To whom it may concern, I am new to this forum, presently I am 21 am station in Malmstrom AFB. While working for the government and seeing first had inefficacy and despising the collectives authoritarian subculture I live in and growing skepticism of my religions indoctrination. My political views have altered from main stream republican > Ron Paul republican > moderate libertarian minarchist which I have gotten fairly conferrable with. Due to my new found knowledge of the evils of the central banking system and various other problems. However I find myself very skeptic on the anarchist potion and find it incredible difficult to defend in when talking to the general public. Who most seem to understand and even appetite the libertarian party views but look at me like I am a rambling mad man when I go full anarchist. Which I have trouble blaming them for.
Anyway luckily there is a large force reduction in the air force and I will soon get to leave and get a slightly longer leash. Even though my Task Masters tell me I am better of staying in and being forever a indentured servant of war to the state. My friend and room mate has kidney failure and I once I heard I immanently volunteered help him. However I have always been I like to think moderately generous and many of my other friends, family and co-workers tirelessly advise against it because he is pretending to be my friend or something and that I am being exploited. Which I may have taken to heart to fast and now find that everyone is always exploiting me all the time always and have gotten very paranoid about all my "friends" now since many of them sometimes ask me to buy them lunch a lot. Since I seem to be the only person I no the is even OK at saving and investing money. My deep fear of going to debt was the main reason I enlisted in the first place so that I would not have to start my life in debt after college. Now I am not even sure college is worth it though but I feel like I went though a whole lot of suffering for nothing if I do not use the currency, the government stole for me as appreciation for serving them, to go to college.V/R,Thomas Burns