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Fast and steady

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  1. That's an interesting perspective that I had not considered... thanks for sharing it!
  2. Scott Adams just posted the following article on his blog asking whether Twitter and Facebook should be regulated: http://blog.dilbert.com/post/156377416856/should-twitter-and-facebook-be-regulated-as I wanted to ask the same question here. From the libertarian (and especially anarcho-capitalist) standpoints, I think the answer is a pretty clear "no" since these are private companies and regulating them would be a clear violation of liberty. However, I think Scott makes a good point about how censorship from these platforms effectively blocks people's voices from ever being heard by the masses. To further back up Scott's thinking, since these software giants are (arguably) granted monopolistic status thanks to existing Government rules (notably patents and such) already, I am finding this particular case harder to dismiss than other cases that I have seen posed. I am, of course, aware of the slippery slope that comes as a result of accepting regulations for this 1 case. For example, if we accept regulating platforms that are used for free speech, then why not others (food, air, healthcare, etc)? Thus causing a domino effect of regulations ending in the disaster we have now. While I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this question, I feel a bit like I am lost in the fog on this one.
  3. Thought maybe some of you might find this funny: http://www.collegehumor.com/post/7036405/heckler-gets-offended-by-comedians-jokes-about-parenting-and-ends-up-getting-destroyed I certainly got a good laugh because it's so true.
  4. Do you do your own icons? Or do you have someone do them? I've been wanting to write an iOS app for a while now... started writing a Pilot Logbook (iOS 4 or 5 days) app a few years ago but my ability to draw icons is pretty bad. I am finding your blog pretty interesting as well. Will have to read more of it later when I actually have time...
  5. Hey, just noticed this thread and as one of the 5 people that had cut off communication with Kotaro, I can assure him that it was not anything he did or said or anything about him at all - at least in my particular case (I can't speak for any others, especially since I don't think I ever met them). I've already been in contact with him again in the past 2 or 3 nights and have shared my reasons for doing so (which I admit was not fair to him and even self-centered of me to do). A long story short (and because I'm not quite ready to publicly share the longer story), I have some fairly strong social anxieties that are partly to blame... I should have had the decency to at least texted him back to let him know what was going on instead of leaving him in the dark. I regret that even more now that I realize that he doubted himself. I should have known better seeing as how I've had this very same thing done to me a number of times and having felt like I must have done something wrong which only helped to increase my social anxiety. I'm sorry, Kotaro. To reiterate, it was not your fault nor was it anything you said or did. What I did was thoughtless and cruel.
  6. Partly work-related, partly side-project-related and partly just personal shit I had to figure out (dealing mostly with social anxiety). I've been putting a LOT of effort into working on a side-project of mine that I'm hoping will open a lot of employment opportunities for me in the future (not that I'm looking for a new job right now). I've pretty much invested all of my time in this over the past year or so. By the way, thanks for the tip about bootstrap - it really came in handy with my side project especially since, as you know, I'm clueless about web development ;-) I don't think I ever met James, but yea, PM me Harris' contact info so I can try to join any of their future meet-ups. How is your web dev business going?
  7. Sounds a lot like my own story of how I got here... Although I didn't read Piketty, I read Paul Krugman's books. That said... welcome!
  8. Hey, sorry for disappearing off the face of the earth the past 6 months or so. I'd love to make the next meetup. Any idea when that'll be?
  9. Welcome aboard, matey! (Sorry, trying to stick with my pirate namesake) Always cool to see other Softie's find their way here - I guess it's because we tend to think more logically than the average bear? That's what I like to believe, anyway...
  10. I know how you feel over here on the other side of the pond in Boston.
  11. Well, they kind of have a point... I mean, the Venezuelan Government requires that people get their approval to wipe their own arses, so it's not unreasonable for the US Government to require approval to encrypt emails, amirite or amirite? ;-)
  12. Paypal Freezes ProtonMail Campaign Funds https://protonmail.ch/blog/paypal-freezes-protonmail-campaign-funds/ That said, I'm nearing "1.0" status on my own encrypted email library that I've been working on for about a year now in my free time. I mostly just need to write some sample apps using my libraries and perferably add more unit tests, then it should be ready for prime time. 118,000 lines of code so far and counting... I've implemented S/MIME v3.2 (and older) and OpenPGP support (which can re-use your GnuPG keys if you use GnuPG). None of the other open source libraries I could find properly negotiated the S/MIME encryption algorithm - most just hard-coded an encryption algorithm (typically Triple-DES). Once I've got my email libraries written, I could use some help writing a mail client to take advantage of them. It's a ton of work and I'm burning out - plus I really hate GUI programming.
  13. How many people actually took it seriously calling to actually end father's day, though? Couldn't have been many because I did a search and all of the posts I saw were condemning it. Obviously I don't have the patience to scroll through *all* of the posts, but I did scroll through a few hundred. Calling to #EndFathersDay is just so over the top, you have to realize that it's not a campaign that feminists would take up because it would completely discredit them by shedding light on their insanity. Instead, they need to stick to memes that no one will challenge out of fear of being attacked and having their words twisted. Notice that feminist memes are typically of the form: "do you still beat your wife?" They have to set things up in such a way that disagreeing makes you look like you hate women or some such nonsense. How would #EndFathersDay further that narrative? It doesn't. (then again... #KillAllMen was real... yea, I don't know... people are just fucking insane)
  14. Looks like #EndFathersDay is a complete hoax, searching for the hashtag didn't seem to turn up any real calls to end father's day.
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