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William Wyatt

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Brisbane, Australia
  • Interests
    Music, Performing Arts, Philosophy, Psychology, Anthropology, Holistic Spirituality.
  • Occupation
    Singer - Songwriter, Musician, Busker, Entrepreneur.

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  1. Hi I'm looking for voluntarist musicians across the world to support my theatrical rock act. "The Western Star" I'm a singer-songwriter, guitarist and effects pedal freak. Similar vibe to Neil Diamond, Chris Isaak, Roy Orbison and Tim Buckley. My music is like something you'd hear in a Tarantino film. Epic Spaghetti Western Progressive Rock. I'm a mysterious hero on a journey to spread the gospel of peaceful parenting, libertarianism and assist Trump in serving a second term. Looking for a drummer, bassist, keyboardist and female backing vox to provide backing for my compositions via dropbox and play live together at major libertarian/conservative conferences.
  2. Hi, I've asked before and I'll ask again. I'm looking for a skilled therapist. I am living in the Hobart region of Australia. But would be happy to do international calls or skype therapy. Prefer a voluntaryist peaceful parent. Bonus if they can do hypnotherapy and subconcscious rewiring.
  3. Hey guys, I'm interested moving down from brisbane in the next 6 months. I used to be involved with the LDP in brisbane. But they are only a "moderate" libertarian party. My ideal is forming a community based on libertarian principles, where we can raise our children in an environment where they won't be exposed to the traumatic nature of modern society until they are mature enough to have boundaries with it. My short term goal is the form some great friendships and start an epic rock band that directly promotes peaceful parenting.
  4. I'm a 23 year old musician, singer busker and aspiring peaceful parenting activist. I'm struggling between the decisions of moving to a new city in order to earn more money and live in a preffered climate, Or staying in brisbane for fame and friends and beaches? 1. Brisbane/Gold Coast/Byron: Pros and Cons. I live in subtropical brisbane. A lively little city small and compact. entertainment districts all squished into a melting pot of sex, drugs, art and music. it's a tropical fiesta, but it doesn't pay that well. Some of the artsy uni students started a music festival called jungle love. A festival full of "nice" people. Passive hippies, hipsters,spiritual people, musicians and artists. Mostly vagueley anti authoritarian leftists into astrology, aliens, and ego death. A few an-caps go and generally gell with the people. I've actually convince people tripping on acid, to be pro free market capitalism using different works. But I still have very mixed feelings about the brisbane music scene to say the least... Yet if I said "capitalism" they would be like "Nah fuck dat man" Anyway I'm playing at this festival. and if I get a band together I can probably play in front of a few hundred people and maybe convince them of peaceful parenting. 300 fans in this city? However, I do know that the guy running the festival thinks it's okay to spank.... If I live on the gold coast I may be able to develop friendships with the gold coast FDR group given I increase my self knowledge. Although, they are very busy with their families and such, being in their 30s. My other FDR friend is also very busy with university and such. I may eventually start up a rock opera show, given that The gold coast has lots of tourism for it's beaches... The gold coast is close to many theme parts But It get's very hot and humid here in summer, which I hate. I could move to a mountain, but would still have kane toads, snakes and so so many insects in the subtropics. But if that theatre show is anti child abuse, and my family come to see it. My mother could stalk me.. Given that brisbane is nearby.. (brisbane is close to gold coast) Pros: easy band, playing big festival, fame and influence, groovy vibes, FDR friends close by, Gold Coast, melting pot of creativity, rock opera show in gold coast, GOLD COAST MIGHT PAY BETTER THAN MELBOURNE *unconfirmed* Cons: Humid heat, insects, festival is full of hippies and some non peaceful parenters, Parents close by, Mother might go crazy on my theatre show, drug influences from family and friends, 2. Melbourne/Northern Tasmania Melbourne is more spreading out and is a cooler maritime oceanic cfb climate, Said to be more sophisticated and intellectual than Brisbane. Yet quite elitist and leftist as with every city. Arts and Music scene is very spread out, vast and more centred on the artist rather than the scene. I expect less fame in melbourne, but it also means I can promote peaceful parenting and libertarianism without feeling collective pressure toward PC culture. I can also make much much more money busking, and the economy is better so I can find work pretty easily as well.. I can probably still create my rock opera, Melbourne may even be more suited to it. My family will be far away, so I can defoo. and I can quickly pay to get my teeth fixed, rent out my own apartment in hills and do my self therapy in nature without insects or intense heat.. melbourne pros: guaranteed higher income, cooler nicer climate like coastal western us or europe, fix teeth, less mysticism and paranoia, EASY DEFOO YAY cons: may not find good libertarian friends, it can have 4 seasons in 1 day and occasional heatwaves. Brisbane is more consistently hot and humid from november to april. Thanks heaps in advance.
