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Everything posted by WizWom

  1. First, on pornography: No problem in any way, shape or form, as long as no one is coerced.Second, on age of consent: A person is at the age of consent when they can to be responsible for their own actions. Most parents hold their children fully responsible LONG before the age of 18 - often as young as grade school. You are a hypocrite if you hold a person responsible for doing their own homework, making their own bed, preparing their own lunch, showering every day - and then tell them they can't manage their own body.Third, on the age gap: Not an issue. Seriously, Steph's ideas notwithstanding, Love is NOT an "involuntary reaction to virtue" - that is adoration. If that was true, then various evil people would never have been loved, and they most clearly were.Love, in general, is used to describe an object of desire; physical desire most often in the young. As we age, we desire different things - comfort, peace, and so on. Once we recognize this, now we can see it is quite possible to love someone who is of a different age; the young woman gets security and safety from an older husband. The older husband gets fertility, and caring attention. The other way around is possible, too... but examples are much more rare and people instinctively sense something wrong, because they are not used to it.Does this mean all pairings with significant age difference are healthy? No. No more than all pairing with a "normal" age gap are healthy.
  2. I think the assumption of current age of consent laws are crazy. The mixing of actual consent and the socially allowed consent is the problem the blogger addresses.Once a person has a clear understanding of the actions involved and their possible outcomes, I'd say that is when they can consent, even if they are very young - or, in the case of the mentally handicapped, quite old [i'd imagine certain mentally handicapped people could NEVER consent].
  3. APA Press release about a new study result.http://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2014/10/psychological-abuse.aspx
  4. The biggest thing working against Germany is their energy costs rising dramatically due to the Green nonsense.http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials-brain-trust/060914-703954-mark-perry-nuclear-power-is-cleaner-than-the-green-alternatives.htm?p=full
  5. The prevalence of every disease being vaccinated against was on a downward trend LONG before the vaccines were created and vaccination was started.The reduction of disease is because of germ awareness and public sanitation. This includes Polio and Smallpox, the two big poster children for vaccination.For the less dangerous diseases, like mumps, the deaths from vaccine side effects are MANY, MANY more than the possible deaths from the disease. Similarly for the flu shots touted every fall.
  6. Being worried about GMOs comes from ignorance and a lot of propaganda.To express a gene properly in a tissue, you need to be precise about where you insert the genetic sequence, it is not scattershot, it is completely planned.
  7. "Poverty" in sense of not having sufficient food, clothing or shelter is nonexistent in the US unless by choice, and that is easily less than 1%.And most parents are not so prideful as to make their children live on the streets.
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