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Great question, Alin! I'm sorry to hear that your situation is presently hellish, but from my personal experience with pursuing self-knowledge and therapy, you're on track in seeking help to transform your life for the better. Congratulations! Now to answer your question... 1) Trust your gut If you feel as though your therapist isn't genuinely interested in helping, if he's apparently disconnected from his own emotions, or if she's otherwise sending shivers down your spine, honor your gut assessment and continue your search. I was lucky enough to strike gold in finding my first therapist, but I've had plenty of friends who've gone through several. They routinely say that they could tell within the first couple of meetings that the therapy wasn't going to be beneficial; usually they could tell in their very first interaction / gut reaction. 2) Prepare a list of important questions to as your potential therapist Don't be afraid to bring thought-provoking or challenging questions, either! "What is your definition of closure?" "How do you know when you've healed from trauma?" "How do you know when a relationship with one's parents isn't salvageable?" These are off-the-cuff examples, but I'm sure you get the general picture: ask IMPORTANT questions that will offer you a glimpse into the mental framework of your therapist. Does his or her values align with yours? Great, the potential for a relationship exists. Do they conflict? Talk about it if you think it's worth your while, but otherwise continue the search! The value added from this tip is two-fold: For one, you get to save yourself time by seeing where potential conflict in values lie in the first meeting, rather than 2 months down the road. Second, you're setting the standards high for both yourself and your therapist, who'll know to bring his or her A-game when dealing with a properly prepared client! 3) Start Journaling. I wish I had started journaling as soon as I began therapy. I didn't, but the process of journaling my thoughts down after a session, and in between sessions allows me to stay grounded and connected to my higher self. It allows me to prevent negative patterns of behavior and overall is a net positive in my life. Stef made a great video which I used to help think of questions for my first therapist, check it out: Here's a free resource for finding IFS therapists! http://www.selfleadershipfoundation.org I think that you're off to a great start, asking these important questions on such a helpful platform as these boards! I hope you'll find valuable feedback that sets you on the path towards well-being and success. Best of luck, Alin!
If you read the post, like the idea, live near Richmond VA, but don't have a forum account, feel free to reach out to me via Facebook! I'd like to hear your feedback and ideas. Hello, folks! I'm greatly interested in starting a Freedomain Radio / Philosophy meetup group. I've already worked to advertise and manage an online Skype group called the "Young Philosophers" for teens and twenty-somethings of the FDR community to connect with like minded individuals around the world. I've greatly enjoyed the experiences, conversations, and relationships I've fostered and maintained there for almost a year now, but I'd love to expand that into physical reality. If you're a curious, empathetic, and intelligent lover of ideas and seek genuine connection as I do, I want to facilitate that. Today I ask if you live within driving distance of the Richmond tri-cities area, would you like to help me start a Freedomain Radio / Philosophy meetup group? I'm 20 years old, and have a friend who is turning 21 soon who expressed that he'd be interested too if there's support for the idea! I invite men and women of all ages to participate - it'd be an awesome opportunity to connect and network regardless of age differences, offering and reciprocating value for value! Please do let me know if this is of interest to you! I'd be willing to expend the time, planning, and resources necessary to make it a reality. I look forward to your responses, Nick
So, in my online dating hunt I see something that disturbs me over and over.. It's worded differently every time, but the sentiment is the same.. I love animals more than people. Why do so many young women feel this way? It doesn't make sense to me. There is simply no way that one can connect with an animal with the full range of emotional intimacy, honesty, curiosity, empathy, and authenticity as you can with another person. And yet, there seems to be a large number of young women who really feel as though they love their precious pets with all of their heart, and that this love can't be rivaled in a relationship with another man. This is deeply troubling if that is even remotely true. To me, that signifies a damaged emotional apparatus and an inability to genuinely connect with people. And don't get me wrong - relationships with pets can be deeply rewarding, affectionate, and enjoyable. Nonetheless, I find it disturbing when I read a Tinder or OKCupid profile which has this red flag waving on it. What are the causes of this strange phenomenon? Why does it seem to happen primarily to women? It's quite possible that it happens with similar frequency to men, but men remain less vocal about their preference. I'm almost positive that this is not healthy, but am open to correction if I'm missing something. What are your thoughts?
