Thank you for the links, I will watch the videos as soon as I have time.You have described consciousness as it pertains to individual brains both in humans and in animals, but you have left out your interpretation or understanding of the collective mind, which is a phenomenon that occurs in bee hives, ant colonies, birds, fish, and even humans. Clearly this conscious energy escapes our 5 senses and is something that has yet to be measured or even understood. Since there is evidence that consciousness exists both in individual organisms as well as collectively, could it not be plausible to suggest that consciousness itself can be present in varying degrees outside of complex organisms similar to electricity, gravity, magnetism etc. that is responsible for the very nature of existence? It allots human beings free will, or the perception of free will allowing us to respond to our environment in both a destructive or creative manner. I understand how consciousness works, but I still have yet to hear a logical argument as to what it is. Again, thank you for your response as well as the links that you have provided. I will look more into them ASAP.
Since there is no evidence as to the composition or definition of consciousness, all thoughts, perceptions, ideologies related to it would be considered beliefs including yours. This is more or less a theoretical argument with some evidence as opposed to an entirely logical argument based solely on factual evidence. Thank you for your response, but I would like to hear more about your opinion pertaining to the posted topic rather than your perception of belief.