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Mark Serene

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    Huntington Beach
  • Interests
    Psychology, Self-Knowledge, Communication, Anarchy, Philosophy, Music

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  1. What's up everyone! I'm curious, what experiences have you had with support and enabling (compassion vs co-dependency)? What are your thoughts on the co-dependent relationship?
  2. Hey guys and gals! I'm curious, what other podcasts or youtube channels you subscribe to? I look forward to your input
  3. Oh haha no worries. I got used to typing it that way because of meetup.com
  4. How do you know what's optimal? I think, depending on the age of a person, optimal health means a person has a high capacity for physical functioning.
  5. No, I'm sorry I don't. What do you mean by not necessarily meetups?
  6. I think it has to do with personal freedom, the anarchy of self. Domain is defined by google as "a specified sphere of activity or knowledge," which in terms of achieving personal freedom basically means "know thy self".
  7. Looking for all Southern California FDR listeners to join this group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/785068861547541/ I'm looking to have meetups in LA and San Diego next.. PM me if you having any suggestions on places to meet. Thank you! Andrew
  8. Sure, I bought my paperback off Lulu I think, but the audiobook is free to download on fdr: https://freedomainradio.com/free/. To download the audio just right click the page and hit save. Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/The-God-Atheists-Stefan-Molyneux/dp/B003TVGH54 lulu: http://www.lulu.com/us/en/shop/stefan-molyneux/the-god-of-atheists-softcover/paperback/product-1775028.html
  9. Wow thanks! I really appreciate all of these tips. I have already done 2 years of my degree in Communication. I know it doesn't seem completely necessary (I learn more about communication from talking to customers), but I have been having trouble finding another job. My goal is to do what Stefan does, and I see all of the practice from giving speeches, writing essays, and debating to be a step toward that goal. I just bought a crock-pot a couple of days ago. The only drug I take consistently now is caffeine. So I am all set there. As for budgeting and planning ahead, I am still learning. I also appreciate what you said about finding a place that is %25 of my income in rent, and saving %15 each week for emergencies because I have not had anything set or even a goal. I have impulsive tendencies to spend money. Anyways, you gave me a lot to think about, but I have a few months before I need to register to mull it over. Thanks again!
  10. Good morning! I just wanted to say that I decided this morning (around 1 am) to go back to college and finish my degree. I had gone to a decent state university for a couple of years, my parents paying everything, and dropped out because I thought I wanted to be a "real" artist and that college was basically bullshit. Almost two years has gone by. I was playing local bars in a band, getting high often, and living with my girlfriend. I was generally depressed and anxious. About a year ago, I got a job at butcher shop (to be more of a man), started to listening to FDR, and realized it wasn't school that I really wanted to drop-out of, it was my family of origin. Since discovering this truth, I have been worried about my future, setting goals without reaching them, and just all around foggy. I have been thinking about finishing college, but I was worried about paying for it myself, since I had de-FOO'd, I'm pretty much on my own for the first time. So, FINALLY, with a ton of help from the FDR1534 - The Case for College podcast I decided to go back and admit I was wrong about higher education. I'm looking forward to getting everything I can out of it! Has anyone else had a similar experience? Or have any tips for college? Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy your day!
  11. I appreciate the ramble haha I felt the same way when it came to the technical software development stuff. For me, endings are really a big point of how I feel about the book as a whole. Maybe its the only part I remember lol, but I finished that book, and the last scene where Gordon is teaching put a fire in my belly to spread philosophy. Oh and the speech Bez gave Alder about what happens to your soul when you do wrong and how lying about it will further destroy you, well he put it in much more elegant terms, but that part practically scared the shit out of me. I have done wrong in the past and have done what I could to make up for it, but damn, regret is a loud whisper of death in my ear. All-in-all, to sum up, in conclusion... I found there was very little in the book which I could not relate to on some level, which made it an enlightening experience and gave me a lot to focus on in self-work. p.s. I enjoyed your blog, RJ, about the free-fall journal, and I look forward to reading more when I have time
  12. Wow, just want to say awesome thread! Thanks to everyone who suggested books, I just splurged all over my kindle.
  13. Thanks! I appreciate the feedback
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