There are believes and there are facts. Believes are to the best of ones knowledge, and debatable because all the facts are not there yet by the interpreter, unbeknownst. We all are interpreters. There are also many psyops to promote confusion, I suppose because its deemed to be fun. Believes and thought can also be cold hard facts, based on inescapable truths, such as; Water is wet when it touches your skin. Sex is like air, there's no problem till your not getting any. Your body is on planet Earth. There are people that are wicked beyond what you would think humanly possible. Drop a sledge hammer on your bare foot and you wont like it. A jumbo jet flying through a metal and concrete sky scraper is like throwing a marshmallow through a concrete wall. At any speed it, aint gona happen. Jet fuel fully combusted in open air will not melt metal. Jet engines are made of metal. Psychopathic creepy power hungry human crooks hate the USA because we have personal arms. They don’t like the idea of lead shredding their body while they are robing you. They are hell-bent on convincing Americans they are best off without being armed, no matter what it takes to convince them. They use slow poisons (so the rest of the world wont take notice too soon) in our food, water, medicines and air to damage our higher order of thinking in attempt take the arms. The USA will never be invaded by exterior“Terrorists” because they know they wont get very far. The Worlds most powerful army is the people of the USA. Bring on all the Worlds War machines at once and they still don’t stand a chance. They will be out of nukes, their machines out of fuel and ammo. There will still be 20 million now really pissed off locked and loaded Americans to deal with, wide awake from their slumber that they should trust or believe in the idea of Government, especially run by critters walking on two legs ever again. And we are nice people, willing to give the benefit of the doubt, because WE know people, better than anyone.