Hey, Joe! I find it super fascinating that you work in the gold industry! If precious metals are one of your passions, it is one that we share my friend. I enjoyed watching the video, and one thing I'd like to commend you on right off of the bat is your ability to articulate yourself consistently throughout the video without major cuts. That's one thing I struggle with in my presentations online; my mind simply goes blank when staring at the camera. With practice, its getting better, but I respect the feat when I see it! One minor suggestion would be to increase the speed of your speech to whatever extent is comfortable or possible for you. I listened to the video on 1.5x speed and it flowed naturally as though you were in conversation with a friend. This is largely due to the numerous pauses in the video, which is something you certainly have the capacity to improve on! As for the content of the video, I really like it! The door-knocking analogy (with the fire of impending doom coming) was powerful, and you are clearly in possession of sufficient passion and care for the world and those around you to do the work you intend to to expose the truth. I subscribed! I think since you're into precious metals, you might enjoy my work on YouTube as well: http://www.youtube.com/user/nickrundlettspeaks I hope you find more valuable feedback from other board members!
Hello, folks! Today, I'm making a firm decision to dedicate the entire month of March to re-assessing the direction I wish to take my life, defining what I want in my relationships, and re-assessing my belief system from the ground up to address areas where I am inconsistent. The idea to embark on this project came about as a result of some key realizations I've come to in journaling extensively over the past several days. -- Firstly, I've realized that I am trying to seek love in finding a new partner without first truly loving myself through and through. I wanted to be loved first (and give love later), but neither can be truly sustained according to traditional wisdom without first establishing self-love. I'm a fundamentally good person, but I've made mistakes long in my past which cause a deep sense of self-doubt and reluctance in accepting that I am worthy of a virtue-based romantic relationship.. It was mind-blowing to realize this, but I think it's a crucial first step in the solving of any problem to first identify that it exists. I am perhaps most eager to tackle this issue in therapy and whatever means you're aware of which are useful for establishing genuine self-love and respect would be greatly appreciated. Secondly, I've realized that I've put the cart before the horse regarding my online business, creating loads of valuable content at an unprecedented pace without first realizing that I am a complete beginner without a sound grasp of the fundamentals of what it takes to run a successful online business. I've been operating based upon past experience, intuition, and what little knowledge I've picked up from conversations, books, and podcasts. Some things I'll be pondering deeply are: which social media platforms are most relevant to my niche, how to conduct myself on social media, learning the fundamentals of blogging and article creation, the fundamentals of running a successful eCommerce store, and so on. I've steamed ahead at full speed prior to studying the proper ways to accomplish my goals; this means I will likely have to unlearn many bad habits and fix many problems I've created for myself. Third, I've realized that I'm completely taking the philosophical arguments of Stefan Molyneux at face value without healthy skepticism and research into alternative explanations or rebuttals. (surely I'm not alone... right?) I've gained a sense of intellectual comfort in "knowing" that the Non-Agression Principle is valid, that UPB is valid, that there's such a thing as Property Rights, and that there's no God. Regardless of the validity or truth in the conclusions I have in my mind, I've become aware that I've arrived at them through a critical methodological error: I outsourced my own thinking to the thinking of another man. I've never fully read the source materials from the original proponents of these concepts and critically analyzed them. Instead, I listened to someone who "did the job for me", and accepted his explanations as truth. This is clearly not a healthy way to arrive at any conclusion; I've decided I'm going to have the intellectual integrity to do my own reading and arrive at my own conclusions. -- Frankly, it's not fun to realize all of this in the span of less than a week. I've put about half of my eggs into the basket of my business, and need to be successful in that venture in order to sustain myself. However, I can't seem to focus much at all on business with the shift in consciousness I've experienced due to these key realizations. I liken this to a mild existential crisis, and I'm ready to face the challenges ahead of me no matter the cost. I feel sincerely that my life is accelerating and that I must rise to the challenge; it's exciting and intimidating at the same time! I have found that the community here is full of good-willed, intelligent, and experienced individuals with a willingness to offer valuable perspective to help others. Perhaps some of you have experienced something similar, and can offer some advice on what helped you through the struggle of an existential crisis where your gravest errors in thought and plan were made apparent to you. Maybe you know a couple of good books on the subject of introductory metaphysics and epistemology, and you'd like to share those. Heck, even if you've got an interesting article to share that you think could help myself or others, please share it! No matter what advice, perspective, or resources you offer, I'll sincerely appreciate them! I'm looking forward greatly to engaging you all in conversation .
