Hi my name is Adrian and i live in Sweden i'm 36 years old.I'm probably one of those who where born a libertarian I've always been able to analyze empathize and smell out hypocrisy in the world around me.It took a while to find the ideology though as i was pretty blinded by state propaganda for much of my life. I remember figuring out that socialism was a lie when i was 7 and the teacher talked about how important it was to share etc but got very upset when as a test i wanted to borrow something from her because that was hers and she got angry!I know I've been above average intelligence by quite a bit i did the Mensa test once and didn't get in but i was only 1-2 IQ points off. I just remeber not being able to talk too adults with my normal analytically personality at a young age and having to run everything through a stupidity filter because the Adults would get angry or upset when a child was smarter then them.I was also very very tall so i looked 1-2 years older so i always had to behave like it with strangers around.
My mother was an alcoholic where the facade meant everything so she would be upset if i wasn't perfect but with a mother who's alcoholic and plays the blame game all the time i kind of wasn't. I remember she was very proud that everyone though my parents had a perfect marriage up to the divorce when my father left her because of her rage and alcoholism.When i was like 9-10 i objected to her drinking and she got very angry and told me it wasn't my buisness. Since that I've always hidden my thoughts and emotions from her.
After the divorce when i was 12-13 i lived one week with each parent ish but after 16 i moved to my father permanently, It sounds crazier then it is but bureaucratically i had to sue my mother to give my father full custody, never had to be in the court though!
Other then that i know a lot of history mainly Swedish, i used to have a huge interest about military stuff but that's very much faded (i've never liked taking orders).One of my main hobbies of late is photography (i'm pretty selfish so i like making people feel happy because that makes me happy via proxy)I got too the liberty movement via an article in a swedish newspaper about Rush Limbaugh so i listened to him for a few years ( i've grown up in socialist sweden we had two TV channels and the government tried to suppress satellite technology like north korea). From that i noticed Peter Schiff (i like details) and from that i got to Ron Paul and the Mises institute.From the Mises Institute i Really Liked Walter Block and since he had quarrel with Stefan Molyneux i thought Great more podcasts i can listen to at work :)I've been trying to consciously work on my personality on and off since i was 29 (get rid of bad habits/thoughts) and found Stefan's stuff really helpful in arranging my thoughts.I got on this forum with the hopes of perhaps helping people with a Swedish perspective and add obscure knowledge thereof, it's the comparative advantage of not growing up in the US :)Best wishes to Everyone