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Matt D

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Matt D last won the day on December 29 2015

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Pittsburgh, PA
  • Interests
    Drawing, psychology, design, entrepreneurship, technology, ultimate frisbee
  • Occupation
    Artist & Illustrator

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  1. Hey all: I'm attempting to host a screening of The Red Pill in Pittsburgh. You might not live near here but if you know someone who does I'd appreciate any help spreading the link. https://www.tugg.com/events/the-red-pill-sfcp Thanks! Matthew
  2. One thing's for sure--you won't find criticism of the chosen people on anything mainstream. This is a good place to start.
  3. https://www.minds.com/ and https://steemit.com/ are worth a shot. P.S. Follow me on Gab: https://gab.ai/matthewdrake
  4. They both fit perfectly into the category of legit thought leaders at the edge of their discipline who push the prevailing intellectual norms. They both have technical backgrounds and are quite capable in those worlds but neither one would be satisfied by mere business success. They both care deeply about the people in their life and the people they call their tribe.
  5. Welcome! Too honest, but you don't want to share your age or gender?
  6. I'm amazed at people who make music. I believe there's an FDR meetup in Missouri. I can tell you who to contact if you're interested.
  7. Hey! I'm always up for meeting people who listen to FDR. I know what you mean about wearing a MAGA hat in the city. The one time I tried it I almost lost my job because of it. Sent you a PM about meeting.
  8. I made an illustrated remix of the same monologue.
  9. Richard Spencer I think uses the term 'red pilled by life'.
  10. I'm sorry to hear that. I live near Pittsburgh. As long as I avoid the inner city most y'inzers look like me around these parts.
  11. Western PA or Eastern PA?
  12. The audio was clipped from "An Honest Conversation With A Single Mom" & "The Truth About Single Moms" Subscribe to my channel for more Illustrated Philosophy.
  13. Two short days until #EURef and #Brexit vote. If you're looking for a short video with fast-paced illustration to share with your friends I encourage you to check out this one featuring a speech from UKIP leader Nigel Farage.
  14. Wow, I'm glad I could help spark that within you. Yes I added the music. Thanks for sharing Thanks! .
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