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Everything posted by Brook

  1. Hi. Hard time navigating this forum. I'll get used to it. I'd loved to go. Can you link the specifics?
  2. I was stationed in Korea for five years. I met my wife two years into that stay. I dated her for a year before we married. Good choice. We've been married for 10 years. Another reason I joined the service was to make up for being a unruly teenager and get closer to my father. When I finished active duty, I brought her to the US with me. We stayed for a couple of months with my dad. He didn't like her and made a point of it by acting like an ass when whenever she cleaned or did something to contribute to their household- wasn't good enough. More important, it's immoral. I'm an incompetent roofer, but since I'm never on people's roofs, it's not important. Anyways, I'd also be interested in hearing more about your journey. How much have you studied philosophy or worked towards self-knowledge for example? I'm a so-so railroad worker nowadays. I'm new to Philosophy and I really like it. Self knowledge?
  3. Alright. Here goes. Hi, I'm Brook, and I'm from upstate New York. I'm excited to be here and participate in a/the conversation. I don't know exactly where to start. In my experiences with forums I usually have to initiate something to get a feel for the posters and the general flow of topics. In having almost no set philosophy(or even sophistry) after 14 years of American military, I've felt kinda lost for a good portion of my life. Funny, I've never been actually a big fan of authority despite my service time. I joined on the notion that every last one of my family members who didn't, became a douche. After getting out of the military, I've since been trying to free my mind and establish myself. I've cut off almost all ties with an family (Mostly that was due to awkward reception I had when I came home with a foreign wife) and moved to a state I've never lived in to start a job I've never done. I've lived here for six years and things have been good, but hardly any people to talk to. I'm fairly satisfied with leaving that life behind. I'm 38 and I have a lot of catching up to do. I've become an atheist and very interested in science. I've come to the understanding government is completely incompetent and can be very burdensome if you let it. I have no ties to the VA or any sort of military pension. It seemed worthless to me at the time I got out and I don't regret the decision I've made especially when I've heard how the VA treats veterans with serious conditions. People change, I've changed. I could be deemed eternally immoral or accepted as learning and taking on a more rational point of view. Posted this from my phone/please excuse the discrepancies.
  4. Hello. Watervliet resident.
  5. I'm Brook, Hi. I live in the capital region of New York. I thought I saw an Upstate New York thread here, but couldn't find it.
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