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Everything posted by Fred

  1. Look at what they make these kids do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqHYzYn3WZw I personally find this disgusting. apparently someone already posted this https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/42262-little-girls-swearing-sexist-video-must-watch/ Can i remove this topic?
  2. Yesterday I was talking to someone about how spanking permanently damages children and, like always, the BS argument comes up: 'I was spanked and came out allright'. Mostly this corners me a bit, but now my immediate reply was 'You can't claim to be allright when you think it's normal to hit defenseless children'. He didn't know what to say anymore. I'm wondering, what's your answer on this BS argument?
  3. @ParaSait: Flemish @Patrickc: Thx for the link!
  4. Let me know!
  5. First and foremost, it's important that you protect your child. Don't drag your child into a negative environment. But on the other hand, exactly the same thing happens to her children (you don't like them too, so you're bringing negativity in their environment). That's my humble opinion. How's your relation with your child?
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