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  1. HI, My name is Felipe, I'm a citizen from Brazil and I'm doing a series of videos showing outsiders our socialist crappy truth. So far I've made 3 videos about Olympics, Gun Control and Censorship. The goal is to show people how is it to live in a real authoritarian environment produced mainly by the last 13 years of government led by the Workers Party. And I hope this can be a good alert for those in countries with growing leftist tendencies. Thanks for your attention. Take care! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoQPEWh0ayWKmaPjEoFta3g
  2. I've made a video explaining a little bit about olympics here in Brazil. This is the first for my channel in english.
  3. Not really... If I say that the computer works because of my faith in it, doesn't mean that this is true just because the computer works. That's the point. This same guy claims that many scientific theories were proven wrong through history, although the ending result was exactly the expected. The theory was wrong, but the point that the scientist was trying to prove was right. Then later, more recent studies discovered why.
  4. He doesn't think the earth in the center of universe. Please listen to this
  5. i'm sorry, i thought you were. i may have mixed up some things i know there is some confusion around his affirmations about science - i'm not scientist either, but I know he already explained some... Olavo always end up being subject on recent political discussions.. hehehe I will not deny, i believe in some of his ideas. When i first started seeing his videos i was very skeptic, but i checked some other sources that seems to agree with him and started to understand better some of his thoughts. Or at least i think i do. there are lot's of people trying to discredit him too for political reasons, and most of them are REALLY dumb. Even I would debate 'em. A good example is Vladmir Safatle, who Stefan Molyneux already destroyed once.
  6. by the way, what exactly have you heard about Olavo? what you think about? I've never heard a foreign talking about him. might be interesting
  7. We always have to take care, but Foro de Sao Paulo is real, is a well known fact by now. There are lots of information out there, including official information from the Foro. Some people still say it's conspiracy theory, though. Just one example of what these people is capable of... This video is english subbed. The suspects of the act are all from the workers party.
  8. As fabrantes said, the problem here is much worse than it looks, even for people living in here. But FriendlyHacker is right in one point. There's no Right wing party. Just left (hehe). And the ones in power now, from the Workers Party, are members of the Foro de Sao Paulo (communist organization) and so is the FARC. I understand when you say "real issue is that people will be screwed over no matter who is in power" And I agree, but right now, any kind of opposition may be valid. -- About the property bubble, some specialists say that we have one and it is about to burst. I don't understand enough to say, but I know that prices are inflated artificially because of the government's program of "credit expansion". If unemployment starts to grow, I believe we'll have a huge crisis.
  9. Hey, one more Brazilian here from Sao Paulo. I have been learning a lot with Stefan since 2012, but joined this forums just these days. I'm interested in discussing recent events in our country and continent concerning leftist movements. I don't know if people from outside are aware of how serious things are getting and want to hear some different opinions.
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