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Patrice Stanton

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  1. Alwazquestion: I think you did fine because you said your peace (and reiterated it). If others choose not to see, so be it. It is hard to drop stuff like that though. But to let things like that slide - over and over - to leave them unchallenged is why things are the way they are. Kudos to you.
  2. Many assumptions being made in the comments; w/o quoting I'll go on paraphrases; I hope that's OK (this is my first post). For example: someone needs to die to make room (that doesn't happen now so why in the future?); most would choose this kind of immortality ("most" right now don't know or don't practice, say, the most healthy things in life, or the most efficient, etc.; I for one wouldn't choose an imortality w/o physical sensations or emotional reactions, say, to a beautiful sunset/moonrise/bird/butterfly, etc.); less farming would be better for the planet (what about all the industrial activity to produce & maintain all those "robot bodies," not to mention the power sources. If anything, I'd be betting this "immortality biz" will have a narrow niche market, catering (SHOCKER) to the uber rich. Sad because the only real hope society has is to shake off that ruling elite that's borrowed/spent/and wheeled & dealed us onto the edge of the economic precipice we currently find ourselves perched on.
  3. Any FDR folks the Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas area? I know it's a long shot but am really hoping to get a monthly meet-up going in my town of Keller (would consider Southlake or Grapevine, too, but won't enter that afterwork traffic in D or FW). After the other day on ebay I seriously believe, "It could happen!" [@ 53 sec. mark, comedian Judy Tenuta: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8YTXQgYaX8]: I was searching for a certain kind of super-wide Velcro and the first purveyor that popped up was from Keller! Watch the Meet-up pages for planned get togethers.
  4. New here on FDR forums (forums anywhere, really). Thanks for the overview of the show. It has been a favorite of my (nearly-21 y.o.) daughter since she began watching on Netflix (a couple of years ago, I think). Good to hear it's a quality story (not sure why I never tried it). Will have to ask her what she thinks of the finale.
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