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I really appreciate your posting of this thread. It ties closely to my own stage in the dating game. Basically, I've been able to find a really promising FDR listener through tinder of all places, and I hope to be in your position this month! I, too, am not a virgin. I have had one long-term committed monogamous relationship where sex was involved for many months. I regret this decision; she was a manipulative woman who used her sexuality as a weapon against me. My regret stems from the reckless nature and potential life-destroying consequences my actions could have had for myself and others. I would feel horrible had I impregnated her and made her a single mother. When you say that you feel "guilt", does that feeling arise out of a sense of actually committing an immoral act? Does it rise out of the sense of making a big mistake? You use the term "regret", but I'd be curious to know where that regret stems from. Also, you said she told you "not to worry about it". That's not good, I think. Why would she not show a little empathy and ask you why you feel that way? She totally might have - maybe you didn't mention that conversation in your post.
I know that this is specifically a thread where the original intent was to create a support network for women, but to any younger ladies (<30) I'm part of a Skype group called the "Young Philosophers" where participants build meaningful, long-lasting friendships based upon virtue and shared values. We have text chats, voice calls, and video calls just about daily, and it's a great opportunity to connect with bright, empathetic, and motivated minds online. Presently, we only have a few females in the group, but with your participation that can change Okay, end of plug! If the group this thread advertised still exists, more the power to its members! The Young Philosophers have been around for ~10 months, and aren't going anywhere soon CHECK OUT THE THREAD! IF INTERESTED IN JOINING, PLEASE READ THE UPDATE I WROTE BELOW THE ORIGINAL POST.
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FIRST GAME: Lol, nobody sees the winning move? Bg5+ Bishop check wins the queen! White's reply will be to take your bishop, then you capture the queen, then they take your queen, then you take their knight. The exchange of material is equal; you have a winning pawn structure and both of your rooks will be active; the threat of white's imposing knight is moot because your king is no longer a square threatened by checks. SECOND GAME: I see a clear problem in your opponent's position: the KING is hemmed in by his rooks. Move your D pawn forward, and white must retreat the bishop. Move it forward again, and white is in trouble. His king is vulnerable to back row mates, and you can sneak in a NASTY bishop check [A5], forcing a winning exchange of bishop vs rook.
Finding a Virtuous Woman as a Young Man: Now or Later?
shnugwa replied to shnugwa's topic in Self Knowledge
Please correct me if I am wrong, I will try to repeat what you mean: "Don't be too concerned with trying to find a woman who is philosophical. Not all women explicitly know about Philosophy. There are many inherently good women who have a wealth of moral standards and virtues which were passed down through tradition. You would be compatible with such women, as you would share the same values and virtues. The fact that they didn't come from philosophical reasoning isn't too important, because if the woman is intelligent and rational, you can simply teach her the philosophy later." If that IS what you mean, that is super great advice!!! I have found myself thinking "You know, I'd probably have a lot more in common in terms of Morals and Virtues with a smart Christian than the average leftist-atheist." And I think what you say will stick in my mind as good advice that will serve me for years to come. Thank you kindly. Also, thank you to everyone except the MGTOW trolls for filling this thread with brilliant insight and perspective that will undoubtedly help many other young men in a situation similar to myself.- 29 replies
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Finding a Virtuous Woman as a Young Man: Now or Later?
