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    Canada, Ontario
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    Independant Animal Rescuer

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  1. I did the same while in that 'pseudo' state.Where everyone was referred to as 'asleep' or a 'sheep'... lol.I've noticed 2 camps of the philosophically inclined...1 being where many of us seem to start from (David Icke, Alex Jones, NWO, Illumintati, and strange ideas of alien intervention to human evolution or technologies & such)And those who've found it not satisfactory and continued our search of enlightenment elsewhere.I've found the former to consider themselves 'open minded' merely because they look into out of the ordinary theories, but when pressured cannot argue for the beliefs they claim as factual.It can be frustrating to witness people stuck in that position, for those of us who's transcended after it.Frustrating even more, trying to help push them out of that swamp without coming off as pretentious .
  2. I had assumed that as I am posting on Stefan's forums that it would be obvious that his content are my standard...Silly me.
  3. Greetings Earthlings! I am making this thread in attempts to compile a list of quality Youtube channels regarding philosophy, astronomy, biology, etc. I admittedly do not get much of my information from Youtubers, but find that they are a preferred source for those newly embarking in philosophy, and have decided such a project would be beneficial for myself as well as others. I am hoping to personally categorize channels & videos for accessibility for beginners as well as the more experienced in the discipline, and would appreciate the community's help in acheiving this by obtaining quality recommendations. So thank you in advance! ______________________________________ Youtube Channels: Philosophy: Stefan Molyneux Gregory B Sadler Pyschology: Astronomy: Spacerip Alternative News: RT ______________________________________ Please feel free to share some channels you consider beneficial and of quality below. & if anyone could explain to me how to permalink here, I'd appreciate it! (I will be updating this thread regularly to ensure a professional standard) - Philosarcophagus
  4. I think it's because it predicates on the emotional response of peoples subconscious.People generally know something is wrong and conclude on their own that government needs severe minimization, but have difficulty taking the extra step into purely anarchistic. I find 'agnosticim' more previlent than atheism, because people still hold onto their historical and traditional roots no matter how irrational may be.It's easier for people to listen to someone ramble about 'Illuminati' and 'New World Order' and thinking there are just some bad people who are at fault for the conditions of society and environment, rather than realizing the blame lies with the face in the mirror.That's my take on it anyways...
  5. Well thanks!Well my philosophical journey started with the game Assassins Creed, I don't know if you're familiar... But it came out in '06 and the plot revolves around 'templars' controlling the people through religion and politics (very 'NWO' heavy) and the ending is of the 2012 theory.The ending tickled my curiosity which lead me to Alex Jones (lol) and the Zeitgeist films. Overtime, realizing Alex Jones as an icessant rambler with no solutions, I broke free of his hynosis which few (at least in my local community) seem to be able too, which lead me to Charlie Chaplin & philosophy.I don't recall how exactly I stumbled across Stefan Molyneux's videos, but probably from a suggested video which I immediately found akin too.I've only been truly passionate for it as a discipline for the past 2 years, before I would only occassionally dabble into Stef's videos.Transformation from an ignorant warmonger without regard for property rights into an anarchistic vegetarian philosopher... Been a helluva ride lol.
  6. Hey I was just wondering if anyone knew of any books which I may find enjoyable that you can personally attest too?I have a categorized list of books I want to read (such as books by Ayn Rand, Wes Bertrand, Alice Miller, & others.) but am more interested in fictional recommendations for the moment. To elaborate - I am currently reading 'The Great Gatsby' which is rather interesting, and plan to read '12 Years a slave' by Solomon Northup next, "Heaven Should Fall" by Rebecca Coleman will follow & I am a big fan of 'War & Peace'. Books along those lines are what I am hoping for.Thanks in advance!- Philosarcophagus
  7. Hello all.My name is Brandon and I am a 21 year old male from Canada who`s been indulging in philosophy for several years.I can be described as an atheist, anarchist, philosopher, & vegetarian.I have been hesitant to make an account on any philosophy forums (including freedomain) due to the majority considering my arguments as radical & my former inability to converse coherently. But after persistent debates, altercations & conversations I feel not only capable, but feel it necessary to express my ideas within a like-minded community in hopes to perserve these ideas & provoke thought for both you and I alike.I will be creating my first thread sometime this week regarding the Non Aggression Principles validity only so with the inclusion of animals, and am looking forward to hearing responses once it is made.Thank you for taking the time to read this, & I will see you in the forums!- Philosarcophagus
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