Thank you Neon for two reasons:
1) To participate in a focused discussion on the concept of belief is the very reason that I joined this website forum.
2) If the world is ever to become more rational, we need to populate literature, movies, theatre, etc. with story lines
of people going through the traumatic process of their personal illusions dying.
The last few months I've been hesitant to use the word belief at all. Suddenly that word seemed to weaken the structure of every argument, or line of discussion of which I was involved. Currently, I still can't find an edifying use of the term.
One day I realized that I don't believe in the law of gravity, but I'm not drifting up towards the ceiling fan. Belief has no substantive relationship to the laws that govern our physical experience -- until we demand that it does. At that point, many people exchange certainty for reality ;and never see the bait and switch that was put into play.