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Everything posted by MeAT

  1. I never thought about that....... And no. He never once did these things outside of the safe confines of his home and in front of his crazy wife. Wow, what an interesting point you bring up. The wheels be a turning in my head now.
  2. My father is rude to me all the time. I am wayyyy stronger and bigger now than he (and tougher for that matter). So many times I have wanted to say "You know I can hit back now right?" But I have never
  3. dsayers! Thanks bro! I needed that more than you know! Any advice to a new fella on the message board?
  4. It is a fact that when I was 5 you spanked me. When I was 10 you would terrorize me to the point where I wet myself. When I reached your height, you tossed me around and threatened to make me leave the home. These things happened as sure as an apple will fall to the ground when released from grip of hand. Here is my question Dad.... Have you ever, in your entire life, committed even ONE of these acts against a person outside of the boy whom YOU adopted? FreeDomain! Should I ask my Dad this question?
  5. There is one way and one way only to make money in the "Stock" market. You have to hold your investment for a minimum of 5 years. If you cannot do this, or if you will need the money before 5 years I strongly advise AGAINST buying any stocks. From here I could write a 10 pg dissertation about my disaster of a journey of buying and selling equities and the anxiety it gave me but I will leave you with what I have already stated, tip my hat, and move along.
  6. Well here I am. Stefan has changed my wiring and it is quite terrifying. When I think about my parents now, I see two five year old people so to speak. They were not virtuous and brutalized me my entire life with their words and actions. Now I know. NOW I CAN HEAL. I am 31 year old SWM who is moving to Colorado after a stint in the Military Industrial Complex and it is is back to the private sector for me. I don't know where this message board will take me, but I sure do wish I had gotten into Freedomain half a lifetime ago! --MeAT
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