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    Agriculture, Electroculture, Aquaponics, weightlifting, solitude
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  1. I don't think you have "problems" trusting bad people. You were taught that way since you were initially betrayed by your brothers who you cared for most, right? Just a theory.Stop blaming yourself, it isn't your fault. You were taught to be paranoid because of the horrendous conditions you were brought up in by your parents and mostly your brothers, right? Like constantly being alert if you're going to get attacked by your brothers if things escalate, you were taught to be more alert when this happens...I truly do sympathize. Why did you stop seeing a therapist?
  2. Hi Violet,I'm sorry for what happened to you. Do you know how all this effected your past relationships? Any dysfunctional "habits" that you had to evaluate and fix? Just curious.Turmeric may also help as well. It is a strong anti-inflammatory. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/02/17/Super-Spice-Secrets-This-Miracle-Spice-Stops-Cancer-Alzheimers-and-Arthritis.aspx
  3. I know this is an old thread, but if there's anyone in Tucson wanting to connect, pm/hit me up! I've been wanting to experience what it's like hanging out with fellow FDR members
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