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    St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands

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  1. Hey all! Recently there's been a lot of talking about parenting and children on the call in shows. (Yay!) This has brought up some really great conversation for me lately, but I'm hungry for more information. It could be my biological clock silently screaming for me to have children, afterall I'm 24 years old and a woman... I rather be prepared and learn now and continue learning, because in the next 10 years I plan on having a child. What books on parenting would you all recommend? Whether it's a good pre natal nutrition book or what to expect... And of course peaceful parenting. I'm just really curious as to what is out there. Thank you all for your input!
  2. Watching the video at the top of the post really made me feel disgusted. The girls knew that their guy "friends" liked them romantically/sexually and said "but we're friends" (paraphrasing of course). To put it into context, a girl knows she is attractive and uses that to have her guy friends who she can call upon when she is in need of support (ride to the store, emotional support, finances, handyman work, etc.). It goes right back to the podcast "Estrogen based Parasites" ... which was a HUGE mind-opener for me. I totally had guy friends just for rides, finances, emotional support, technical stuff, etc. , and played them like a fiddle. I'd have boyfriends on top of having guy friends. These women (just as I did) prostitute themselves for protection and support. The thing is, they know they do it (deep deep down)... but they won't admit to it. I realized what I was doing, found it downright horrible and then decided to change... I mean really, what guy hasn't been "friendzoned" and didn't go over and beyond for that girl just so he can date her someday... the girls know that. I guess a close metaphor would be a spearfisherman diving down to get a delicious grouper (the man) and a barracuda is lurking nearby (the woman). The spearfisherman spears the grouper, and as he is trying to take the fish off the spear, the barracuda comes in and snatches the fish. Thus in the end, the barracuda got an easy meal .... except the barracuda isn't manipulating the spearfisherman like women manipulate men. So as I see it, men and women cannot be "just friends" ... otherwise the man is simply used for his support and the woman doesn't even need to use what she has between her legs, she can save that for her boyfriend then... and of course get support from her boyfriend/husband/lover as well. Back in the day, men would be the ones out in the fields or hunting and fishing while the women generally kept to the home and took care of the children... if a woman didn't have a man in her life her family would go hungry. As humans we are still biologically wired for that. I had a very interesting conversation with my boyfriend last night, I brought up a topic similar to this, about women and men. He brought up a good point in viking history, where the women themselves would go into battle to protect their family... and of course the husbands and other men followed as well. Men and women once going into battle together, and how ruthless the vikings were in battle. Just as you never want to get between a mother moose and her calf, nobody would want to mess with the viking women. (please correct me if I am wrong) My boyfriend also brought up how most women don't want to "stand up" and fight. He told me how the girls were in his permaculture design course... at first they were very involved and asked questions but after the technical part of designing came up they got all quiet. I'm not saying ALL women don't like to do the hard and dirty work, but go back and think of how many women would want to change the oil in a car, or plot out where a house is going to be built. It goes back to the estrogen based parasites again... I just wanted to throw in my two cents... the disgust I feel towards those girls in that video is overwhelming...and the fact that they're even SMILING like it's a JOKE. I could rant on about that forever...
  3. It’s been three months since I talked to Stefan and the philosophical world on the Sunday call-in show February 2nd, 2014: Thinking With the Right Head (I come in at around 53 minutes I believe). I haven’t been able to listen to it at all. Every time I get close, or think about listening to it I freeze up, and get this wave of emotion that hits me. It’s a mix of fear, anxiety, sadness… and probably a few I don’t even know the exact word for. (it’s hard to just type this without feeling this) I’ve had panic attacks just thinking of listening to it… and I had one very bad one as soon as I hear my voice and haven’t been able to go back to listening to it again. I do know I have some anxiety from it, because I KNOW I left some things out that were possibly very crucial… like my age, and such. I didn’t want to let the other callers wait too long so I just kind of unloaded a dump truck onto Stefan, and I feel terrible for that. To clear things up, I am 23 years old, grew up in a very small town in Pennsylvania (my rapists live in PA too, but live 4 hours from the small town I am from), and currently live on St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands. Living so far from my “parents” has been very very good for me. My boyfriend is very supportive, and I’ve brought it up to him several times… but I can’t seem to be able to learn anything. It’s like I have this mental blockage that makes me forget what I’ve realized. (Inner foo maybe?) For example, a recent late night conversation we had over this was talking about how brave I was for working up the courage in calling Stefan and the support I got from the chat during my call (I don’t know exactly what was said, because I was standing outside, not looking at the computer. I was on Skype through my phone) My boyfriend was there with me, but sitting by the laptop watching the chat … everytime I hear how tragic or sad my childhood was, I get very very sad. (Like right now) It’s hard to show the emotion and pain I feel through typing, but I’m trying the best I can… I grew up as an only child, and my family never called me brave, or strong as a person. My boyfriend brought it up that maybe I feel so strongly when I hear other people call me brave and strong because I never was recognized for that as a child. I would like to hear other’s thoughts on this if at all. Does anybody have any suggestions or advice on what could help me get through this? It’s really hard to grow as a person with this cement block chained to my foot…
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