shnugwa replied to shnugwa's topic in Self Knowledge
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Calling all Red Flags for guys to watch out for!
shnugwa replied to kavih's topic in Men's Issues, Feminism and Gender
It depends on your values and your judgement. If you meet a woman, and she tells you she's into Social Justice and Communism, you know right away those are huge red flags. Now, you can either proceed to spark conversation with her if you find her to be otherwise very rational and virtuous, or you can say to yourself "forget it, she's too far gone". We know the odds of finding a rational, virtuous Communist is next to none. It's up to you to decide if you should proceed with caution or abandon ship. Some red flags are bolder than others, and would merit an immediate disconnect in the relationship. For example, if a woman tells you "I take pleasure in hurting people", that's enough for anyone to know it's time to get the heck out of dodge! -
Finding a Virtuous Woman as a Young Man: Now or Later?
shnugwa replied to shnugwa's topic in Self Knowledge
Hey man, I get the impression you're having a bad day. There's no need to roam the boards with a chip on your shoulder; I was joking. Thank you for your remarkably kind and insightful thoughts! My partner and I will undoubtedly sit down and try our best to learn what works for each other sexually. This is a great relief, as I hadn't stepped back and considered what sexual inexperience would mean to a good woman. This is exactly the kind of reply I had best-hoped for. I really genuinely appreciate your input, mellomamma- 29 replies
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Finding a Virtuous Woman as a Young Man: Now or Later?
shnugwa replied to shnugwa's topic in Self Knowledge
While I appreciate your concern, I more greatly appreciate your participation in MGTOW. One less competitor in the epic contest of finding a quality woman to love and cherish!- 29 replies
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Finding a Virtuous Woman as a Young Man: Now or Later?
shnugwa replied to shnugwa's topic in Self Knowledge
Thanks again for your reply! I hope to chat more.- 29 replies
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Commonly, you can request one through a therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist. Calling offices would be a good place to start.
Hello, folks! There may be no objective and quantifiable way to answer the question I'd like to pose to you, but I'd sincerely appreciate any thoughts and insight you can offer on the subject! I am interested in securing for myself a heterosexual monogamous relationship with an intelligent and virtuous woman. The question I'm wrestling with is: Should I work hard to find a virtuous woman to enjoy life with now at age 20, or later after I've accumulated more resources? Related subjects of interest for this discussion include: Sexual market value, how to meet new women, online dating, and life planning This is a very important question to me. I feel like I'm finally healthy enough as a man to attract and be worthy of the kind of woman I dream of. I've been to nine months of IFS therapy with an amazing therapist, have had almost a thousand hours of emotionally-connected, challenging, empathetic and rewarding conversations with my closest friends who are all Freedomain Radio listeners, and have been working diligently for a long time to understand my childhood and adolescent traumas, process them, and heal from them. I am in a remarkably unique situation which would drastically favor my odds, and I think it's appropriate to relay the reasons in my mind why I think it would be a good idea for me to begin the search now for a partner. However, as I will discuss, I am feeling hesitant to begin due to a lack of dating knowledge and experience. This has me wondering whether or not I should wait until I accumulate more resources first. I have attempted to remain impartial in the following self-assessment of my strengths. These are the reasons why I believe it is high-time for me to put myself out there. Financially, I have tens of thousands of dollars in assets saved. Beyond any doubt in my mind, I will be making enough money to fully support myself with my business plans by time I turn 21 this July. Presently, I am operating my budget at a significant loss so that I may live on my own and run my own online business promoting precious metals and