  5. I'm not sure there is a win/win situation in this circumstance. Which is why I always suggest that everyone gain entrepreneurial skills and become a contract and subcontract worker as opposed to having a 'secure' job. If you don't care much about what others think, because they are dull and inhibited by their repressed trauma. Why not just be a clown? go out onto the street and be silly and entertaining for money? grow your own food? Making money is truly easy when you give up on trying to be secure or conform to the social standards of the bland. Security often leads to comfort, and comfort leads to a consumerist mentality that leads people to blow most of their income.... If you are studying and working towards becoming an entrepreneur than is great So if you want to stay in this job the best thing to do appeal to the other workers sense of pathos. "cmon guys, please help me out". Instead of venting your frustration through cranky statements, express it through a sense of empathetic need. The more needy you become, the less they will rely on you as the cranky guy who will do all the work. People are more sympathetic to those with a victim mentality. I'm not sure you should have a victim mentality, but in this situation, you are the victim. Vulnerability will help you, they will no longer see you as a robot and instead see you as a human being who can't cope with being exploited... If you keep being cold and grumpy, they will just see you as a robot and continue to exploit your ability to get things done. You are in the productive right, but in the emotional wrong, expressing your suffering truthfully and appealing to their sense of empathy will help you to gain their respect.
  6. voluntaryist property rights permit, not ownership of land, but ownership of that which you've mixed your labour with, like building a house. There are much more elaborate explanationsof what it is to mix your labour. If there are property disputes, we would only assume they would be dealt with by community court systems, or DRO's. the wealthier man may win the case unless the rest of the community dissagrees. So it is still a decentralized democracy in a sense...
  7. That would be an excellent idea. if you could make such a pamphlet could you send us a link for a printout and I will hand it out whilst busking in my country. But I wouldn't jump to immediate conclusions that she was yelling at the child unless you can distinguish the rage in her voice and an immediate response of fear in the child's wail. You could check the laws about child abuse in your area. As well as the nature of the foster system in that area. If spanking is illegal, and the foster system is of good standard(No patterns of abuse). Maybe you could report her to child services if you get enough evidence that the child is definitely being abused... I'm in a similar predicament with my topic "My mother hit my brothers on easter" in the peaceful parenting subforum Thanks heaps Heres a +1 reputation point for you.
  8. So my mother is pretty abusive and mentally unstable. I moved out of home a few years ago and started a career as an entrepreneurial musician. I am 21, make a decent living from busking, but I also try to find shitkicker worker jobs when I need to get big money. I still struggle with poor decision making and I am still far from healing. She had me when she was 15 in a one night stand. She is now 35 and has 2 young kids with her fiance. They are both abusive, dysfunctional, mentally unstable parents. My poor half brothers are suffering so much damage even this far in. She screams, yells, hits. She is selfish, somewhat has the mentality of a stereotypical teenage girl, but is much more abrasive, hardy and anger fueled. Sort of like the singer PINK, who is also quite an abusive mother... Told by doctors she has ADD and possibly Bi Polar disorder, not sure what i believe about those terms and definitions, she definitely feeds her trauma into her kids. Luckily Robert of 6 is very practical, extroverted, curious and tries to connect emotionally, I can see his trauma and weaknesses, but I am glad he has such a warm presence. He would fit in much better, but he may not gravitate towards philosophy if not for external guidance. However Sebastian, at 4 is more obviously damaged. she got even worse dealing with 2 kids. sebastian is still very poor at speaking and such. he has extreme emotional outbursts, mostly as a result of his parents abusive nature. He is really rebellious towards being controlled, He used to hit his head on the floor purposefully. They believe him to also have ADHD or even some form of Spectrum disorder... In brisbane, australia it is still legal to spank your kids. So I don't know how I can find these kids a better family. I've tried to tell her more and more about the damage of it, and she half apologizes to me for fucking up, blames it on her trauma. She doesn't take responsibility for her actions and doesn't have much self control. I thought I was getting through to her with my peaceful parenting stuff. she seems to be trying harder. she got parenting classes and the educational system is a lot better. despite the principle yelling at robert for spreading his feces on the bathroom stall She likely still hits them more than once a week and yells at them every day. I am not around enough to truly tell. But sebastian always tries to fight robert, if robert doesn't give him the toy they will fight. robert doesn't offend much, but he has selfish retaliations. This is what i think hapenned on easter. My mother then went up, yelled and then hit them both.... I didn't say anything, I just comforted robert... She wants me to come see my brothers all the time. But it's hard for me to try and change them. So I do feel like I have neglected them, not giving them the attention that they need. I know I could help robert, but I just need to deal with being around them more often. I could try and urge robert to find another family. but the foster system has a bad reputationf or being horrible. I don't know if Me and him would have much choice of family. He still has a lot of attatchment to my mother. I don't know if I could raise them, they are already so far gone. I am still dysfunctional. Suggestions, help and any guidance would be appreciated. Should I play my mother I don't know much else I can do? Should I just try and guide them slowly from the outside? Be loving to my brothers as much as I can? Report them if the law changes?
