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    São Paulo, Brazil
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    Philosophy, Psychology, Veganism, Computer Science
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    Student and pretty much everything else...

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  1. I have some issues with the project, tell me if you object to any of my points. 1st: Definition of goals: Do you simply want a slightly looser leach? Because that's what it is. A factory farm where people are sold freedom in the form of a couple more inches of space in their cages. Maybe if you have kids and are an american citizent it could be a different story, if it "succeeds", it could be the freest place on earth, but it's important not to think of it as the paradise they claim it to be. And, lets do the math: Total pop: 1,326,813 (in case every participant actually moves) Moverpop: ~20.000 We are talking 1 "libertarian" in about 68 peasants (jk), Do you want Sparta? 'cause that's how you get Sparta! Even if it's deemed possible to define rational people by faith, about 26% of the people in NH consider themselves non religious. Lets do a bizarre overestimation and believe half of them are somewhat close to the moverpop in values, ideals and intellectual capacity and can by the grace of the holy spirit be converted into great people, we are still talking in something along the lines of a 1 in 8 proportion. Since the project didn't mention creating a city in the middle of nowhere, i am assuming the moverpop would be somewhat evenly spread throughout the state. And it should be considered that such a number of high IQ people moving into the state would skyrocket the economy along with migration of people from other parts of the country. Changing the proportions once again. It's like a bank vault without a door, it's a fucking drug trip to think that simply piling up our livestock in a plain field, without fences, is going to keep them safe from the Chupacabra. 2nd: The inherent exclusion of foreign people: Also described as "me as a Brazilian guy not wanting to miss all the fun" aspect of this. Anyhow, the simple fact that the FSP is to be located in NH excludes the european, latin and asian libertarian communities. If you guys think living on what is left of the free market is horrible enough to make you move, try and consider those who don't even have that to live on. If FSP is about uniting people based on commonly shared beliefs and values, how the hell can that fundamental principle and people's lives be let aside for mere geographic convenience for the american share of the libertarian community? There are a couple other things i have to say about it, but i'll be late for my shift. I'll finish writing tonight Edit: spelling
  2. Hello fellow thinkers, i have been thinking really hard about this matter for the past few weeks. I think we could make the statists right for once. Here i present the last 30 seconds of every conversation with statists: -(If you don't like the state, then leave blablabla..) -(But there isn't anywhere i could go in the world and live without a state) <-- NO LONGER.. NOPE There is a whole fucking ocean we could use, seriously, it's so ridiculous to believe we need statist land to live. THEY ARE KICKSTARTING THE FOUNDATION OF A COLONY ON MARS, MARS FOR FUCK SAKES. We are hundreds of thousands of high IQ people with common goals and decent morals, why the fuck are we still kissing rings and handing our children over to psychopaths? As to the feasibility of the project it is still in "drug trip creativity" status but there is scientific bases to it, although there are not many empirical evidences in the world aside from hippie-woopy treehuggin' boats like this one http://www.treehugger.com/green-architecture/self-sufficient-solar-powered-barge-and-houseboat.html i don't see many impediments for this to happen physically. Pretty much EVERY problem we could have aside from the mechanics of living in a floating island (agriculture, energy and all) we would have in a free society and i, as you probably do, believe in human potential to circumvent or completely fix any issues that may arise in our society through the free market. If you find any trouble with this idea please tell me why in the comments, i really am serious about this, i am young and i cringe at the possibility of never seeing freedom in my lifetime, i refuse live the rest of my days on my knees due to threats to my life and the lives of my loved ones. So prepare your jimmies for ATLANTIS. Or lets just fund an army and invade Somalia for fuck sakes. Sorry for the potato English by the way, not a native and never studied the language in any serious manner.
  3. Hey guys, i made an appointment for seeing a therapist because i have much childhood trauma to overcome but i can't even talk to random people about trivial things because i have social anxiety. Can any of you guys relate to me? If so, how were you able to express such important experiences and emotions to a complete stranger? Any help would be appreciated, i'm literally shaking just by thinking about it...
  4. Hey guys, one more freedom lover from the southern tax farm of Brazil/São Paulo here. I figured from the meetup groups (or lack thereof) that there aren't many philosophers who share the green and yellow pride to be born inside these meltingly hot imaginary lines of nice asses and great food... I have been listening to FDR for about 8 months. The first time i've ever listened to Stefan was in November of 2013 from then on i have just fallen in love with philosophy and the pursuit of virtue in my own life instead of talking about the fed on dinners with people who abused me as a child. It was incredible to realise the numbness to my own experience of verbal and phisical abuse that was branded on my soul and the how it has affected me both psychologically and medically (I was diagnosed with ADHD, Social Fobia and became obese due to trying to leave my reality through food) even before and right after i was born, since my father smoked like a chimney around me and my pregnant mother (probable reason for my ADHD) and my mom refusing to breastfeed me after 4 months of age because, in her own words, "i had other things to do" even though she was a "stay at home Stalin" as i like to describe. And with FDR i could break free emotionally of the vampire gang i once called "family" and definately will break the cicle of violence on regards to my future companion and children for that i am immensely thankful for Stefan, the FDR crew and everyone who made FDR possible. Even though i cannot contribute in a financial way due to me being a student and to the fact that the total sum of the BR currency is worth about 10g of used toilet paper, i try to bring as many people as possible to the show on the internet as a hole. I am also interested in Veganism, Computer Science, Software development and entrepreneurship. I believe that's it for my introduction to this great community, i believe it's going to be an awesome experience to be a part of this incredible conversation.
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