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Everything posted by VMA

  1. I think this new, popular, and antagonistic topic would benefit greatly from philosophy. Not only is it relevant to the NAP, but also the affects of adverse childhoods on relationships. If the staff at FDR find it worth their time and resources to research this popular topic I think it could potentially shed some ethical light on domestic abuse, as well as spread the peaceful parenting message to an audience that most likely has never heard it. If you feel this is an important topic, feel free to leave any links to research in the comments, also your thoughts on this post are appreciated as well. Thank you
  2. VMA

    Freedom Band

    I can produce to a limited capacity, if you want to me to throw some ideas into the pot you can message me, My DAW is Propellerhead's Reason, and it gives me tons of flexibility with genres, midi, and any kind of audio file you can manage to send. feel free to send me personal music, ideas or music that inspires you.
  3. look forward to meeting you this weekend if it all works out !
  4. Seattle has a problem with some violent anarchists, let's show them how much love anarchy can have by getting together this saturday for a bbq and a workshop, an-cap style! If you need a ride message me and i would love to carpool if you are in the area Hope to see you guys their, and to meet some of you for the first time http://www.meetup.com/Seattle-Anarcho-Capitalism/events/187588552/
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