  9. Adoption is very useful, which is why it is one of the first things that should be deregulated... However I believe it is vital for virtuous people to raise children. Otherwise the dysfuctional people keep breeding and raising more traumatized dysfunctional people, they will vastly outnumber the virtuous people... Live frugally and raise a child in the 20s then pursue wealth and career parth later. have kid in 30s or 40s, but risk deformities... << this or adoption may be the only option for those whoa are still struggling with trauma in their 20s like myself...
  10. I've only gone twice, Chris runs then on a saturday arvo once a month at this bar in south bank... but I busk late at night in the valley on friday and sat nights, so I usually need sleep during that day... it's usually just chris and some other half-asian fellow... they are both INTJ types who work in strict 9-5 IT jobs, so I found it slightly difficult to relate as we came from very different backgrounds... They seemed to fear unemployment, as and such, were trapped in the 9-5 mon-fri . despite probably getting decent pay, I didn't feel they would be able to commit to grassroots economics and psychology... which along with music/art, are my passions...
  11. Given Stefan's inspiration from rush, pink floyd and queen The FDR theme must be an accessible progressive rock track created by an FDR member Why is nobody taking this seriously? Remember that Rush was a catalyst for stefan... and I repeat the lyrics "....and his mind is not for rent, by any gods or government" - Neil Peart bleeding heart libertarian inspired by Ayn Rand....
  12. I would write a deep epic intro song for Stef, I have relatively strong vocal and guitar abilities. I mainly play progressive rock, which is the genre that has most inspired Stefan. Rush and Pink Floyd actually led him to philosophy.... "....and his mind is not for rent, by any gods or government"
  13. It depends really, they'd still probably be less prone to addiction, and more emotionally stable than myself. But to discover things like FDR, philosophy and such, it tends to be the most tragic upbringings and the absolute best upbringings that produce unique individuals. The people in the middle tend to fit in really well, so they never seek anything more.... My parents met in a low rent neighborhood whilst still in public school. They are the Australian equivalent to rednecks. Bogans if you will.. I am a product of a 1 night stand between a 14 year old girl diagnosed with ADD and an angry metalhead 17 year old who was no stranger to fights. Both were heavily drunk and stoned on the night in question and were no stranger to drugs. My mother still smoked and drank through my pregnancy.... My ACE is between 4 - 8
  14. Hey Andrew, I also live in Brisbane. I haven't managed to find good therapists in Brisbane, I've mainly resorted to Skype chats and such... I've met 2 other people at the meetup group in brisbane. Is your friend one of them??
  15. Remember that Ayn Rand and Nathaniel Brandon had an Affair, and despite having a fair negotiation with their current partners, Brandon later had another affair with one of his clients... Even though she has cheated on her current boyfriend with you, I still believe the Pro's Outweigh the Con's for you in this situation. You should talk to her about how you would have difficultly trusting her in a relationship, given that she has technically cheated.... maybe she has never had such an intense connection with any other man before and was overwhelmed with emotion. I think it is unlikely that you will find another woman who is open to libertarianism for quite a long time my friend... You should at least remain friends with her so you can see if there are any more Red Flags.... But as it stands, the white flags outweigh the red....
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