preserving freedom. I have enough money to comfortably live an entire year, ALL expenses included, with no income whatsoever; however I have formulated articulate and actionable plans to generate more profit than life expenses by the end of June. This means that (if all goes according to plan) I will be 100% financially secure and independent by the age of 21 and living a richly rewarding existence doing that which I'm genuinely passionate about. Molyneux has often said that in order to attract great people into your life, one must shine the beacon of virtue bright into the sky so that all those who are in tune with the signal and able to recognize virtue on sight may find their way to the signal's origin. Basically, my hope is that by doing the work that I do and successfully making a living out of it, I will be not only living the life of my dreams, but more attractive to the woman of my dreams. Emotionally, I am in the greatest health of my life. I have worked arduously to emerge from a depressive slump, marijuana addiction, and irrational paranoia through many months of intensive work in therapy. My level of self-confidence has increased greatly since the massive blow it took from my previous dysfunctional relationship prior to exploring self-knowledge. Through practice in hundreds of hours of difficult conversations in building virtue-based friendships, I am able to empathize now like never before! My parents and I are in the process of having many difficult conversations about my upbringing - venomous verbal abuse, manipulation, and blarping were unfortunately all central to my childhood. However, I feel hope with regards to my relationship to my parents as their willingness to accept responsibility and apologize for their wrong doings is a good sign in my eye. I believe that the work I am doing will prove to be instrumental in attracting a woman of virtue. However, I have a very long road ahead of me until I have fully resolved every conceivable issue. Yet, I feel healthy enough to begin the search! I do not know if it is necessary to process 100% of one's childhood prior to looking for a partner. Hell, some people process 0% of theirs. What are your thoughts on this??? Mentally, I'm very intelligent and articulate. My verbal IQ clocks in at around 140 and I would consider myself to be a gifted communicator, both written and verbally. This will arguably serve me well in any undertaking I choose for the rest of my life. With regards to dating, I know that for myself, intelligence is a key trait I'm looking for in a lover. I'd like to marry a woman with an IQ of 120 or more (top ~10%). I am charismatic and feel that I am confident enough to engage in meaningful conversations even with woman of great beauty, which long ago would have made me too nervous. I think it's fair to say that my ideal partner would find intelligence and charisma attractive, and fair to say that I'd be able to satisfy at least those criteria. Physically, I consider myself to be quite lucky. By genetic accident, I am quite handsome. Others in my life have consistently rated me as a 9/10 on the scale of physical attractiveness, and I work out 2-3 times per week to build upon my athletic body. Let me be clear, I do not consider this to even remotely resemble a virtue, nor is matching physical attractiveness a "must" for me to feel satisfied in a virtue-based relationship. However, I know for a fact that this happens to increase my sexual market value, and my physique will only continue to improve as I continue living a healthy and active lifestyle. Personality-wise, I'm quite enjoyable to spend time with. I've got a strong sense of humor, am able to craft witty jokes, and have a great capacity for both intellectual and emotionally connected conversation. I'm a very compassionate and gentle person with a capacity for toughness and strength when the need arises. Sadly, I haven't spent much of any time with women my age over the past two years. I find that I have remarkably little in common with the "average" 18-21 year old, as I am more emotionally-matured than the vast majority of people in my age group. tl;dr? It may be a wise decision for me to begin the hunt for a fair and virtuous maiden now because I (think I) will have high dating market value, and I hold many virtues that a virtuous woman would find attractive. However, it is perhaps of even greater importance to now mention my shortcomings and why I feel hesitant