. I know many people who live there and it seems like the best place to live. Everyone tells me that they walk around in the middle of the night and never feel threatened or in fear of anything. They said that they pass cops all the time almost never have any problems. The problem they said they get once in awhile is they will ask to see ID, but they said the cops are very polite about it. Now, I am not saying that that is right, just that if I am going to be forced to show my ID or anything, I rather them being polite and friendly then a hand on their weapon, quickly closing in to attack like I see over in here in the US very often. But ya, there are my thoughts. -
I didn't say it was or wasn't healthier?
I would absolutely love some good recipes you recommend! The few meat substitutes I got was a mistake. I have only tried the veggie burger patty and it tastes pretty good, but it does have a bit of sodium in it as well as soy, dairy and egg, all which I want to remove from my diet. I just wasn't educated on them until after I bought them unfortunately and cannot afford to go for another store run for a little so I am going to eat them and then stop after they are gone. But ya, any recipes you can offer that you have tried and enjoy, I would absolutely love. Also, anything that can help cut down my bill will be very enjoyable as well. The other thing is, my bill was pretty high but I know its a lot because I bought many different things to try, some of which I don't care for and some of which I won't buy again like the fake meat. Lastly, if you know of any recipes where I can add my own hot sauce, that would be awesome! I really love hot sauces. One reason is because there isn't much in them so they are a good topping sauce (i pretty much like all topping sauces; ketchup, mustard, bbq, a1, all that), and because there are so many different kinds that all taste very different, and lastly because I enjoy spicy flavors. Anyways, can't wait to hear back from you! =) and thank you in advance!
I am not okay with killing anyone/anything that is living. With that being said, the object is to live in a way where you kill as little as possible and humans cannot live without eating plants. We can however live without eating animals.
I think the difference with insects and animals/people is the knowing of doing so. What I mean is, we know when we eat meat, that an animal was killed for it. We know when we shoot a gun and someones brains are splattered over the wall, we killed someone. But for most bugs that we kill, I don't think that we know we killed them. We kill them when we are walking around, sleeping, etc... Unfortunately I don't think we can prevent killing things entirely, but I believe we can do our best to limit it as much as possible. Now, I know that there is the argument of like... When you see a spider on your wall and you squash it, or you get ants and/or gnats investing your house, people will kill them. I don't really know how to answer that. I want to use something like property rights, stating that it is my property and I want to be able to keep my property bug free, but bugs cannot comprehend property rights so it cannot apply to them. So yah, don't really have an answer for that. As for animals and humans... I believe that knowingly killing either is the same as the other, except in self defense. Lastly, as for you going vegetarian/vegan, here are my thoughts. I think killing anything is wrong and like I have heard Stefan say, if children were raised properly/kindly, then even though morality cannot apply to animals, they still wouldn't kill or harm them. So, in order to raise a child that way, you cannot be feeding them dead animals because there would be a contradiction and if you eat meat as the parent, then you are being a hypocrite in raising them that way... Sorry, probably extremely confusing because I was having trouble wording that. As for the health and how I feel... I have been not eating meat for about a week now, and I came from eating plenty of meat every single day. I would have ground beef in most things I ate. I would eat steaks almost every other night. I would eat fastfood between 1-3 times on average and everything I ate had meat in it. I mean, I age meat wayyyy too much, and instantly stopped, and so far for the first week, I really feel great. I have had some cravings but nothing like what I expected to have, and find a couple of foods I enjoyed actually helped remove those cravings A LOT! Physically though, I feel insane. For instance, I have trouble doing a situp. If I lay flat on my back, hands at my side, without using any swinging force at all, I would struggle to do a situp, all the way up. Last night, randomly, I was laying on the ground wrestling with my dogs and I sat up when I was done. I sat there for a second thinking about it, and then layed back down and sat up again. I did a few situps just like I used to, the only difference was, it was so insanely easy. I don't know what happened because I haven't been working out or strengthening my stomach. It just was soooo easy to do situps. Today, I went for a 20 minute walk in 104 degree temperature, came back a little sweaty but I wasn't tired at all. Just a week ago on the day I started eating this way, I did the exact same walk in 90 degree temperature, came home and almost passed out, was super light headed and my entire body felt so physically exhausted that I showered and fell asleep in the middle of the day. So from a health standpoint, I can vouch for it that I may not have ever felt this good, even when I was skinny. Anyways, let me know what you think about it. =P
Thanks for all the great info man. I'll be checking out those recipes in a little bit. The reason I became overweight in the first place was because 1, I didn't have parents to teach me how to eat properly and 2, I was severely depressed and ate what I could as well as was basically locked away so I couldn't do anything. After that though, I gained weight faster and faster simply because I enjoyed eating. I didn't use eating as a distraction really, but I ate while I did other distractions. Like, I would watch tv and pick up some chipotle to eat while I watched. Or I would go to the move and grab snacks on the way there. Stuff like that, but I did it soooo much that I gained weight very fast. I am currently working on improving my life in every aspect. I am starting up my own companies (kind of), beginning to learn and act upon eating healthier as well as eating vegan, and fixing myself mentally. I would like to speak with a therapist someday, but I currently cannot afford it. However, I realllllyyy am improving soo much mentally. I am because every time I do something, I think about what it. Every time I think about something or feel an emotion towards something, I think about it. I figure out why and what is causing everything I think, feel and do, and then I try to fix anything I see wrong with it. I know I am improving because I used to be extremely angry all of the time, always arguing and fighting with everyone, but I not only don't argue and fight with people as much anymore, but I really don't feel angry at them anymore. The only time I get angry is when they contradict themselves about something I feel to be important, such