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    Nutritional Therapist/Writer

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  1. Hi all, I hope this is the appropriate place to post this. I self-published a memoir/academic piece that is manifesto-ish. It chronicles the change from growing up in an religiously abusive home to how I dropped that baggage. I'm working up the courage to write some more and be even more honest about how abusive my home life was and how therapy, empiricism and FDR have changed my life. Here's a link:http://www.amazon.com/The-Feral-Ache-Science-Decided-ebook/dp/B00ENSLZAY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1396792192&sr=8-1&keywords=the+feral+ache I'd love to have your valuable feedback.
  2. PREEEEcisely. I actually was born into a dictatorship...a real one outside the home as well as one within it. And a rebel out of me it made. But a terrified one. If that makes sense.... Because of that upbringing it makes me hyper sensitive to the violations of freedom that are now common place. I am most mystified by the rather "voluntary" relinquishment of those freedoms because of the ridiculous, nearly transparent propaganda. I discovered Stefan's work through Joe Rogan and now I'm here because I'm...well...lonely. It's nice to find a place where I can join in a conversation that will further my thought process instead of being torn down and accused of "insanity" for the conclusions I have come to simply by paying close attention. Also, it's nice to be around people who are intelligent and value that instead of finding it threatening.
  3. I'm so glad to finally be here among you all. I'm almost 41, flat out obsessed with freedom, and looking for a safe place to explore dangerous ideas. Nice to meet you!
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