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Everything posted by Gunnhvatr

  1. Cheers for the resources! I heard reference to some Finnish radio station or program that is done in latin, I have not looked into that. Well if I stop before I am well versed by some standard I don't think I will consider that a failure. Because it means it is no longer doing anything for me as a hobby, right? It could be that I look at another language and decide it is both more useful and more fun to learn that.
  2. I've got Rosetta Stone and some of the Cambridge Latin Course work. Part of the reason I posted was to hear if any of you know any better ways of which I am not yet aware. You don't sound like very much fun. I mean that I do not expect to earn extra income or meet any utilitarian goals with this. People frown on learning a dead language when you can pick up a living one, don't they? I want to learn a second language and I have fancied latin for a long time and been interested in etymology.
  3. Do any of you know latin? I've recently begun attempting to learn it, just for fun.
  4. I reckon the best way to enjoy it would be to find some other people that have never seen it and watch it with them. Limit yourself to one episode per week, or something like that. You won't get the "experience" from just marathoning that show, by yourself.
  5. I can't really discuss this with my family so I thought I might bring it here. So, I live with my parents and my sister. My father wanted to get a dog, my mother did not want us to get a dog. I supported it. I said "He is a grown man, he should be able to get a dog if he wants. But I want it to be clear that it is not my dog and I claim no ownership or responsibility for it." In my state it is illegal to allow a cat to be outside after 6pm. Sometime around 8pm the dog was let outside to do his business and he found a cat in our yard. He is almost completely an inside dog so there doesn't seem to be enough of a presence out there to deter cats from being in our yard. He attacked the cat. The cat seems to have suffered a minor eye injury and is bleeding from the mouth, possibly a broken tooth. We took the cat to a vetinary hospital. It has no ID chip and has not been desexed, it was almost certainly not a stray cat, though. The hospital will give the cat the care it needs, desex it and send it to an animal shelter to be adopted. These costs will be paid by whomever adopts it. There is a case network involved. So, say you're the owner of that cat you can call shelters or the RSPCA or whatever else and they'll find this case in their system and tell you where the cat is. We live in a multicultural area so there is a chance its owners would not know this exists, but hopefully they would have that presence of mind to find it. But there is a chance this cat will end up destroyed. I suggested that one thing we could do is pay these costs, take the cat, release it near our house and let it find its way home. I offered to pay a share of these costs, though as I said this dog is not my responsibility. My parents vehemently denied any responsibility for the cat other than taking it to the Vet, refused to consider paying these costs, claimed it was not our fault the cat was in our yard and it should not have been there in the first place. Now, I can see their point but it doesn't sit all that well with me. No, the cat should not have been in our yard. But I can see a cat here that was hurt and it was their dog that did it. If it was my dog that hurt an animal I think I'd feel compelled to pay all the costs and see that this cat gets home. I wouldn't want this cat given a lethal injection because of an animal that was my responsibility. What do you think about all this?
  6. It sounds to me like you have an interesting opportunity here to confront racism in a way that is typically not done: a rational debate involving facts and not feelings. I'm sure you know from personal experience that saying politically incorrect things does not typically result in a debate. You get brow-beaten and hit with personal attacks. This would be even worse if you comitted the secular sin of racism. So, why should your brother change his mind if no one actually attempts to prove he is wrong?
  7. I believe that it's not so much that women do not care about looks in a mate but that in addition to this they care about many things that men typically do not value highly. Friends, job, home, education, ambition, sense of humour etc. The narrative implies that this makes women less demanding and men more demanding: I would say the opposite is true.
  8. I always smile when people, usually from the USA, point to problems in the UK or the colonies and blame the royal family. They never assume the problems came from elected officials and bureaucracies. They prescribe abolishing the royals as an ultimate solution. I don't necessarily support monarchy, but it is fun to see people speaking as if Liz' is ruling over us with an iron fist.
  9. I think there is stuff in the nervous system to stop something like that before it even gets to your brain, like when you pull away from a scalding. What if you had a button to trigger the sensation of getting pricked? I'm sure you could press it.
  10. I don't know anything about these tanks but if I recall correctly there has been study on pain that showed that if you have control of how much pain you experience: you can withstand significantly more pain than you would if it was out of your hands. Since the meditation in the tank is entirely voluntary I can't assume that it would be a harmful experience. If one did not like it they could sit up and leave.
  11. I saw the shaggy display pic and thought: that guy looks like he could be Crit' G.
  12. What a vile man. That he even sent her a photo after... I hope they sack him, no good could come from a sadist like this having a badge.
  13. I've beaten the single player story but I haven't tried any of the co-op. I don't know anyone that plays it and I worried that if I tried co-op with a stranger I'd get some horrible eleven year old. OMG YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO DO THIS PUZZLE ALREADY, NOOB?! THIS IS MY 12TH PLAY THROUGH IT IS EASY!
  14. I enjoyed watching this and suspect this video might be very useful in future political flame wars across the internet.
  15. I remember in school there were always creative story writing projects and in my entire school career I don't believe I ever did a single one. It was always a relief if they offered the option of an essay, or something else. It was so frustrating to me that anything I could come up with was clearly just something I had already read, with a spin on it.
  16. I mostly play by myself but I have wanted to do the co-op in Portal 2 for a long time, that could be fun.
  17. I've noticed a surprising amount of people seem to hold the belief that mind and body are divorced from each other. That you have to choose one at the total expense of the other.
  18. I have a friend that speaks about trouble in their relationship, on occasion, I hear some really foreboding stuff. I'll find myself saying things like "Well I'm not going to tell you do break up with them but that's really not cool and this is why..." It's up to them to decide whether or not this is a good relationship, right? All I can do is give feedback on what they're telling me. I have to ask myself if I'm giving them good counsel, though. I want to tell them that in that position I would break it off immediately, I would see no future in it.
  19. Forcing them to do this could prevent some important things from surfacing.
  20. FireShield, may I ask for what result you were hoping? It is very rare for people to admit defeat on the internet, one can only hope that after they feel like they are out of the line of fire they reflect and realize you were correct. An ad hom is about the closest thing to an admission of defeat you will get. Perhaps you could take it as a sign of your victory?
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