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Everything posted by WWW

  1. Cynicist, There are actually various studies that suggest humans have the ability to communicate over vast distances especially during times of distress. Check out the Global Consciousness Project established by Princeton University (I apologize, for some reason I cannot insert links or quotes, so you'll have to Google it). There has also been studies that suggest monkeys have the same ability, but in varying degrees of effectiveness. As for ants and bees, they certainly do communicate physically. I would maintain that the same is true just on a much smaller scale. Parasait, Very interesting proposition, thank you for your response! I would contend that empathy is our brain's cognitive ability to perceive varying degrees of consciousness, much like our nose can only perceive a limited range of smells, our brains can only perceive a limited spectrum of conscious energy (Again this is mere theoretical postulation). I will definitely further contemplate your response though, thanks again. Spiritual Guru, Only time coupled with our ever-changing understanding of reality will we know for sure.
  2. Cynicist, I'm not sure I entirely agree that consciousness requires a brain. Again, since we cannot measure consciousness there is no way of really knowing whether or not it is universally present or if it is a rare phenomenon found only in complex organisms. I would say yes fire, as well as all matter in existence, is comprised of varying degrees of conscious energy. But again, until it is measurable there is no way to know for sure, which leaves us with speculation.. Unfortunately.
  3. Kevin, Thank you for the links, I will watch the videos as soon as I have time.You have described consciousness as it pertains to individual brains both in humans and in animals, but you have left out your interpretation or understanding of the collective mind, which is a phenomenon that occurs in bee hives, ant colonies, birds, fish, and even humans. Clearly this conscious energy escapes our 5 senses and is something that has yet to be measured or even understood. Since there is evidence that consciousness exists both in individual organisms as well as collectively, could it not be plausible to suggest that consciousness itself can be present in varying degrees outside of complex organisms similar to electricity, gravity, magnetism etc. that is responsible for the very nature of existence? It allots human beings free will, or the perception of free will allowing us to respond to our environment in both a destructive or creative manner. I understand how consciousness works, but I still have yet to hear a logical argument as to what it is. Again, thank you for your response as well as the links that you have provided. I will look more into them ASAP. dsayers, Since there is no evidence as to the composition or definition of consciousness, all thoughts, perceptions, ideologies related to it would be considered beliefs including yours. This is more or less a theoretical argument with some evidence as opposed to an entirely logical argument based solely on factual evidence. Thank you for your response, but I would like to hear more about your opinion pertaining to the posted topic rather than your perception of belief.
  4. For some reason my quote button isn't working.Wesley, my response pertaining to only humans and animals containing conscious energy was directed more towards Cynicist (sorry for the misunderstanding). I am not sure why you continue to refer to supernatural realms as if it was something that I have proposed, but I can certainly understand how you may have come to that conclusion. I am not 100% convinced if consciousness requires physical form or if it is physical form that requires conscious energy (again back to the chicken and egg paradox). Cynicist, How can we prove that a rock or a plant is not conscious or does not have measurable conscious energy if we cannot measure or even truly understand what consciousness is? Clearly there are various levels of conscious beings which leads me to assume that there is a measurable energy of some sort. If this energy exists in some things, why would it not be present in others? Universalize the principle. My definition of consciousness would be an emanating energy or force inherently present in our entire physical reality in various degrees of magnitude that controls or guides the creative/destructive forces of the universe (multi-verse, multidimension, etc. included).
  5. If we are unsure as to the characteristics, composition, attributes, etc., if any, then we certainly cannot declare that it can only be contained in human beings, animals, organisms capable of feeling pain, etc. solely based on our preconceived notion of conscious energy. I'm not sure if this is a valid analogy, but electricity is certainly present all throughout the universe; as is gravity, magnetism, etc. Also, how do you insert quotes from other users? Parasait,Honestly, I'm not sure which is why I came here.
  6. I am not at all against the idea that artificial intelligence can manifest conscious energy. Technology in general is an extension of the human mind. It is derived from the same physical materials from the earth as is our human bodies. Technological advancement, as I see it, is simply a process of evolution. Transhumanism could very well be the next step in evolution for mankind.
  7. I do understand the idea of emergent properties, and this certainly would explain the thought processing capabilities of the human brain. Unfortunately it still does not explain what consciousness is (self contemplation, free will, awareness, realization, etc.).My intention is not to prove or disprove my beliefs, only to better understand yours.According to the emergent properties notion, a collection of human beings would have the potential of creating a collective mind. How would you describe this collective mind?
  8. I would not consider myself an atheist. I would more so consider myself to be in the theist camp, but I don't necessarily believe in "God" per se. The concept of consciousness is what has held me back from completely dismissing a creative/destructive sentient energy that is inherently present within our physical reality as a driving force for existence. This forum is notorious for having some of the most rationally inclined minds on the internet, so should make for some interesting discussion.Very briefly, my current perception of reality stems from a conscious force that is present within all of physical existence. Visualize a large fire. Every individual physical form is comprised of a spark from that fire. Free will exists only as a whole rather than on an individual level. Sacred geometry, evolution, etc. are the fundamental laws or principles fabricated by consciousness that set in motion our physical reality. Something from nothing. The chicken and the egg conundrum.Anyway, if any of you have measurable evidence as to the composition of consciousness that would be great. Although, I would be content with theoretical explanations if such evidence does not exist or has yet to have been ascertained.
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