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Everything posted by Konstantinos_T

  1. Fantastic! Good luck to you!
  2. Congrats on the both of you! And please stay away from these people now... You both have my best wishes
  3. By Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr. What do you think about this? What might be the future?
  4. Well... let's see; Any soldier and member of armed forces (I have been in the navy of my native country) has the legal obligation to follow orders, some of which include the initiation of force (either in a preventive manner or in a deadly manner). This is by definition coersion. One cannot claim that under coersion they have choice of action, in order to be able to be deemed a moral agent. A murderer, understands that he/she has the choice to NOT commit a murderous act, yet they do murder someone else. A murderer is not under coercion, he does have the ability to be a moral agent yet he avoids that possibility of choice Therefore a soldier is not a murder. On the other hand he/she can become a murderer, if they use deadly action or preventive measures that result in death, while not under orders or inspite of instruction
  5. It depends on both the personality of a female "friend" and the one's own personality. It is quite dangerous balance point. There is really no general rule and therefore no general answer that can be given in this topic, I think
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