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Everything posted by TheBen

  1. I haven't read this thread but this may be relevant: http://www.bitnation.co/
  2. If minimum wages aren't all that bad then tell it to the owner of the winery who is no longer allowed to accept volunteers and may have to close his business/hobby as a result. I also used to see numerous mentally disabled people working at places like McDonald's and grocery stores that I assume are now priced out of the system. The minimum wage laws are directly stopping many people from being able to obtain employment so while minimum wages might not be bad for you, they certainly are bad for many millions of Americans, as well as immigrants.
  3. Peter Schiff just talked about this specific argument on his podcast. He had a great point in saying that it's best to argue against minimum wage since it prohibits people from selling their labor at a wage of their own choosing. These leftists are never going to agree that business should be allowed to make money, but they should be able to understand that people are going unemployed because they are not able to sell their labor at a wage of their own choosing. It is literally illegal for them to sell their labor for less than minimum wage. Anyways listen to this podcast starting from Schiff as he explains it better than me. Start listening at the 1 hour 25 minute point.
  4. Thank you for reminding me how I found this clip. I follow every video Bar Bar puts out as much of what he has to say is gold. I remember seeing his vid on male mother need and agreeing with all of the points that he made concerning this clip. However, I think that there are other interpretations that are also valid (more on that below). I went back and found the Bar Bar vid in question and here it is if you are interested: Yes, it makes me cry a bit every time I see this clip. And I think you are right in that now someone is helping him to feel again. Though this idea implies that someone else "could" have taught him how to embrace his feelings before (i. e. his parents and specifically his mother) I think that this is exactly what Bar Bar was talking about when he says men are drawn to a romantic partner that takes the place of the mother figure.
  5. I used to follow Mr. E as he was fully against the rise of the socialist state. However, I found that whenever he disagreed with someone he would just call them Marxists, or crypto-fascists, or some other such ad-hominem. He would then ban/ignore them and their arguments if they had any. In the end I think that I agree with much of what he has to say, but I can no longer tolerate his intellectual dishonesty. I believe he is just like most people in that he is simply trying to prop up his preconceived notions without regard for new evidence.
  6. 1. Moral 2. Moral 3. Not Moral 4. Moral 5. Moral 6. Moral as long as you take the US out and submit "A group of people) (Though not moral to give the US guns in any way) 7. Moral 8. Moral 9. Not Moral 10. Not Moral changed after clarification
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