as spanking children, and an argument will ensue. I try to walk away at that point because I know that arguing and getting angry won't solve anything, and I have been getting MUCH better at this as well. Just about 6 months ago, my sister and I were arguing every single day about anarchy, peaceful solutions to life and all that, and now we don't argue almost at all. Anyways, thanks for all the info man and it's great to see that you have enjoyed your lifestyle change! =) Dang, 21 years, excellent job man! I agree with you in that I see eating meat and fish as wrong. The only reason I currently have fish in my diet is because I didn't feel educated enough to go completely vegetarian yet, so I didn't wanna screw up and harm myself, however, I haven't eaten fish the last couple days and only have a small amount left that I plan to eat within the next couple days and then remove fish from my diet as well. See, I have always separated meat and the animal. I have always have problems with killing animals but when I ate, I looked at it as just food and not the animal. I have not been able to eat animals/fish that you can still see the animal, for instance, lobsters with the shell still on. It always freaked me out and even though I powered through it eventually and began doing it, I still felt that same disgust. I know that this isn't right in anyways, which is why I am trying to fix it and just sad I hadn't fixed it yet, but that was my thinking all along while eating meat/fish. I actually currently eat ground flax seed almost every single day along with almond milk which seems to have a good amount of calcium. I usually have a bowl of some sugarless oat cereal, chop up a banana to throw in, put a nice layer of ground flax seed on top and some almond milk. That is my breakfast almost every morning. I do however need to get vitamin B12 supplements and vitamin D because no matter how much I want to go out on walks with my dogs and to play tennis and stuff, I find myself too busy often to get a chance every single day. Someone also recommended I take fish oil, but not to informed on that? Yah, I need to find some good recipe's on vegan foods for sure. I want to become vegan, not vegetarian, but I found it hard to find foods that completely removed dairy/eggs. Anyways, I am going to keep working on it and I will keep you updated. So far, I have been doing great, feeling great (aside from cravings which seem to be going away slowly), and working on improving more and more! With you and everyone else's help and information, this life transition has been much smoother then I expected and that is really nice. =) I have not seen it, but that is just another person saying that being vegetarian/vegan isn't healthy. Like I said in my original post, there is so much out there contradicting all the other stuff that it makes it hard to understand what is true and not. The only logical answer I can come up with is that every time people say that eating vegan isn't healthy because you need "X" nutrients that plants don't supply, I then see vitamins and other sources that claim to have those nutrients. So I am just not seeing what that side is saying. To me, in seems like they are ignoring the fact that these nutrients can be found in other areas as well, but maybe I am completely wrong. However, until I am proven wrong and it explained to me, I cannot accept that eating other animals is necessary. I am sorry but the problem isn't only the animal having a good life, it is also the problem of slaughtering them. I mean, are you okay with killing humans at the age of 50 as long as they had a good life? I understand that there are nutrients in animals, but every time I hear about one of these nutrients, I also hear about the solution, whether it be from a plant or vitamin. I have heard a little bit about soy and how bad it is. I will need to do more research on soy, but I currently am not eating/drinking too much soy product. I just bought veggie burger patties last night and made one, and unfortunately it has soy, dairy and eggs in it, all 3 I wanted to avoid, but it was a very small patty and it was weighted down with avocado, onions and spinach. As for the entire animal thing... The people in support of vegan diet have yet to say something that has been contradictory, while the people in support of animals have yet to say something that hasn't, so I must go with the side that isn't contradicting itself.
Are you a vegan then? If so, may I ask what you think about it and how long you have been one?
Hey everyone! I recently posted about dieting and working out and how I was looking for what others did because I wanted to begin living a healthier life style as well. I learned a ton from all the replies. I have only been dieting for a short period of time so far and been going on long "fast" walks with my dogs. I will move up in working out but part of my diet consisted of dropping my calorie intake by A LOT and so I am exhausted after these walks, and no my calorie intake isn't too small, it is just I was taking in probably 4,000+ calories a day and that is far too many. Anyways, so far, I am down about 10 pounds, but again, just barely started so I am happy with it so far. However, this post is about being a vegetarian/vegan. I have always had this problem with killing animals, whether on a farm or in the wild. However, like many people I am sure, I have grown up eating meat and even with my severe sadness and dislike for the slaughter of animals, I have ate meat anyways. Well, now in the process of bettering myself and trying to live the lifestyle I want to live, I gave up all meat and dairy aside from fish when I started my diet. I stuck with fish because I didn't want to stop cold turkey, and I wanted to make sure I was getting the vitamins I need before I completely stop. With that being said, I have some questions for all of you: -How many of you are vegetarians/vegans and what do you think about the lifestyle? -Do you guys see eating meat as wrong even though morals can't be considered when an animal is involved due to their lack of capability to understand morals? -Do the cravings for meat every go away because I cannot stop thinking about it? -Is it even healthy for humans to go vegan/vegetarian because I literally hear two sides to all of it and being as uneducated as I am in the health department, I can't figure out which is correct and incorrect? I hear that grains and dairy are very bad and we shouldn't eat it, and vice versa. I hear that we have to eat meat for a healthy lifestyle. I hear more but can't think of any at the moment, sorry. -If you are a vegan/vegetarian, do you have any foods/stores you can recommend? My other problem currently is that I noticed a huge spike in my spending when trying to buy food. I unfortunately cannot afford to eat this way but when I google other stores that sell anything vegetarian, the few I have found have been more pricey then Stater Bros, where I currently shop. Is it wrong for me to eat meat simply because I can't afford the substitutes? And keep in mind, this is with the huge calorie drop, so I am essentially buying much less food for much more money. Anyways, I would love to hear everyone's thoughts on this please, as well as any other thoughts you may have. Thanks!