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Everything posted by astharte

  1. The AAP recommends it for half the minimum the WHO recommends it for because they are under "pressure" (to use a polite term) to ensure sales for the dairy industry. Its like the AAPD (dentistry) who gets sponsored by coca cola and MacDonald's. There's an exchange going on that leaves the public in the dark. More sick bbs means a booming pharmaceutical industry, so its better to keep the public ignorant.
  2. Yes, good question. Actually there is a minimum but not a maximum. Breast milk with its cytokines, lymphocytes, macrophages, IgG, IgAs etc and the HAMLET (that kills tumor cells) is actually beneficial to any human at any age. There is no maximum. Humans NEED it until their immune systems are mature which is the age at which our milk teeth fall out, which is at about age 6 or 7. All we can establish is the biological human norm, which when you adapt for life span, in all mammals is equivalent to about 6 or 7 human years. You can download a great poster in PDF listing the composition of human milk known to date, here : http://www.bcbabyfriendly.ca/whatsinbreastmilkposter.pdf The more important thing is to inform women that as of about 12 months of lactating only one or two feeds a day (or pumping) are enough to maintain lactation. Then as of about 24 months of lactating, only a few fees a week are enough to maintain lactation. As of about 3 years of lactation, even a feed every 2 or 3 weeks or so is enough to maintain lactation. Most women who lactate for biologically normal durations find that even years after lactation has officially ended, they still produce drops of "milk" which by that time and so little dilution has really gone back to colostrum. Women are made to lactate, and if all humans got access to human milk, even those few drops that the body produces with so little stimulation for the natural duration, combined with underground plumbing and normal hygiene, I think most diseases if not all would be eradicated. I think that despite zero hygiene thats how homo sapiens have made it this far.
  3. Hi. Have just joined and would like to add a little information on the vaccine topic. Firstly, there have never been any scientific studies on any supposed inoculation power of vaccines. Pasteur was not a doctor, nor a scientist. He stole the theory of another guy, Dr Roux and then carried out his own tests on animals and humans, falsified the results, and persuaded the government that vaccins actually inoculate. We're still waiting for a controlled, scientific study to prove that theory. In the meantime, it has of course become a business with theory after theory sparking business. The fear market is part of what vehicules this theory industry. Many doctors are taught that polio is a virus whereas a theoretical virus has never actually been isolated. In the 1950s the UK threatened to embargo the food imported from the US because the polio rate was so high. Polio only hit industrialised countries, using massive chemical mixes to preserve food for export. Polio didn't exist in Uganda for example until the vaccine was introduced. If you want to save yourself the research time, Jock Doubleday has done it all and reports on it in his free document on the cure zone called "into the labyrinth" http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1130483 Doctors dont do research and are not researchers though a doctor's comments are always required before conclusions from a study are published. So we cannot say there has been "medical" research. There can be medical opinions but so far, on the subject of vaccins, we're still buying into a theory never scientifically proven. The rate of death and neurological damage from vaccins is largely un reported. So the only numbers published are what a doctor will allow to be reported to the laboratory manufacturing a vaccin. Good luck with that! Laws requiring vaccination vary according to country. In France home of Pasteur (so you understand the total absence of critical thinking on vaccins) the only vaccins that are imposed on children are in case of collective care which is culturally called "school" but technically as its from age 3 to 5 is really only glorified daycare. Some pharmacists in government and other positions of power have been trying to make that collective care "obligatory" under the guise of "eduction" but as there is obviously conflict of interest as shareholders in the vaccin market, and the educated public is aware of the dangers of vaccins, so far, collective care from 3 to 6 is still optional though 99,99% of the population use it and think its obligatory. There are "only" 3 vaccins mandatory for entry to this collective care (in french its called "la maternelle". You see the suggestion of motherly care in the name) which are Diphtheria, polio and tetanus. We all know that tetanus cannot have an inoculative effect. Even if a body as had tetanus, the real thing, the body does not "remember" and will be just as vulnerable the next time it comes across it. Thats why tetanus shots are given over and over again every time a person has to receive treatment for an open wound. So tetanus as a vaccin is obviously not viable. The polio "virus" has yet to be isolated and diphtheria, well we're still waiting for a scientific study to prove its efficacy. However the french government "recommends" a whole slew of very profitable but dangerous vaccins, that the victims of any harm are not insured for by the government. Thats why they are not mandatory. The government only imposed the vaccins that they will offer (quite limited) financial support for in case vaccin injury can be proven. Its a business, nothing less, and it thrives on the fear factor. After Jock Doubleday's "into the labyrinth" there are many books now revealing the vaccin scam but lots are in french so giving the titles serves no purpose here. Here in France a lawyer has finally taken up the cause and written in a book called (translated) "Vaccins. Have we been lied to? A lawyers advice" I dont know what the laws are in Canada but in the US parents can say they wont vaccinate for religious purposes. Here in France we have some good homeopathic doctors who give homeopathic vaccins but who would be barred from medical practice if they were reported. Getting their names is a question of word of mouth. For parents, they are a godsend because the child's health booklet is stamped and "vaccinated" and the child gets the homeopathic version who's efficacy is as scientifically proven as the "atomic bomb" pharmaceutical version. The topic is a hot topic of course soliciting fear based, often very emotional reactions so there's no point in discussing it with people who have not read up on the subject. Its like arguing religion. Unless each contributing party has read all the literature and not only "medical" conclusions and advice its just a question of comparing beliefs. I tell any doctor who tells me "but I'm a doctor, I know" : "until there is scientific proof, I am not a believer."
  4. Just a quick note to say hello and give thanks for existing. I feel powerless alone so am hoping that by joining this group I can make a more substantial contribution to the transition to a world free of slavery, economic or physical. I am a big fan of Riane Eisler's work. (her most well known work : The chalice and the blade and recently : The real wealth of nations, for a caring economics) and have participated in the caring economics leadership program but here in socialist France, there is a much more caring economy than in the barbaric free market system employed in the US. So I font feel very useful in the field here. So thanks for existing. Looking forward to sharing and contributing. Charlotte Yonge.
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