to fully commit to putting myself out there on the dating market yet. These are the reasons why I think it could be better to wait until I've accumulated more resources. I lack dating experience! I've only been in one committed monogamous relationship which lasted for a year and four months. The relationship was overall very dysfunctional; we didn't share the same values, didn't share the same interests, didn't share the same level of intelligence, didn't get along 1/4th of the time, and my ex was a highly manipulative girl whom I allowed to pussy-whip me into being a little beta. Needless to say, while I now have many months and hundreds of hours of experience in having quality friendships, I don't have anything to model a quality romantic relationship off of. I lack sexual experience! In my previous relationship, despite having lost my virginity and having had sex dozens of times, I do not feel presently that I am "sexually experienced". My ex never really seemed to enjoy many of our sexual interactions, and often used sex to manipulate me into submission. This originally made me actually feel quite horrible about myself, which is just so terribly saddening to me now. I wanted so very much to explore, to try new things, and to learn how to better please a woman and for good reason! Sexual intimacy is a beautiful, wonderful part of any romantic relationship; I'd strive to please my partner like no other once the relationship got that far. Unfortunately at the time, I felt sexually rejected repeatedly which proved harmful to my self-esteem. Frankly, in retrospect I don't believe the problem was entirely me. I'm reasonably well-endowed and my partner had sexual trauma which hadn't been processed. Nonetheless, this lacking of experience may not work in my favor. I hardly know where the fuck to begin. How the hell do you guys meet women? Married gentlemen, how did you meet your wife?! I can't go to bars or clubs (not that I'd even really expect to find interesting people there [perhaps I am wrong?!]), and although I've made MANY new male friends from FDR, I've only met intelligent, captivating women who are either much older than I or live in different continents. I've created an okcupid account, and have found a few potential leads of intelligent women who are interested in philosophy living within 100 miles of me. That is, at least, a start. I'd be really curious to hear your thoughts and insight on this!!! I'm not financially secure yet. My online business will generate the revenue I need to survive from affiliate marketing of products and services which I have used and trust, in addition to selling digital information products (eBooks, online courses) and precious metals (silver, gold). Would a good woman recognize the value in the content that I am producing, the good will that I exude in my work, and look past my (temporary) financial situation in interest of my other virtues? Would she not care that I'm running at a loss while I grow a following and build my business from the ground up? Or would she scoff at the notion of what I'm doing with my life and disregard my ambition to follow my passions until their fruits could be harvested? I really hope the latter is not entirely the case. I dropped out of college pursuing a degree in Computer Engineering to become an entrepreneur instead. Some women, I would imagine, greatly prefer a man who has high income potential, and a college degree is a good indicator of that status. I'll not have one unless something drastic changes, so that may work against me too. It would seem that if I am already wealthy, as I plan to be, that I can bypass this "blemish" on my potential dating market value. Ultimately, this is a massive decision that I think I need help and perspective on. I don't know if there are things that I am overlooking, underestimating, over-exaggerating, or conflating in my analysis of the situation I'm in. Fortunately, from my perspective, I appear to be in a great starting place compared to where I imagine most 20 year old men are at. I would sincerely appreciate your thoughts, bright minds of the Freedomain Radio community. Thanks for both your time and consideration in reading this. I would be more than happy to take the time to answer any questions or provide clarifications. I greatly look forward to engaging with you in substantive discussion on this subject which I believe is likely highly relevant to many of us young men!
