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    Philosophy, Economics, Computers, Programming, Dreaming.

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  1. Hey guys! I personally find it disturbing when I sometimes talk to certain individuals and their eyes seem to wander at the TV or something else. Would any of you find that rude or disturbing? I always look at people when I talk to them and if the side of my head is facing someone who is talking to me I always feel compelled to turn my head and look the person straight in the eyes. I can safely say that over 90% of the time I always keep eye contacting when having a conversation with someone. The other 10% is when I'm staring toward their face rather then making direct eye contact. I would greatly appreciate your input on this! Marco
  2. I remember quite vividly when I moved out of my dads place. I was scared as well. Didn't know what to expect really. First thing that hit me though was quality of life. I wanted the same standard as when I was at my dads place. It took about 3-4 months for me to tune down my habits and live within my means. Its always a bit daughnting at first but you start to feel control over your life after a while and when you cook yourself your first plate of food and sit down after a days work you get a good feeling of satisfaction. However I think $150 is too little to survive. My advice to you would be to first find a job while still living with your mom. Keep that job for a few months and then decide again. You will be surprise how many opportunities arise and people you meet at work might open even more opportunities. I also think you should try and live on that budget of $150 while at your moms place to gauge your ability to coupe with the reduction in lifestyle possibilities. Also be realistic about your expectations, it took me 2 years of living alone to make the connections and find a job that is able to support me comfortably. It doesn't mean it will take so long for you but the idea is to take things one step at a time. I hope that helps. If you want more advice feel free to send me a message. Marco
  3. Hey guys! I currently work with mentally disabled individuals for a private company in the United Kingdom. I would like to know what are your opinions or ideas on how mentally disabled individuals could be taken care of in an Anarchist Society? I do understand that we can never truly predict how people would go about in an Anarchist society, however I would still be very grateful if you could share some of your opinions and thoughts with me! On a personal level I feel that working with mentally disabled individuals has dramatically increased my ability to empathise with a broad range of individuals. However a part of me feels that even the best intentioned things do not warrant theft via redistribution of resources. Let me also give you a little perspective. The NHS says that there is an approximate total of 350,000 individuals in the UK that have severe learning disabilities. In my sector we do work with severe learning disability individuals and the average sum that the government is paying for each individual in our residence is £5000 per calendar month. That is £60,000 per year. In Canadian dollar that would be $110,502 per year per individual. But in order to be more moderate and in order to account for fluctuations in government grants lets assume there are only 300,000 individuals with SLD. That would still account for £18,000,000,000 or $33,150,722,724 Canadian dollars. The really sad part is that we've had personal experiences where families chose to keep a baby which was diagnosed with SLD due to a desire of receiving government funding. Later on when they realised that they wouldn't be getting as much as expected, they dropped these individuals to companies such as the one I work for. I hope that helped give you a rough idea of where the situation currently stands in the United Kingdom. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!
  4. Hey Ausppc, I use Windows 7 as my main OS though I enjoy Apple's Mavericks from a productive standpoint. Can't afford a mac and a pc but if I could I'd do all my excel and typing on Apples OS Mavericks as I find it much more easy to use. Windows is preferable because I've been using it since windows 95 so I'm used to getting my way around it plus less compatibility issues with programs, games etc. As for programming I've started doing some Java. :-)
  5. My name is Marco and I live in the Uk. I am 24 years old and I am interested in philosophy, economics, computers and programming. After many years of being bullied as a teen I ended up responding in kind to the individuals who had acted aggressively against me. Unfortunately this put me in a situation that combined with my parents breaking up ended up with me having the option of transferring schools or getting expelled. I instead chose to work for a few years in order to sustain myself while living with my mother. Later on I managed to move out on my own and since then I have been studying hard in order to recuperate the lost years of education. I am currently preparing to do my A-levels in Mathematics, Physics and Economics. I hope to end up studying computer science and robotics. I heard about Stefan Molyneux when I was about 21 but it's only been the past few months that I truly began to self analyse myself more deeply. Since then I have come to appreciate the content that Stefan has been producing and was also very happy to have been able to participate in the call in show. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask me!
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