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  1. After skimming this post I have a bit to say. This forum is somewhere that you can find reasoned challenges to flawed perspectives which run deeper than those concerning flawed government... instead, people here are likely to dig into the root causes of flawed perspectives which lead to government abuses. If all you want to do is discuss the state without getting at the root causes of its power, I would suggest some other venue. There are plenty of communities of libertarians who will not challenge you to reexamine your own history. The distaste you seem to have for the challenge is a bummer... because the challenge is what is unique about this community. Obviously, I am making some assumptions as I have not read through the forum extensively and am a new member myself... but I doubt that I am far from the mark.
  2. I realize that my history as presented is rater cycloptic, thank you for taking me to task.... My wife is dedicated to pursuing the truth for the benefit of our children. It was only after we became parents that my wife was able to start really seeing how toxic her own childhood had been... or rather, to rediscover the resistance to her parents that she had discarded in childhood as a matter of survival. Our first child is nearing three. The approaching birth of our second (and likely last) child has brought new urgency to the topic of familial history... and the current push is to gain as much clarification as to the nature of my wife's relationship to her parents as possible so that a decision can be made as to their suitability as potential part-time caregivers of either or both of our children. To that end, we have been having a series of highly confrontational and painful conversations with them regarding how they parented my wife, etc. She has been getting more in touch with her child self as a result, and things are moving along... likely toward a break with the FOO in the near future. Taking a cue from Stef, and trusting the wisdom of my own father who has always told me that you cannot tell people the truth but must instead assist them in discovering it, I have not explicitly recommended that she break with them... I fear that recommendation, if followed, would allow for doubt to be cast on the decision. So, I am focusing my efforts on unmasking the wolf... rather than trying to tell her to run from what still appears (at least periodically) to be a sheep.As far as my own history goes... I was fortunate enough to see through the fog of the family cult at a young age and started cutting ties with toxic people in my teens. This is something that I grasped long before any sort of formal training or study on the issue... that people ought be judged on their actions rather than their position and more generally that moral relativism was at the heart of human problems large and small. Hope that helps some.
  3. Greetings to all who read these words, My personal evolution in brief: Started reading Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth fantasy novels around the age of 13, absorbed a good deal of his objectivism as it was imbedded in the characters... I had no idea that there was any measure of philosophy in these novels, only that the characters were the most amazing and interesting individuals I had ever encountered. Experimented with LSD and other drugs starting around 16. These altered stated of consciousness were very helpful for me personally, in that the experience of them was proof that the nature of reality in general and social structures specifically had been carefully constructed... and that the ways that most adults said things were was not accurate. Escaped school at 17, took GED tests without any preparation and passed above 98th percentile with "honors." Tried to go to college... but my heart wasn't in it. It wasn't what I wanted to do, it was what I was supposed to do. Burnt the small scholarship I received for my high GED test marks... didn't go back. Moved away to a major metro (where I was born, not entirely unfamiliar), pursued my dream of becoming a professional club/rave DJ for a few years... satisfied my emotional need, decided that attaining and maintaining my financial goals as an artist would likely make achieving my relationship goals (wife, family) exceedingly difficult or impossible... got sick of the superficial and discriminatory nature of most people I met in that area... Moved back "home" around 21. At some point, I realized the connection that my still-favorite author's books had to Ayn Rand's philosophy. Read Atlas Shrugged. Took a job I was qualified for that I didn't hate. Had a lot of time for introspection on the job... focused on making money and thinking for a few years while becoming increasingly frustrated with "reality." Reconnected with a female friend from high school, started dating her, moved in with her. Started going to college part time, because I wanted to this time, and excelled. Finished my general associates. Got married. One magical day, the conservative AM talk station I was fond of was airing an episode of Free Talk Live... started listening to the show's previous episodes constantly... reprogrammed myself from an unprincipled amalgamation of conservative and liberal ideologies into something more closely resembling a human being. Quit my job at some point to focus on university full time. Discovered Brett Veinotte through FTL. Shifted from FTL to School Sucks as my main source of though-provoking analysis. Discovered Stefan Molyneux through School Sucks... shifted from School Sucks to FDR. Had a child. FTL guys did a lot of branch and leaf pruning... School Sucks seemed to be chopping at the trunk... FDR started to get at the root... I am about to graduate from university Magna Cum Laude... my degrees will be: "BS in Social Science with a concentration in Human Service and a minor in Psychology" and "BS is Anthropology with a concentration in Applied Cultural Anthropology." Fitting that they both begin with BS... because I have encountered a lot of BS along the way. I will not be continuing in academia on any level regardless of how many professors, friends, etc. tell me that it "would be a waste" if I don't go to graduate school... Right now: My wife is pregnant with #2, we are working through a lot of stuff with her family in particular, and a lot of heavy stuff is coming down the pipe... many decisions must be made and acted upon... and I felt like this board was my best shot for support as I move forward. Thanks for reading, and I hope this is the beginning of a fruitful relationship. -LTA
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