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Fake vs. Genuine Curiosity in Relationships [video]
shnugwa replied to Darius's topic in Listener Projects
This is a very interesting video; thank you for sharing, Darius! When it comes to determining "Fake" vs. "Genuine" curiosity, how does one determine which is at play mid-conversation? I understand the idea behind feigned curiosity is the implication <What you are doing is wrong, and I do not want you to feel / behave this way> followed by the question "Why do you feel this way?". This serves to provoke self-doubt or insecurity in the target of manipulative curiosity, if I understand correctly. However, if in conversation the other party simply doesn't understand why one is feeling or behaving a certain manner, and genuinely seeks to understand, the same words would be used by a person with no intention to manipulate whatsoever: "Why do you feel this way?". How can one decipher between the two? This would be incredibly easy with someone whom one knows well, but seemingly difficult with a stranger. I'd appreciate your thoughts!- 1 reply
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Precious Metals, Preserving Freedom! TTcoins.com Updates
shnugwa replied to shnugwa's topic in Listener Projects
Major Updates, Folks! I've discontinued twitter as of now as I find it appallingly retarded, uploaded a new video, and shared 4 new articles!- 1 reply
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Precious Metals, Preserving Freedom! TTcoins.com Updates
shnugwa posted a topic in Listener Projects
Hello, folks! I'm dedicating the entirety of 2016 and beyond putting my full force and creativity into a project I believe many of you will appreciate. On Jan 5, 2016 I launched TTcoins, a website where I advocate for precious metals ownership, liberty, and anarcho-capitalism. www.TTcoins.com I use this platform to continuously upload educational and entertaining content on subjects which I am passionate about, namely Precious Metals and Preserving Freedom! I will be keeping a running update of content I produce in this thread, and encourage you to check out the site and tell me your thoughts! All comments, critiques, criticisms, rebuttals, and compliments are welcome and appreciated. Latest Articles: How to Buy Silver For Spot! (melt value) Paper and Sound Money | 1776 vs 2016 Are Silver Dollars Considered "Junk Silver"? NO! Here's Why: Fiat Currency: The Gold Standard of Insanity Should You Clean Your Coins? NO, NO, NO! Here's Why: Which Type of Silver Should You Buy? Here's where I have a presence on social media: http://www.minds.com/coins http://www.Facebook.com/TTcoins http://www.Instagram.com/nick_TTcoins http://tsu.co/TTcoins Here's a link to my YouTube channel (with deviously hidden subscribe tag) https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=NickRundlettSpeaks- 1 reply
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Hello, folks! I have recently started a YouTube channel wherein I help educate and entertain others on the best practices of precious metals investment with a focus on silver! I've uploaded tons of free resources to consider on my website, www.TTcoins.com/resources , and will be uploading 1-2 videos per week with regards to precious metals and preserving freedom. My latest and greatest presentation is titled "What's the BEST kind of Silver to Buy?" - I'd love to hear your honest thoughts, feedback and critique of the presentation. I sincerely hope you find the information valuable; if so, please subscribe and support a fellow Liberty-lover! You can click THIS LINK to subscribe to my channel instantly. I'm looking forward to your feedback
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BTC for engineering help! (finding flow rate through a hose)
shnugwa replied to Carl Green's topic in Miscellaneous
http://www.tlv.com/global/TI/calculator/air-flow-rate-through-orifice.html That could prove to be a helpful resource! -
I appreciate your reply, MMD. I see what you mean, and find it interesting that I didn't mention / recognize that Molyneux incorporates philosophy to varying extents directly into all of these geopolitical talks and presentations. I maintain, however, that videos strictly on philosophy and peaceful parenting are declining in frequency; that's not to say that either category isn't getting wider exposure by the decision to incorporate those topics' content into geopolitical discussion!!! I think that these three examples of (awesome) strictly philosophical video content recently published by FDR illustrate that occasionally, philosophy is discussed in and of itself without incorporation into other subjects. These are the types of videos which may fall under a strictly Philosophical category. Your previous point still holds true; I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on my distinction. I've heard Stephan say multiple times that he would genuinely like to produce more content on philosophy, argumentation, debate, etc. but he's got a responsibility to balance what he'd like to produce with what his viewers want to see. Well, myself and others sure like to see unabridged philosophy! In essence, the distinction I'd make from the broad infusion of Philosophical value seen in all of FDR's content vs. categorically Philosophical content, is the exclusivity of Philosophy as the subject of presentation. I imagine that many others, like myself, voted for the Call-in shows because that's where the bulk of strictly philosophical calls / discussion occurs. Thanks for reading!
