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    Wyalusing Pennsylvania
  • Interests
    Family, Music, Fast cars, Mechanics, Electronics, Learning, Self help, Philosophy, Finer things in life, Freedom, Humanity
  • Occupation
    Cargill HVAC, refrigeration, boilers, utilities

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  1. There are believes and there are facts. Believes are to the best of ones knowledge, and debatable because all the facts are not there yet by the interpreter, unbeknownst. We all are interpreters. There are also many psyops to promote confusion, I suppose because its deemed to be fun. Believes and thought can also be cold hard facts, based on inescapable truths, such as; Water is wet when it touches your skin. Sex is like air, there's no problem till your not getting any. Your body is on planet Earth. There are people that are wicked beyond what you would think humanly possible. Drop a sledge hammer on your bare foot and you wont like it. A jumbo jet flying through a metal and concrete sky scraper is like throwing a marshmallow through a concrete wall. At any speed it, aint gona happen. Jet fuel fully combusted in open air will not melt metal. Jet engines are made of metal. Psychopathic creepy power hungry human crooks hate the USA because we have personal arms. They don’t like the idea of lead shredding their body while they are robing you. They are hell-bent on convincing Americans they are best off without being armed, no matter what it takes to convince them. They use slow poisons (so the rest of the world wont take notice too soon) in our food, water, medicines and air to damage our higher order of thinking in attempt take the arms. The USA will never be invaded by exterior“Terrorists” because they know they wont get very far. The Worlds most powerful army is the people of the USA. Bring on all the Worlds War machines at once and they still don’t stand a chance. They will be out of nukes, their machines out of fuel and ammo. There will still be 20 million now really pissed off locked and loaded Americans to deal with, wide awake from their slumber that they should trust or believe in the idea of Government, especially run by critters walking on two legs ever again. And we are nice people, willing to give the benefit of the doubt, because WE know people, better than anyone.
  2. People should matter to each other. We are 1 and the same Human family. The way people "deal"? with each other is what I stuggle with. There is more than enough on this planet for all of us to be more than happy and satisfy all our ambitions and dreams. I could go on for days about what is wrong, and you may not agree. A start is finding out why bad things happen to us, and who's fault it is.
  3. I meant what a shame it is that people fall through the cracks because of the way society is. What really matters, or I should say what should matter, does not. Robin need not have ended his life. There are plenty of people that could have shown him hope and life was well worth living. People of status such as his are cut off from civilization, its bad parts but also good things it has to offer. If I could have called on him, he would think I was after his money or I was a gay and after his body, neither of which would have been true but how could he have any trust in anyone claiming they just wanted to help. He had learned the world has many deceitful people in it, I don’t think he knew it also has people that really care. How about if he had made a call to Freedomain Radio? I know Stefan could have had him see things differently. I didn’t agree with Robins politics, I think he was more duped than the average person, his lack of info showing Men are Mortal idiots and don’t take this place to seriously cause some think they are in charge. We are all in this life together , but separated needlessly through the idiocracy of uniformed people.
  4. Thinking about how much our lives don’t touch each others. Wondering if its true we get back what we put in, or are we casual observers and critics of what we would like to be, or not to be. No pun intended. Thinking of Robin Williams, one of the few people I had always hoped I would talk to one day. A Man I truly idolized for his free and bubbling wit. He appeared to have nailed down the most charming things about being human, not so much about making others laugh or the popularity, just being able to be aloof of the dogma that for sure hinders me from making the best of the moment. Wondering how many others are out there that I think are on top of things but ready to end all as well because they believe they are out of options. I do believe finances had to have been a large part of Robins demise. How could any one have any optimism about their future facing such tremendous dept. Who wouldn’t give Robin half their pay check every week to show him, see Mr Williams, its only money, what you have and you give to the rest of us is worth so much more. Not to appear pathetic here living the life of others, but one must admit seeing Robin work put a skip in ones step and a smile on your face. Maybe people like Robin gave all to others. He was here for us, but we weren't there for him? I know we are one human Family, together we can fill the voids and add hope to each others lives. Will be missing Robin for a long time.
  5. Very impressed with the work Stefan is doing. The Human condition is rather tragic. I know people can be so much more, our problems are we are easily misguided. We are believe systems made up of all our experiences, and the experience shapes what we believe to be true as well as what we seek. Unresolved conflict in the mind limits our ability to be ok with who we are. This is very important work being done here, and I am thrilled to be a part of it!
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