Global Resource Bank ecocredit currency values Earth's natural resources. The Global Resource Bank Ecocredit Program Everyone owns one share in Global Resource Bank (GRB). GRB shareholders value
Earth's current wealth of natural resource at six quadrillion ecocredits (e) thathave the buying power of 2012 Federal Reserve notes. GRB converts the US dollaraccount of everyone's assets to ecocredit. The GRB reserve provides shareholdersaccounts e40 a day for twenty years. Seven hundred trillion ecocredits are invested inecosystems and 500 trillions in communications. The GRB income account receivesecocredits from an ecosystem impact charge on shareholder and commercial accounts,and exchanges ecocredits with the GRB reserve to maintain equilibrium. Five percent ofGRB income sustains communications and e40 a day goes to fully funded shareholdersaccounts, the remainder goes to the reserve. GRB shareholders invest 10 percent oftheir GRB income in ecosystems. Earth's current wealth of natural resources and GRBincome distribution adjusts to shareholder feedback. After one year of inactivity GRB
accounts revert to the reserve. The GRB manager is chosen by majority. Questions & Answers
Are Earth's natural resources everyone's assets? Yes.Does a true medium of exchange value common assets? Yes.Why do we value our current wealth of natural resources at six quadrillion ecocreditsthat have the buying power of 2012 US$? Six quadrillion (q) ecocredits secure thelives of more than six billion shareholders.Why e6q? Six billion x e40 a day x 20 years = e1.8 quadrillion. Seven hundred trillion
are invested in ecosystems and 500 trillion in communications, leaving three quadrillionecocredits in reserve for additional shareholders.How do we grow natural resources? Natural light, energy, water, soil, food, shelter,land, climate, atmosphere, and biodiversity grow with shareholders investments inecosystems, communications, technology, education, conservation, health, science,disarmament, recycling, efficiency, innovation, restoration, art, play, love, i.e., life.How are the ecosystem impact charges set? The shareholders account charge is set bythe average impact and commercial accounts by their products impact.What about industry? Industry disarms governments, restores ecosystems, and suppliesgoods and services.Do commercial goods and services trade for ecocredit in free global markets? Yes.Are commercial accounts transparent? Yes.What about population? Ecosystems optimize population.How do landless shareholders get land? GRB settles public debt in exchange for state assets.Do GRB shareholders retire fractional reserve banking? Yes.Do GRB shareholders employ a copious natural economy without borders? Yes.Does GRB provide shareholders open communications and ecocredit income for life? Yes.Is GRB a direct democratic network of shareholders who value Earth's natural resources? Yes.How do we access our accounts? By way of biometric authentication. -