While participating in the poll which can be found here , I noticed that interestingly enough there is no PHILOSOPHY category to vote in! Why is this the case? Freedomain Radio is the largest philosophy show on the Earth, and recently released pretty great Philosophical content. Was this overlooked by accident in the poll's creation? Surely the category which this show embodies wasn't intentionally left to waste in the "other" category of the poll on purpose. This brings me to an observation I've made which I'm sure you've all come to realize as well: the show recently has covered much of the geopolitics and current events going on around the globe in recent months. From the European migrant crisis to the U.S. elections and Donald Trump, there continues to be less and less philosophical content on aggregate in the show. While I still find the new flavor of Freedomain Radio to be interesting, and recognize that the show's popularity has spiked tremendously [70,000 Subscribers in 5 months!], I find myself less enthused with the newer content on average. I have enjoyed the Alex Jones show appearance and interviews on Race, IQ, and so on, but my own favorite show type remains the call-in shows because that's where the most interesting debate and philosophy still occur. I recognize that I'm not running the show, nor do I have extensive analytics data to judge whether or not in the aggregate people are more interested in the new direction of the show and the shift towards covering geopolitics and current events more often than philosophy and peaceful parenting. Although the former two subjects grew the show to 250,000 YouTube subscribers over ~10 years, the political coverage has upped FDR's influence and reach by 28% in just 5 months (measured by YouTube subscribers). I would suppose then that the shift, though I don't personally care for it, is a good thing for the message of FDR. So my perspective aside, I'd be curious to: a) know if the poll was genuinely a blunder or if Philosophy is literally no longer a subject on the show's radar b) hear your thoughts and opinions on the recent shifts in the direction of the show's content towards geopolitical events Peace and Freedom, Nick
I'll be providing an example of what we're looking for as a response from my own background and experience below! ✦✦✦ I'm Nicholas Rundlett, a 20 year old from Virginia who loves freedom and friendships. I am educated in Engineering, but left college to pursue entrepreneurship full-time in 2016 and beyond. Please check out my profile where I've posted some of my personal interests! That provides a brief look into myself as a person. The values that I guide my life by are: Intellectual integrity Consistent honesty with myself and others Non-initiation of the use of force, fraud, or coercion Persistence over temporary defeat Continuous learning and self-improvement (assisted by asking others for honest feedback of my character and deeds) I didn't really understand what motivated me most in life with regards to entrepreneurship until I tackled the matter in therapy. I've found that I'm truly motivated by a burning desire to educate, inspire, and uplift others. That understanding brought much more wind to my sails and peace of mind than motivation by the seeking of riches alone! My entrepreneurial experience started when as a freshman in high school, I profited $500 in one semester by selling candy and snacks to my classmates. I loved using arguments of supply and demand to charge high premiums for the most sought-after snacks, and in my junior year, graduated to selling 5mW laser pens (much to the dismay of the staff). After high school, I began to buy, sell, and trade precious metals. I started out by crafting trade agreements with local businesses to exchange my unwanted inventory for their collectible 90% silver U.S. currency. I then ran advertising campaigns on Craigslist to buy and sell silver from members of my community. I self-taught LUA programming so that I could write scripts to calculate my profit spread in various trades and sales. I developed my own inventory management system to hold the thousands of individual items, and even negotiated having my wares put up for sale inside a local collectibles store! I cheated and pasted the following out of my resume! Impacting customers with memorably positive and informative experiences Developing and continuously improving advertising campaigns in print and on Craigslist Increasing advertising effectiveness by performing statistical and contextual analyses of advertising outcomes Generating client communication protocols by which qualified leads may be more accurately determined, pursued, and retained Promoting company products and explaining company services to customers Continually increasing revenue by negotiating favorable sales rates for company inventory Generating articulate and approachable training materials, sales invoices, informational pamphlets, and contracts for business-to-business interactions Solving innumerable startup related challenges, such as developing my own proper inventory management system that is uniquely tailored to the business of precious metals and rare coins Freedomain Radio has given me the intellectual understanding of emotional processes and self-knowledge necessary to enter therapy and grow as a person. I've since become a donator, moved out from home, and set ambitious goals for 2016 for my business!
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