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Everything posted by Daniel Unplugged
The United States is leading the charge towards totalitarianism amongst western countries. it will almost certainly be the first to reach full blooded tyranny. It also the only country that has a strong chance of overcoming it. The freedom movement is, I believe, stronger in America, than anywhere else in the world. It is also armed to the teeth, when compared to other countries. The foresight of the founding fathers was admirable. They knew this was going to happen sooner or later. That is why they enshrined in the constitution the right to bear arms. The second amendment is the failsafe they knew they must have. It ensures the means of the people, to overthrow a tyrannical and out of control government. I wish the founders of my country (Australia) had had such wisdom.
Special-Ed Student Who Recorded Bullies Charged With Crime
Daniel Unplugged replied to Alan C.'s topic in Current Events
You do not have the right to defend yourself. The government has that right. They also have the right to not give a shit when you are being attacked. They routinely exercise the latter. -
Pope asks forgiveness for ‘evil’ of child abuse by priests
Daniel Unplugged replied to Wesley's topic in Current Events
He is the head of a very profitable multinational organization. He could offer them monetary compensation, but only in return for their silence of course. Doing it out of remorse is never going to happen. He will only do it if he has something to gain from it. Sociopaths do not sympathize with their victims, they only wish to exploit them further. -
Pope asks forgiveness for ‘evil’ of child abuse by priests
Daniel Unplugged replied to Wesley's topic in Current Events
Doesn't the pope have the authority to forgive people on god's behalf? I suppose that would have pushing it a little. If he said outright "I forgive the child rapists" people might think of him a little differently. He very strategically palmed this one off to god. Of course, he doesn't feel the least bit bad about it all, otherwise he would use his authority to have the church release all evidence of abuse to the authorities, and demand that the perpetrators are brought to justice. He knows who they are, he knows what they did. Still he protects them, still he covers up their crimes. Still he is worshipped by hundreds of millions of Catholics worldwide. -
There are 3 ways a government can fund itself, taxation, inflation and debt. I will make the case here that, from a practical perspective, they are all but indistinguishable. If a government is funded through taxation, spending power is transferred from the private sector to the government. The public will never have that spending power returned to them. The same is true of a government funded by inflation, and interestingly, a government funded by debt. Government debt to the public cannot be repaid in any meaningful sense. If the debt is repaid by printing money, an amount of spending power is taken from the private sector via inflation, and that same amount of spending power is returned to the private sector as a "repayment". It might as well have never happened. The same it true of paying back the debt via taxes. "Well mr. private sector it seems I owe you a trillion dollars. In order to pay you a trillion dollars, I need to tax you a trillion dollars. So since you owe me a trillion in taxes, and I owe you a trillion in past debts, lets just call it even." All government spending is the same, regardless of the source of the money. It is a permanent transfer of spending power from the private to the public sector.
I think we need to bring in masculinism. Nearly all of my mates are royally whipped by their girlfriends. Down to the matriarchy!
A question about inflation
Daniel Unplugged replied to TonyG666's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
I assume that you mean price inflation, since CPI is in not said to be a measure of the currency supply. The measures of currency supply are M0, M1, M2 etc. No, I am not suggesting that the CPI as reported is particularly accurate, and that fact does not affect my argument in any meaningful way. The amount of theft from me due to inflation is near zero, since I keep (nearly) none of my wealth in fiat currency. I do however, keep all of my debt in fiat. I can't wait for hyperinflation, because it will eliminate my homeloan. Message to my bank - Suckers! Message to their creditors - Fools! At the risk of sounding like my grandma, what is IMO? -
So there is a murder in a free society. The victim is not a member of a DRO. What happens? All the local DRO's cooperate together to investigate, catch and punish the perpetrator. Why? Their customers will demand it. Most people will be a member of a DRO. I can imagine the phone calls they will get from their customers. "There is a murderer on the loose in my community, go and do what I pay you to do." Since murders will be extremely rare, the cost af dealing with murders will be relatively minor. If the DRO's catch the murderer, it will be good for business, and make many happy customers. I can imagine the comments in the press conference. "After much painstaking work we have captured the Ancapistani killer. Sign up to our DRO NOW, and protect your family from bad guys. The first 20 callers get 50% off your first months membership." In all likelihood, it will be a standard clause in a DRO contract, that murders will be investigated regardless of whether or not the victim is a member, since all the other members benefit from catching the murderer. In regards to the education of poor people, it will be provided the same way it is currently provided, by employers, on the job. Apart from reading and writing, and some basic math, pretty much everything taught in public schools is unimportant and a waste of time, and those basic skills can be taught in the home by parents at no cost.
Chompsky on Anarcho-Capitalism
Daniel Unplugged replied to Mishelle's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
I prefer to say it this way: when you take away the right of the people to make profit, ahem, people stop making profit, so poverty is enivetible. -
A question about inflation
Daniel Unplugged replied to TonyG666's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
Price inflation affects all prices all prices equally. If CPI is 3%, and good A rises by 4%, then the extra 1% increase was due to other market forces, not inflation. If the price of good B rose by only 2%, then other market forces caused a reduction of 1%.If gas prices rise by 10%, it is inaccurate to say that the rise was caused by inflation alone. 3% was inflation, 7% was due to changes in supply and demand.Inflation reduces the value of all of the fiat currency equally. Since all of the fiat currency is the same, it cannot be otherwise. -
Whats the point of being a libertarian if...
Daniel Unplugged replied to aFireInside's topic in Philosophy
If you are religious, you are hardly a true libertarian. God is the ultimate denier of liberty. He rules with an iron fist.If you support child abuse, then you are not a libertarian either, it is a gross violation of the NAP. Most people who call themselves libertarians, do not accept libertarian principles the way a true libertarian does. -
I realized something interesting about Star Trek First Contact recently. On one hand, captain Picard spouts the virtues of the communist (not socialist) Federation. On the other, there is the socialist Borg, attempting to assimilate the entire world's population into their collective, removing all traces of individuality, and enslaving them for life. Maybe they were having a bet each way.
Overpopulation in a free market world
Daniel Unplugged replied to Ashton's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
So I'll assume for a minute, that this guy is right, that the human population must mathematically stop growing at some point due to finite resources. Great, problem solved. When we run out of resources, the population will stop growing. There is a natural limit to the human population that makes overpopulation impossible. Of course, instead of letting nature take it's course, what he wants is some sort of forced control, like forced sterilization or limits on childbirth. He would have found a nice government job in China ten years ago. I doubt I would want to do such a thing. -
LOL, I know how you feel.
If can make a suggestion, you titled this thread "democracy is wrong". I think the word immoral would be better to use than the word wrong. "Wrong" has a double meaning, people may assume you mean inaccurate. Just a thought.
Mate, that video is 50 minutes long.
I think defining a free market is in order. Free market: A market in which people voluntarily exchange goods and/or services, free from coercion, taxation and regulation.
The Truth about Global Warming Alarmism
Daniel Unplugged replied to Magnus's topic in Current Events
I find it amusing, and frustrating, when it is stated that 98% of climate scientists believe in climate change, and that this is somehow evidence that climate change is real. What percentage of astrologers believe in astrology? What percentage of priests believe in God? What percentage of voodoo masters believe in voodoo? Of course 98% of climate scientists believe in climate change. Anybody who rejects it as damn near total crap, is unlikely to ever become a climate scientist. Using that argument is as fallacious as saying that since 98% of priests believe in God, God must exist. It is a circular argument. People use circular arguments when they don't have valid arguments. -
If & When to call the cops
Daniel Unplugged replied to BlackHeron's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
I would never call the police for any trivial complaint against another person. Arranging for a gang of armed thugs to coerce and intimate a person over something minor is an overreaction to say the least. The result of this, it that sometimes I have to put up with people being dicks a little bit more often, but that is a small price to pay. -
thank you for your help, Obama
Daniel Unplugged replied to dsayers's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
If it interests anybody, Carey Wedler is Adam Kokesh's girlfriend. -
Most people, to my amazement, want to be ruled (Republicans and Democrats). A few people want to rule over other people (politicians). These 2 groups are made for each other. We anarchists are stuck in the middle, desiring neither to rule or be ruled. The combined powers of the others, ensures that we are made unwilling participants in their system, to be ruled of course. Funny how the willingly ruled, never seem to be happy with the rules made for them, as if somewhere deep inside they actually don't want to be slaves. Perhaps I'm being optimistic. In response to your question, of course our leaders are sociopaths. The job ad reads: Do you like ordering people around? Do you like having people who disobey your commands kidnapped and locked in a cage? Do you want the power to march an army across a country slaughtering millions? Do you want the power to print money and steal from the public at will? Do you feel no sympathy at all for the victims of the suffering you inflict? Then join the government and have all your sick desires fulfilled. Only a sociopath would take such a job.
Grenades, Rocket Launchers, etc.
Daniel Unplugged replied to masterlock's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
Me too :)The point I was trying to make was that in a free society, sociopaths would be recognized early, and if they can't be treated, their actions would be limited be people refusing to provide them the means to do harm - pretty much the same point you make. I'm not too keen on the idea of having a chip sewn into my arm, but then again, I live in a police state. I have little idea what kind of person I would be if I was free, only that I would spend much less time worrying about my lack of freedom. I could maybe spend my time trying to do good in the world, instead of trying to reduce evil.Wirh regards to the restriction of supply, rocket launchers are not your typical, availiable to purchase at your local conerstore gun . Remember, I'm from Australia where handguns are all but banned, as are all military grade weapons and semi automatic rifles, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on that. Lol. So, due to the relative obscurity of rocket launchers and other weapons of "mass destruction", and the small number of sources of these weapons (I'm assuming they are too difficult to manufacture in your garage, unlike moonshine, or meth for that matter), I would imagine that some level of restriction on their supply can be achieved. Again, nowhere near foolproof, and serious and organised sociopaths will likely find a way, but it would probably be possible to stop someone having a bad day from purchasing one and relieving his frustration on a bus. I'm starting to sound like a Democrat, so I'll stop there.In a free society, the "background check" would probably be as quick and easy as: check the photo, scan your ID, make sure no red flags come up, delete the record of the check, and here's your rocket launcher.On a side note, if I remember correctly, there are only 2 rights of citizens listed in the Australian constitution, the right to remain silent, and the right to a trial by jury, and of course, you only get those rights once you have been kidnapped by the state. And, of course, those rights are routinely violated by the state.